HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974,
concerning the safety of ro-ro passenger ships,
NOTING that SOLAS chapter VI requires
cargo units, including containers, to be loaded, stowed and secured
throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual approved
by the Administration,
NOTING FURTHER that the Maritime Safety Committee of the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) is developing provisions
to be included in the Cargo Securing Manual required by SOLAS chapter VI,
BEING OF THE OPINION that cargo units, including vehicles
and containers on ro-ro ships, should be secured using equipment of
adequate strength, under all conditions including heeling,
URGES the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO to include, in
the provisions to be included in the Cargo Securing Manual, minimum
strength requirements for equipment used for securing cargo units,
including vehicles and containers on ro-ro ships, taking into account
forces due to the motion of the ship, angle of heel after damage or
flooding and other considerations relevant to the strength of the
cargo securing arrangements.