In the List of Substances referred to in paragraph 2(a)
of Article 1 of the Protocol relating to Intervention on the High
Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil, 1973, set
out in the Annex to resolution MEPC.100(48), paragraph 2 is replaced
by the following:
Noxious Liquid Substances, as
defined in Annex II to MARPOL 73/78,
as amended, when carried in bulk, and identified:
.1 as Pollution Category X or Y, in:
Chapter 17 of the
International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code); or
.2 Lists 1 to 4 of MEPC.2/Circulars, issued annually
in December; or
.2 in the composite list of GESAMP Hazard Profiles,
issued periodically as BLG circulars, with either: