1 CAA: Complete as appropriate, (x) for the answer
"yes" and "applicable" or a (–) for the answers "no" and "not
applicable", as appropriate for section 3 on the Notes section of
the Supplement.
2 Rows 1-5: Completed only where one or more entries
are to be made in rows 6-14. For rows 3-5 the terms are defined by
the given cross references.
3 Date of installation: As per unified interpretation
on time of replacement of an engine in MEPC.1/Circ.795/Rev.2.
4 Identical engine: As per unified interpretation
on identical replacement engines in MEPC.1/Circ.795/Rev.2. This UI defines what represents an "identical" engine and
hence, by application of the converse, what represents a "non-identical"
5 Note A: Under the original regulation 13 (regulation
13(2)(a)(i)) the definition of the replacement engine provided that
for a ship constructed before 1 January 2000 it was possible, after
1 January 2000, to install an uncertified identical or non-identical
replacement engine built before 1 January 2000 which was still in
its pre-1 January 2000 condition (it had not been subject to a major
conversion as given under sub-points (ii) or (iii) of that regulation)
which was not identical. This provision altered with the 2008 revision,
however, such an uncertified engine, even if "non-identical" as now
defined, should, since it was compliant with the requirements of regulation
13 as it then existed, for the purposes of the revised Annex be considered
in that context as "identical".
6 Note B: Where an engine installed on a ship
constructed before 1 January 2000 was, after 1 January 2000, subject
to a major conversion (substantial modification or MCR increased more
than 10%), that engine needed to have been certified to tier I. If
that engine is now replaced under the terms of the revised annex then,
for the replacement engine to be considered identical, it must be
identical to the previous engine after the application of the major
7 Rows 8-11: The relevant entry is to be made
against the particular regulation subsection which results in the
tier the engine has been certified to.
8 Row 12: This row entry is completed on verification
that an Approved Method has been installed, following the survey procedure
as given in the Approved Method File.
9 Row 13: Where an Approved Method is "not commercially
available" it needs to be reassessed and the shipowner will need to
reinvestigate that point, at each scheduled survey.
10 Row 14: This reflects regulation 13.7.3 and resolution MEPC.243(66), that where an
engine to which an Approved Method nominally applies has been altered
away from its original condition, the basis on which the Approved
Method (regulation 13.7.5) was assessed cannot be assumed to apply.
In such cases, the Approved Method certifier would issue a letter
officially indicating to all interested parties that a particular
Approved Method was not applicable.