RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment
Protection Committee,
RECALLING ALSO resolution A.673(16) by
which the Assembly adopted the Guidelines for the transport and handling
of limited amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk
on offshore support vessels (LHNS Guidelines),
NOTING that the Assembly, by the aforementioned resolution,
authorized the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment
Protection Committee to amend the Guidelines as may be necessary,
NOTING ALSO that the Maritime Safety Committee will, at
its eighty-third session in 2007, adopt the Guidelines for the design
and construction of offshore supply vessels (OSV Guidelines),
NOTING FURTHER that the LHNS Guidelines were referred to
in, and applied in addition to, the OSV Guidelines, stipulating that
where the Guidelines set forth alternative safety standards to those
contained in the OSV Guidelines, the provisions of the LHNS Guidelines
should be followed,
BEING DESIROUS of keeping the LHNS Guidelines up to date,
NOTING that it is highly desirable for the provisions of
the LHNS Guidelines to remain identical when adopted by the Maritime
Environment Protection Committee and the Maritime Safety Committee,
1. ADOPTS the amendments to the Guidelines for
the transport and handling of limited amounts of hazardous and noxious
liquid substances in bulk on offshore support vessels (resolution A.673(16)), the text of which
is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;
2. INVITES all Governments to take appropriate
steps to give effect to the annexed amendments to the LHNS Guidelines;
3. INVITES ALSO the Maritime Safety Committee
to note this resolution and take action as appropriate.