Article 8
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - ILO Conventions - ILO 92 - International Labour Conference (ILO) Convention No. 92 - Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Revised 1949) - Articles - Part III. Crew Accommodation Requirements - Article 8

Article 8

  1. An adequate system of heating the crew accommodation shall be provided except in ships engaged exclusively in voyages in the tropics and the Persian Gulf.

  2. The heating system shall, when practicable, be in operation at all times when the crew is living or working on board and conditions require its use.

  3. In all ships in which a heating system is required, the heating shall be by means of steam, hot water, warm air or electricity.

  4. In any ships in which heating is provided by a stove, measures shall be taken to ensure that the stove is of sufficient size and is properly installed and guarded and that the air is not fouled.

  5. The heating system shall be capable of maintaining the temperature in crew accommodation at a satisfactory level under normal conditions of weather and climate likely to be met with on service; the competent authority shall prescribe the standard to be provided.

  6. Radiators and other heating apparatus shall be so placed and, where necessary, shielded as to avoid risk of fire or danger or discomfort to the occupants.

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