HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974,
concerning the safety of ro-ro passenger ships,
NOTING that, in accordance with new SOLAS regulation II-2/28-1, ships constructed
on or after 1 July 1997 are required to have bulkheads and other partitions
forming vertical divisions along escape routes arranged in such a
way as to allow them to be used as walking surfaces at large angles
of heel,
BEING OF THE OPINION that the safety of passengers on ro-ro
passenger ships constructed before 1 July 1997 should be improved
by arranging escape routes in such a way that passengers could escape
at large angles of heel,
RECOGNIZING that implementation of the fire protection requirements
of the 1992 SOLAS amendments may entail modifications to the accommodation
spaces of passenger ships,
URGES Contracting Governments to ensure that, when ro-ro
passenger ships constructed before 1 July 1997 undergo modifications
to the accommodation spaces, consideration is given to the fitting
thereon of bulkheads and partitions of the standard prescribed in
SOLAS regulation II-2/28-1.