Article 7
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - ILO Conventions - ILO 92 - International Labour Conference (ILO) Convention No. 92 - Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Revised 1949) - Articles - Part III. Crew Accommodation Requirements - Article 7

Article 7

  1. Sleeping rooms and mess rooms shall be adequately ventilated.

  2. The system of ventilation shall be controlled so as to maintain the air in a satisfactory condition and to ensure a sufficiency of air movement in all conditions of weather and climate.

  3. Ships regularly engaged on voyages in the tropics and the Persian Gulf shall be equipped with both mechanical means of ventilation and electric fans: Provided that one only of these means need be adopted in spaces where this ensures satisfactory ventilation.

  4. Ships engaged outside the tropics shall be equipped with either mechanical means of ventilation or electric fans. The competent authority may exempt ships normally employed in the cold waters of the northern or southern hemispheres from this requirement.

  5. Power for the operation of the aids to ventilation required by paragraphs 3 and 4 shall, when practicable, be available at all times when the crew is living or working on board and conditions so require.

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