1 Every ship which, in accordance with regulation 2, is required to comply
with the provisions of this Annex shall be equipped with one of the
following sewage systems:
.1 a sewage treatment plant which shall be of
a type approved by the Administration, taking into account the standards
and test methods developed by the Organizationfootnote, or
.2 a sewage comminuting and disinfecting system
approved by the Administration. Such system shall be fitted with facilities
to the satisfaction of the Administration, for the temporary storage
of sewage when the ship is less than 3 nautical miles from the nearest
land, or
.3 a holding tank of the capacity to the satisfaction
of the Administration for the retention of all sewage, having regard
to the operation of the ship, the number of persons on board and other
relevant factors. The holding tank shall be constructed to the satisfaction
of the Administration and shall have a means to indicate visually
the amount of its contents.
2 By derogation from paragraph 1, every passenger
ship which, in accordance with regulation
2, is required to comply with the provisions of this Annex,
and for which regulation 11.3 applies
while in a special area, shall be equipped with one of the following
sewage systems:
.1 a sewage treatment plant which shall be of
a type approved by the Administration, taking into account the standards
and test methods developed by the Organization,footnote or
.2 a holding tank of the capacity to the satisfaction
of the Administration for the retention of all sewage, having regard
to the operation of the ship, the number of persons on board and other
relevant factors. The holding tank shall be constructed to the satisfaction
of the Administration and shall have a means to indicate visually
the amount of its contents.