1 The time at which annual leave is to be taken
should, unless it is fixed by regulation, collective agreement, arbitration
award or other means consistent with national practice, be determined
by the shipowner after consultation and, as far as possible, in agreement
with the seafarers concerned or their representatives.
2 Seafarers should in principle have the right
to take annual leave in the place with which they have a substantial
connection, which would normally be the same as the place to which
they are entitled to be repatriated. Seafarers should not be required
without their consent to take annual leave due to them in another
place except under the provisions of a seafarers’ employment
agreement or of national laws or regulations.
3 If seafarers are required to take their annual
leave from a place other than that permitted by paragraph 2 of this
Guideline, they should be entitled to free transportation to the place
where they were engaged or recruited, whichever is nearer their home;
subsistence and other costs directly involved should be for the account
of the shipowner; the travel time involved should not be deducted
from the annual leave with pay due to the seafarer.
4 A seafarer taking annual leave should be recalled
only in cases of extreme emergency and with the seafarer’s consent.