SOLAS 1974
up to and including 2015
amendments (res. MSC.392(95) except chapter XI-2,
regulation V/19-1 and ISPS Code)
up to and including the 2012
amendments (res. MSC.341(91))
up to and including the 2004
amendments (res. MSC.158(78))
as adopted
up to and including the 2012
amendments (res. MSC.342(91))
as adopted
as adopted by res. MSC.337(91)
up to and including the 2015
amendments (res. MSC.398(95)) (part B only)
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MSC.367(93))
up to and including the 2010
amendments (res. MSC.307(88))
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MSC.368(93))
up to and including the 2015
amendments (res. MSC.393(95))
up to and including the 2002
amendments (MSC/Circ.1026)
up to and including the 1991
amendments (res. MSC.23(59))
up to and including the 2014 amendments
(res. MSC.372(93))
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MSC.369(93) and res. MEPC.250(66))
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MSC.370(93))
up to and including the 2007
amendments (res. MSC.241(83))
up to and including the 2013
amendments (res. MSC.353(92))
up to and including the 2013
amendments (res. MSC.351(92))
up to and including the 2013
amendments (res. MSC.352(92))
as adopted by res. MSC.349(92) and MEPC.237(65)
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MSC.381(94))
up to and including 2014
amendments (res. MSC.390(94))
no amendments yet adopted
no amendments yet adopted
no amendments yet adopted
as adopted by res. A.1070(28)
as adopted by res. MSC.385(94) and res. MEPC.264(68)
as adopted by res. MSC.391(95)
up to and including the 2015
amendments (res. MSC.394(95))
up to and including the 2015
amendments (res. MSC.395(95))
up to and including the 2016
amendments (res. MEPC.271(69))
as adopted by res. MEPC.237(65) and MSC.349(92)
up to and including the 2013
amendments (res. MEPC.236(65))
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MEPC.250(66) and MSC.369(93))
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MEPC. 249(66) and MSC.376(93))
up to and including the 2016
amendments res. MEPC.272(69))
as adopted by res. A.1070(28)
as adopted by res. MEPC.264(68) and res. MSC.385(94)
STCW 1978
up to and including the 2015
amendments (res. MSC.396 (95)), except Regs. VI/5.2,
6.3 and 6.6
up to and including the 2015
amendments (res. MSC.397(95))
as adopted by res. A.1070(28)
LL 1966
up to and including the 2005
amendments (res. A.972(24))
LL PROT 1988
up to and including the 2014
amendments (res. MSC.375(93))
as adopted by res. MSC.349(92)
as adopted by res. A.1070(28)
no amendments yet adopted
as adopted by res. A.1070(28)
up to and including the 2001
amendments (res. A.910(22))
as adopted by res. A.1070(28)