Regulation 15 - Automatic fire alarm and fire detection systems (Method IIIF)
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - SFV - International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels (The Torremolinos Convention)Regulations for the Construction and Equipment of Fishing Vessels - Chapter V - Fire Protection, Fire Detection, Fire Extinction and Fire Fighting - (See also regulation IV/19) - Part B - Fire Safety Measures in Vessels of 60 metres in Length and Over - Regulation 15 - Automatic fire alarm and fire detection systems (Method IIIF)

Regulation 15 - Automatic fire alarm and fire detection systems (Method IIIF)

  (1) In vessels in which method IIIF is adopted an automatic fire alarm and fire detection system of an approved type and complying with the requirements of this regulation shall be installed and so arranged as to detect the presence of fire in an accommodation spaces and service spaces except spaces which afford no substantial fire risk, such as void spaces and sanitary spaces.


  • (a) The system shall be capable of immediate operation at all times and no action of the crew shall be necessary to set it in operation.

  • (b) Each section of detectors shall include means for giving a visible and audible alarm signal automatically at one or more indicating units whenever any detector comes into operation. Such units shall indicate in which section served by the system a fire has occurred and shall be centralized on the wheelhouse and such other positions as will ensure that any alarm from the system is immediately received by the crew. Additionally, arrangements shall be provided to ensure that an alarm is sounded on the deck on which the fire has been detected. Such an alarm and detection system shall be so constructed as to indicate if any fault occurs in the system.

  (3) Detectors shall be grouped into separate sections, each covering not more than 50 rooms served by such a system and containing not more than 100 detectors. Detectors shall be zoned to indicate on which deck a fire has occurred.

  (4) The system shall be operated by an abnormal air temperature, by an abnormal concentration of smoke or by other factors indicative of incipient fire in any one of the spaces to be protected. Systems which are sensitive to air temperature shall not operate at less than 54°C and shall operate at a temperature not greater than 78°C when the temperature increase to those levels is not more than 1°C per minute. At the discretion of the Administration the permissible temperature of operation may be increased to 30°C above the maximum deckhead temperature in drying rooms and similar places of normally high ambient temperature. Systems which are sensitive to smoke concentration shall operate on the reduction of the intensity of a transmitted light beam by an amount to be determined by the Administration. Other equally effective methods of operation may be accepted at the discretion of the Administration. The detection system shall not be used for any purpose other than fire detection.

  (5) The detectors may be arranged to operate the alarm by the opening or closing of contacts or by other appropriate methods. They shall be fitted in an overhead position and shall be suitably protected against impact and physical damage. They shall be suitable for use in a marine atmosphere. They shall be placed in an open position clear of beams and other objects likely to obstruct the flow of hot gases or smoke to the sensitive element. Detectors operated by the closing of contacts shall be of the sealed contact type and the circuit shall be continuously monitored to indicate fault conditions.

  (6) At least one detector shall be installed in each space where detection facilities are required and there shall be not less than one detector for each 37 m2 of deck area approximately. In large spaces the detectors shall be arranged in a regular pattern so that no detector is more than 9 m from another detector or more than 4.5 m from a bulkhead.

  (7) There shall be not less than two sources of power supply for the electrical equipment used in the operation of the fire alarm and fire detection system, one of which shall be an emergency source. The supply shall be provided by separate feeders reserved solely for that purpose. Such feeders shall run to a change-over switch situated in the control station for the fire detection system. The wiring system shall be so arranged as to avoid galleys, machinery spaces and other enclosed spaces having a high fire risk except in so far as it is necessary to provide for fire detection in such spaces or to reach the appropriate switchboard.


  • (a) A list or plan shall be displayed adjacent to each indicating unit showing the spaces covered and the location of the zone in respect of each system. Suitable instructions for testing and maintenance shall be available.

  • (b) Provision shall be made for testing the correct operation of the detectors and the indicating units by supplying means for applying hot air or smoke at detector positions.

  (9) Spare detector heads shall be provided for each section of detectors to the satisfaction of the Administration.

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