Annex 2 - Ecological, Socio-Economic, And Scientific Criteria Of The Jomard Entrance Particularly Sensitive Sea Areafootnote
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Marine Environment Protection Committee - Resolution MEPC.283(70) – Designation of the Jomard Entrance as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area – (Adopted on 28 October 2016) - Annex 2 - Ecological, Socio-Economic, And Scientific Criteria Of The Jomard Entrance Particularly Sensitive Sea Area1

Annex 2 - Ecological, Socio-Economic, And Scientific Criteria Of The Jomard Entrance Particularly Sensitive Sea Areafootnote


1.1 The Jomard Islands consist of two small uninhabited coral cay islands – Jomard Island (also called the Panuwaiyayapuna Island, meaning "long island") and Panarairai Island (also called Panadaludalu, meaning "island of dolphins"). The islands are located on raised reef flats and are fringed by coral reefs of significant size. The morphology of the fringing reef varies from site to site due to the different physical processes that take place on different parts of the island (e.g. wind and wave action). Without the current protection provided by the fringing reefs, the physical processes evident would ultimately erode the islands away. The fringing reef of Jomard Island also provides a significant habitat for marine species such as fish, crustaceans, corals, bivalves and other marine organisms. The marine life surrounding Jomard Island is extremely diverse in nature.

1.2 The beaches at Jomard Island are made up of fine sands and coral rubble. Ground vegetation lines the upper limits of the beach providing stability and protection from eroding processes, while the littoral zone (intertidal zone) is home to corals that have adapted to withstand intense ultraviolet radiation, desiccation and high salinities. The reefs surrounding Jomard Island provides very good shelter for foraging and mating activities for turtles. Furthermore, these diverse reef systems support other marine species like fish, rays, clam and sea cucumber which seek food, refuge and thrive in this healthy ecosystem. The beaches of Jomard Island and its fringing reefs accommodate a number of globally endangered species.

1.3 The terrestrial environment provides shelter for various species of birds like pigeons, crows and sea eagles. Jomard Island has been identified to have the largest turtle-nesting rookery in the southern part of Milne Bay Province. All six species of turtles that may be found in the region are currently listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) as species threatened with extinction, and are also listed in Appendix I and/or Appendix II of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species currently lists the Loggerhead, Leatherback and Olive Ridley turtles as Vulnerable; the Green turtle as Endangered; and the Hawksbill turtle as Critically Endangered.

1.4 Bramble Haven lies to the north-west of the Jomard Islands and consists of a total of five coral cay islands namely, Punawan, Siva, Pananimunimu, Panapwa and Awanagamwana Islands. These islands are important habitat to marine fauna and flora and lie on a reef platform of approximate depth range of 2 metres to 25 meters. The southern part of this group of islands consists of moderately exposed fringing and lagoonal reefs with sand and coral bommies in the shallows and coral ridges running horizontally across the slope. These drop off into deep water. The islands harbour marine species of turtles, giant clam, bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) and humphead (maori) wrasse (Cheilinus undulates) that are on the IUCN Red list of threatened species. Green and hawksbill turtles often utilize these areas for nesting, mating and foraging, while loggerhead turtles transit through the region. This area is commercially exploited at a very low level. Factors that contributes toward this include the location of these islands in relation to human settlement.

1.5 As the PSSA is part of the Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, and is also within the Coral Triangle, the critical habitat, diversity and biogeographic importance criteria are applicable throughout the PSSA. The uniqueness or rarity and fragility criteria apply particularly in the vicinity of the Jomard Islands, with the naturalness criteria particularly applicable around Bramble Haven. The social or economic dependency and human dependency criteria are also applicable in both the Bramble Haven and Jomard Islands. Further details are provided below.


Uniqueness or rarity

2.1 Six of the world's seven marine turtle species can be found in the waters off PNG. These include Hawksbill, Green Turtle, Leatherback, Flatback, Loggerhead and Olive Ridley. (Kinch, J., 2003). Of these, the first three are commonly found in the vicinity of Jomard Entrance. Scientific surveys and anecdotal evidence suggest that PNG has some of the largest remaining populations of these three turtle species in the world today. There is an informal tagging programme for turtle management and conservation at Jomard Islands, as the turtles have been nesting there annually for generations.

2.2 In terms of rarity, all six species of turtles that may be found in the region are currently listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) as species threatened with extinction, and are also listed in Appendix I and/or Appendix II of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ( currently lists the Loggerhead, Leatherback and Olive Ridley turtles as Vulnerable; the Green turtle as Endangered; and the Hawksbill as Critically Endangered (see below).

Turtle Type IUCN Status List
Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) Vulnerable
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) Endangered
Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) Vulnerable
Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) Critically Endangered
Flatback turtle (Natator depressus) Data Deficient
Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) Vulnerable

Critical habitat

2.3 Fifteen marine sub-regions were identified within the Milne Bay Province by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Ocean Flagships, the Louisiade Archipelago has the largest area of reef or reef associated (deep lagoon) habitat, with approximately 800,000 ha, representing 58% of the Archipelago (Skewes et al., 2003 and Skewes et al., 2011).

2.4 As noted above, the area provides a critical habitat for the Hawksbill, Green and Leatherback turtles. According to the IUCN, the overall global decline of the Hawksbill in particular has been in excess of 80% (Mortimer and Donnelly, 2008). In addition to these turtle species, both Bramble Haven and Jomard Island provide habitats for migratory marine and shore birds nesting sites, as well as for all giant clam species (Allen et al., 2003).

2.5 The fringing reef of Jomard Island provides a significant habitat for marine species such as fish, crustaceans, corals, bivalves and other marine organisms (UNESCO, 2016). The marine life surrounding Jomard Island is extremely diverse in nature. These habitats are sensitive to any shipping impact (e.g. oil spills, introduction of harmful marine species, marine debris and physical harm caused by groundings). Jomard Island has been identified to have the largest turtle-nesting rookery in the southern part of Milne Bay Province (UNESCO, 2016).


2.6 The Jomard Entrance ecosystem include pristine reefs with high species endemism that are relatively undisturbed or only commercially exploited at a very low level (see Reef Condition Index value in paragraph 2.9 below).


2.7 Papua New Guinea (PNG) is located in the "Coral Triangle", an epicentre of rich marine biodiversity, see figure 1, and is home to 76% of all know coral species, 37% of all known coral-reef fish species, and 53% of the world's coral reefs. The area is of ecological and scientific significance and has great natural beauty and diversity, as seen in its pristine islands and reefs. Its waters host over 500 species of hard coral, 44 species of mangroves and 14 species of seagrass. PNG's Fourth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (UNEP GEF 2016) notes that:

  • "PNG provides one of the last opportunities for the conservation of significant areas of coral reefs in the western Pacific region of maximum marine biodiversity. Few other locations offer the combination of large areas of high diversity reefs mostly undamaged by human activity; relatively low population size in most coastal areas; a scientific and management community that is committed to sustainable use of marine resources, and a customary land tenure system that can be used to enhance conservation efforts."

2.8 The Conservation International 2000 Rapid Marine Biodiversity Assessment (Allen et al. 2003) of the Milne Bay Province listed Punawan Island at Bramble Haven as the fifth most coral diverse of the 57 sites surveyed, with 107 coral species observed. The assessment also listed both Punawan and Jomard Islands as among the best sites in Milne Bay with a rich combination of coral and fish diversity, as well as being relatively free of damage and disease.

2.9 The 2000 Assessment also assessed reef condition at 57 sites in Milne Bay Province. Reef condition is a term pertaining to the general "health" of a particular site as determined by assessment of key variables including natural and human-induced environmental damage and general biodiversity as defined by major indicator groups (corals and fishes). A Reef Condition Index (RCI) value – derived from three components: coral diversity, fish diversity, and relative damage from human and natural causes – as calculated for each site. The results of this analysis indicated that the Louisiade Archipelago is included in the geographical area with the highest ranking Reef Condition Index. Overall, the RCI for the Milne Bay Province was significantly greater that the values obtained at previously surveyed reefs in other parts of the Coral Triangle.

Figure 1 – Map showing Coral Triangle


2.10 The 2000 Rapid Marine Biodiversity Assessment of Milne Pay Province (Allen et al. 2003) concluded that Punawan Island at Bramble Haven was one of the six sites in the Province (from a total of 57 sites surveyed) that rated highly from an aesthetic point of view (good diversity, pristine condition, extensive cover, and good visibility). Most indicators show that Milne Bay's reefs are in remarkably good condition, especially compared to other areas in the Coral Triangle. While coral bleaching has occurred several times in limited areas of Milne Bay, this has mostly been limited to the northern areas of less than 10 degrees south.


2.11 Jomard Island is a small coral cay island constructed on reef platforms, which have reached sea level during the Holocene. The island is fringed by a coral reef of significant size. The morphology of the fringing reef varies from site to site due to the different physical processes that take place on different parts of the island (e.g. wind and wave action). Without the current protection provided by the fringing reef, the physical processes evident will ultimately erode the island away (UNESCO, 2016).

2.12 A 2011 assessment of the coastal and marine ecosystem assets of Milne Bay found that the Louisiade Archipelago would be one of the subregions most impacted, taking into account sensitivity, exposure and weighting of ecosystem assets, climate change and human pressures (Skewes et al., 2001).

Bio-geographic importance

2.13 Milne Bay by nature of being a series of variable island chains in close proximity to the large island of New Guinea has led to very high levels of endemism across virtually all taxa. These islands are a part of the Woodlark and Pocklington Rises that are separated by active seabed floor spreading. The islands range from mountainous volcanic chains through to coralline, makateas, atolls and sand cays, and their associated sea mounts and shelf; sunken, fringing and barrier reefs. Milne Bay has disproportionate biodiversity richness and endemism for its size (Andr้fou๋t et al., 2006).


Social or economic dependency

3.1 PNG's human population (~10 million inhabitants, 2016) has strong economic, social and cultural ties with the sea. PNG's marine resources are an important source of economic livelihood in the extensive rural portions of the country's islands and coastal areas. They support a private sector fishing industry that is a significant source of government revenue. (Asian Development Bank, 2016).

3.2 Tuna and shrimp are the major commodities comprising PNG's commercial fisheries. The 2010 tuna catch totalled 799,000 tons, while the shrimp catch has averaged about US$10.5 million in recent years. Within the PSSA Panuwaiyayapuna and Panarairai Islands are both important sites for subsistence artisanal fishing and diving for commercially valuable resources, while Punaman Island is an important site of sea cucumbers for beche-de-mer and trochus harvesting.

Human dependency

3.3 PNG's waters are vital to the subsistence of its inhabitants and the nation's economy, with the sea acting as a "supermarket" for coastal community residents. Fish is a major source of dietary protein, particularly in island and coastal areas, evident in the relatively high annual per capita fish consumption of coastal community residents, which is estimated at 53.3 kilograms (Asian Development Bank, 2016).

3.4 Marine resource use in the Louisiade Islands is artisanal in nature, providing for subsistence needs as well as limited small-scale commercial production. Because of a lack of regularly scheduled cargo transport and the absence of refrigeration facilities, commercial harvesting primarily targets non-perishable, high-value invertebrate products. Residents of some of the smaller islands are especially dependent on income from harvesting resources such as sea cucumbers for beche-de-mer.

Cultural heritage

3.5 Traditional shell "money", locally known as "bagi" made from Spondylus shell is also extensively extracted and manufactured in the Louisiade Islands. These bagi flow along the Louisiade Archipelago and are eventually modified and fed into Kula Ring.

3.6 With the importance of the marine resources for islanders' wellbeing, many traditional legends, dances and hymns are linked to it. Many still ply the waters to these islands in either traditional sailing canoes or dinghies maintaining their seamanship and navigational skills in doing so (Smaalders and Kinch, 2003).



4.1 CSIRO Division of Marine Research, PNG National Fisheries Authority and Conservation International conducted a joint marine stock assessment of the abundance of reef resources and sustainable use of beche-de-mer resources for Milne Bay in 2001. This included the islands of the Jomard Passage (Skewes et al., 2002)

Baseline for monitoring studies

4.2 Geo-referenced dive sites from the Conservational International Marine RAP of 2000, the stock assessment mentioned in paragraph 4.1, ongoing turtle monitoring and tag retrieval data held by SPREP (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program) and Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service as well as 2015 National Maritime Safety Authority Surveys are current baselines. Permanent transects need to be established to establish a standardized baseline.

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