Appendix 2 – Measurement of length of Char or Material Destruction
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - 2010 FTP Code – International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 20101 – Resolution MSC.307(88) - Annex 1 – Fire Test Procedures - Part 7 – Test for Vertically Supported Textiles and Films - Appendix 2 – Measurement of length of Char or Material Destruction

Appendix 2 – Measurement of length of Char or Material Destruction

1 Apparatus

 A hook and weight assembly shall be used to determine the length of char or destruction of the specimen. The combined mass of the assembly shall be as indicated in table 1.

Table 1 – Mass to tear charred fabric

Mass of fabric being tested (g/m2) Total mass used to tear fabric (g)
smaller than 200 100
200 - 600 200
greater than 600 400

2 Method

 After all flaming and afterglow on the specimen have ceased, the length of char or material destruction shall be determined immediately. The length of char in this test is defined as the distance from the end of the specimen which was exposed to the flame to the end of a tear made lengthwise in the specimen through the centre of the charred area in the following manner:

  • .1 the edge of the highest or greatest char penetration of the sample shall be inspected to determine if as a result of thermoplastic behaviour a thickening of the edge has developed as a result of the test. If this has occurred a cut shall be made, after cooling, only sufficiently deep to cut through the highest portion of this thickened edge of the charred specimen;

  • .2 the specimen shall be folded parallel to its length and lightly creased through the maximum visible portion of the charred length;

  • .3 the hook shall be inserted in the specimen, on one side of the charred area, 8 mm in from the adjacent outside edge and 8 mm up from the bottom; and

  • .4 the specimen shall then be grasped with the fingers on the opposite side of the charred area, and raised gently until it supports the weight. The specimen will tear through the charred area until fabric strong enough to carry the load is reached.

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