3.6 Air-locks
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - 1983 IGC Code - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk - Chapter 3 Ship Arrangements - 3.6 Air-locks

3.6 Air-locks

  3.6.1 An airlock should only be permitted between a gas-dangerous zone on the open weather deck and a gas-safe space and should consist of two steel doors substantially gastight spaced at least 1.5 m but not more than 2.5 m apart.

  3.6.2 The doors should be self-closing and without any holding back arrangements.

  3.6.3 An audible and visual alarm system to give a warning on both sides of the airlock should be provided to indicate if more than one door is moved from the closed position.

  3.6.4 In ships carrying flammable products, electrical equipment which is not of the certified safe type in spaces protected by airlocks should be de-energized upon loss of overpressure in the space (see also 10.1.4). Electrical equipment which is not of the certified safe type for manoeuvring, anchoring and mooring equipment as well as the emergency fire pumps should not be located in spaces to be protected by airlocks.

  3.6.5 The airlock space should be mechanically ventilated from a gas-safe space and maintained at an overpressure to the gas-dangerous zone on the open weather deck.

  3.6.6 The airlock space should be monitored for cargo vapour.

  3.6.7 Subject to the requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines in force, the door sill should not be less than 300 mm in height.

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