5 Operation
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - MARPOL - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships - Unified Interpretations of Annex I - Appendix 4 - Specifications for the design, installation and operation of a part flow system for control of overboard discharges - 5 Operation

5 Operation

  5.1 When a discharge of dirty ballast water or other oil-contaminated water from the cargo tank area is taking place through an outlet below the waterline, the part flow system shall provide sample water from the relevant discharge outlet at all times.

  5.2 The sample water should be observed particularly during those phases of the discharge operation when the greatest possibility of oil contamination occurs. The discharge shall be stopped whenever any traces of oil are visible in the flow and when the oil content meter reading indicates that the oil content exceeds permissible limits.

  5.3 On those systems that are fitted with flushing arrangements, the sample piping should be flushed after contamination has been observed and, additionally, it is recommended that the sample piping be flushed after each period of usage.

  5.4 The ship's cargo and ballast handling manuals and, where applicable, those manuals required for crude oil washing systems or dedicated clean ballast tanks operation shall clearly describe the use of the part flow system in conjunction with the ballast discharge and the slop tank decanting procedures.

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