3.5.1 The specimen of the "A" and "B" class constructions
shall be constructed from non-combustible materials. The following
exceptions are permissible:
.1 adhesives and vapour barriers used in the construction
of the specimen are not required to be non-combustible; however, they
shall have low flame-spread characteristics;
.2 sealing materials used in penetration systems;
.3 seals for gas-, water- and weather-tight doors;
.4 seals for windows; and
.5 filling material within glazing systems.
Adhesives and sealing materials used in testing of penetration
systems shall be used in the actual structure. Materials mentioned
in paragraphs to may be installed in constructions
of the specimen. Such inclusions shall be stated in the test report.
The material used in the test shall not be replaced by any
other materials that have not been tested in accordance with this
Code and/or accepted by the Administration.
Thermal radiation through windows Where thermal radiation through windows
is required to be limited by an Administration, the window assembly
may be tested and evaluated in accordance with appendix 3 to this
part. The cotton-wool pad need not be used on
the unexposed face after the period relevant to the insulation classification
of the product.