2 Fire Test Procedure and Criteria for Fire-Restricting Materials
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - 2010 FTP Code – International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 20101 – Resolution MSC.307(88) - Annex 1 – Fire Test Procedures - Part 10 – Test for Fire–Restricting Materials for High-Speed Craft - 2 Fire Test Procedure and Criteria for Fire-Restricting Materials

2 Fire Test Procedure and Criteria for Fire-Restricting Materials

2.1 General

 Surface materials on bulkheads, wall and ceiling linings including their supporting structure, furniture, and other structural or interior components required to be fire-restricting materials by the provisions of the 1994 HSC Code or 2000 HSC Code shall be tested and evaluated in accordance with the fire test procedures specified in appendix 1 to this part.

2.2 Definition of fire-restricting materials

  Fire-restricting materials is as defined in the 2000 HSC Code.

2.3 Surface materials on bulkheads, wall and ceiling linings, including their supporting structure

  2.3.1 Test procedures

 Surface materials on bulkheads, wall and ceiling linings, including their supporting structure shall be tested to standard ISO 9705 as described in appendix 1 to this part. Bulkheads, wall and ceiling linings shall be tested in their end-use configuration, including any surface finish materials.

  2.3.2 Criteria

 Surface materials on bulkheads, wall and ceiling linings including their supporting structure are qualified as "fire-restricting material" if, during the testing time of 20 min according to appendix 1 to this part, the following six criteria are met:

  • .1 the time average of heat release rate (HRR) excluding the HRR from the ignition source does not exceed 100 kW;

  • .2 the maximum HRR excluding the HRR from the ignition source does not exceed 500 kW averaged over any 30 s period of time during the test;

  • .3 the time average of the smoke production rate does not exceed 1.4 m2/s;

  • .4 the maximum value of the smoke production rate does not exceed 8.3 m2/s averaged over any period of 60 s during the test;

  • .5 flame spread shall not reach any further down the walls of the test room than 0.5 m from the floor excluding the area which is within 1.2 m from the corner where the ignition source is located; and

  • .6 no flaming drops or debris of the test specimen may reach the floor of the test room outside the area which is within 1.2 m from the corner where the ignition source is located.

  2.3.3 Other usage of the materials qualified as "fire-restricting materials"

 Materials which are qualified as "fire-restricting materials" by paragraph 2.3.2 using the test method described in paragraph 2.3.1 may be used for furniture or other components if the material closely represents the configuration tested as a room lining in its actual end use (i.e. similar thickness and surface finish).

2.4 Materials used for furniture and other components

  2.4.1 Test procedures

 Materials used for furniture and other components shall be tested as described in appendix 2 to this part (this does not include vertically supported textiles and films, upholstery, or bedding which shall be tested in accordance with parts 7 to 9, respectively, of this annex).

  2.4.2 Criteria

 Materials used for furniture and other components are qualified as "fire-restricting material" if the following four criteria are fulfilled:

  • .1 the time to ignition (TIG) is greater than 20 s;

  • .2 the maximum 30-second sliding average heat release rate (HRR30,max) does not exceed 60 kW/m2;

  • .3 the total heat release (THR) does not exceed 20 MJ/m2;

  • .4 the time average smoke production rate (SPRavg) does not exceed 0.005 m2/s.

3 Test Report

 The test report shall include the information in paragraph 9 of appendix 1 or paragraph 12 of appendix 2 and designation of the material according to the test criteria specified in paragraph 2 above.

4 Reference Documents

 ISO 9705, Fire tests – Full-scale room test for surface products.

 ISO 5660-1, Reaction-to-fire tests – Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate – Part 1: Heat release rate (cone calorimeter method).

 ISO 5660-2, Reaction-to-fire tests – Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate – Part 2: Smoke production rate (dynamic measurement).

 ISO 14697, Reaction to fire tests – Guidance on the choice of substrates for building and transport products.

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