15.10.1 Cargo tank ventilation
shall be provided to maintain the concentration of hydrogen sulphide
below one half of its lower explosive limit through-out the cargo
tank vapour space for all conditions of carriage (i.e. below 1.85%
by volume).
15.10.2 Where mechanical
ventilation systems are used for maintaining low gas concentrations
in cargo tanks, an alarm system shall be provided to give warning
if the system fails.
15.10.3 Ventilation systems
shall be so designed and arranged as to preclude depositing of sulphur
within the system.
15.10.4 Openings to void
spaces adjacent to cargo tanks shall be so designed and fitted as
to prevent the entry of water, sulphur or cargo vapour.
15.10.5 Connections shall
be provided to permit sampling and analysing of vapour in void spaces.
15.10.6 Cargo temperature
controls shall be provided to ensure that the temperature of the sulphur
does not exceed 155°C.
15.10.7 Sulphur (molten)
has a flashpoint above 60°C ; however, electrical equipment shall
be certified safe for gases evolved.