1 Background
1.1 IMO has recognized the importance of preventing pollution by garbage, including
plastics, from ships since the adoption of MARPOL Annex
V. IMO has also recognized the importance of preventing the dumping of
various types of waste, including plastics, into the sea through the Convention on
the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972
(London Convention or LC) and its 1996 Protocol (London Protocol or LP). IMO has
also committed to working closely with a number of partners to address the issue of
marine plastic litter. However, studies demonstrate that, despite the existing
regulatory framework to prevent marine plastic litter from ships, discharges into
the sea continue to occur.
1.2 IMO recognized the ongoing problem of marine plastic pollution required further
consideration, in pursuance of the target of Sustainable Development Goal 14 to
prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds by 2025. In
recognition of the urgency to address marine plastic litter from ships, IMO adopted
the Action Plan to Address Marine Plastic Litter from Ships (resolution MEPC.310(73)).
2 Vision
2.1 IMO remains committed to reducing marine plastic litter entering the marine
environment from all ships, including fishing vessels. As a matter of urgency, IMO
aims to strengthen the international framework and compliance with the relevant IMO
instruments, endeavouring to achieve zero plastic waste discharges to sea from ships
by 2025.
3 Objective and outcomes
3.1 The objective of this Strategy is to guide the implementation of the Action Plan
to best achieve the outcomes of the Action Plan, by the establishment of a timeline
and identification of appropriate modalities.
3.2 In considering the Action Plan, it is useful to consider the following outcomes
as key goals:
.1 reduction of marine plastic litter generated from, and retrieved by,
fishing vessels;
.2 reduction of shipping's contribution to marine plastic litter; and
.3 improvement of the effectiveness of port reception and facilities and
treatment in reducing marine plastic litter;
and the following further efforts which could aid in achieving the goals, inter alia:
.4 enhanced public awareness, education and seafarer training;
.5 improved understanding of the contribution of ships to marine plastic
.6 improved understanding of the regulatory framework associated with marine
plastic litter from ships;
.7 strengthened international cooperation; and
.8 targeted technical cooperation and capacity-building.
4 Time frame
4.1 The following groups of actions under the Action Plan have been identified:
.1 actions that can be progressed now by relevant sub-committees, which could
be referred to as short-term actions;
.2 actions that may be reliant on the outcomes of the IMO Study on marine
plastic litter, or other relevant research, in order to progress, which
could be referred to as mid-term actions;
.3 actions which require concrete proposals to the Committee in order to
progress, and could therefore be considered long-term actions; and
.4 actions which would continuously be addressed over the life of the Action
4.2 The table grouping short-, mid-, long-term and continuous actions is set out in
annex 1.
4.3 In line with the time frames provided in Sustainable Development Goal 14, the
actions of the Action Plan should be completed or in progress by 2025. The time
frame and actions associated with progressing short-, mid-, long-term and continuous
actions; the IMO Study on Marine Plastic Litter; and the review and evaluation of
actions up to 2025; is set out in annex 2.
5 Method of work
5.1 The impact on small island developing States and on remote locations such as
polar regions when planning for the discharge of waste to land-based facilities
(action item 18), should be considered when progressing each individual action
related to addressing the discharge of plastic litter to reception facilities.
5.2 The actions in the Action Plan will be reviewed at MEPC based on follow-up
proposals and commenting documents by interested Member States and international
organizations. Following such a review, the Committee would instruct the PPR
Sub-Committee or other sub-committees, as appropriate, to undertake work only on
actions for which a well-defined scope of work had been developed.
5.3 During the ongoing development of the Action Plan, consideration should be given
to how to assess compliance and effectiveness of actions.
5.4 For actions where the coordinating/associated organ is a sub-committee under MSC,
the preferred way forward will be for proposals for a new output to be submitted to
MSC in order for MSC to instruct the appropriate sub-committee accordingly.
5.5 For actions where the coordinating/associated organ is another committee,
submission of documents to the relevant committee will be the preferred way
6 Monitoring, evaluation and review
6.1 This Strategy will be monitored and evaluated to ensure that it continues to
deliver against its objective and outcomes. In this regard, IMO will carry out a
comprehensive review of the Strategy in 2025.
6.2 In accordance with resolution MEPC.310(73), IMO will also undertake a review of the Action
Plan in 2023.