RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee conferred upon
it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution from
NOTING resolutions MEPC.314(74), MEPC.316(74) and MEPC.317(74), by which it adopted amendments to MARPOL Annexes I,
II, V and VI
and the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel
Engines (NOX Technical Code 2008), respectively, to enable the
use of electronic record books,
RECOGNIZING the need to develop guidance for the use of electronic record books,
HAVING CONSIDERED, at its seventy-fourth session, the draft Guidelines for the use of
electronic record books under MARPOL,
prepared by the Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response, at its fifth
1 ADOPTS the Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL, the text of which is set out in the annex to this
2 INVITES Governments to apply the Guidelines as soon as possible, or when the
above-mentioned amendments to MARPOL Annexes I,
II, V and VI
and the NOX Technical Code 2008 enter into force;
3 AGREES to keep the Guidelines under review in light of experience gained.