7.13 Fixed sprinkler system
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - HSC 2000 Code - International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 – Resolution MSC.97(73) - Chapter 7 - Fire safety - PART B - REQUIREMENTS FOR PASSENGER CRAFT - 7.13 Fixed sprinkler system

7.13 Fixed sprinkler system

  7.13.1 Public spaces and service spaces, crew accommodation areas where sleeping berths are provided, storage rooms other than those containing flammable liquids, and similar spaces shall be protected by a fixed sprinkler system based on the standards developed by the Organization.footnoteA stairway open at one deck shall be considered part of the space to which it is open and consequently shall be protected by any sprinkler system provided for that space. Manually operated sprinkler systems shall be divided into sections of appropriate size and the valves for each section, start of sprinkler pump(s) and alarms shall be capable of being operated from two spaces separated as widely as possible, one of which shall be a continuously manned control station. In category B craft, no section of the system shall serve more than one of the zones required in 7.11.

  7.13.2 Plans of the system shall be displayed at each operating station. Suitable arrangements shall be made for the drainage of water discharged when the system is activated.

  7.13.3 Category A craft need not comply with the requirements of 7.13.1 and 7.13.2 providing that:

  • smoking is not permitted;
  • sales shops, galleys, service spaces, ro-ro spaces and cargo spaces are not fitted;
  • the maximum number of passengers carried does not exceed 200; and
  • the voyage duration at 90% of maximum speed from departure port to destination when fully laden does not exceed 2 hours.

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