Annex 1 - Description of Jomard Entrance Particularly Sensitive Sea Areafootnote
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Marine Environment Protection Committee - Resolution MEPC.283(70) – Designation of the Jomard Entrance as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area – (Adopted on 28 October 2016) - Annex 1 - Description of Jomard Entrance Particularly Sensitive Sea Area1

Annex 1 - Description of Jomard Entrance Particularly Sensitive Sea Areafootnote

 Description of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area

To minimize the risk of damage from ship groundings and pollution damage by international shipping activities and to protect the area's unique and threatened species as well as to preserve as far as practicable its critical habitat and diversity, mariners should exercise extreme care when navigating in the area bounded by the geographical coordinates of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area, provided below, and adhere to the Associated Protective Measures set out in annex 4.

All geographical positions are based on WGS 84. Listed number refer to figure 1.

No. Latitude Longitude
1 11°10.00'S 151°53.00'E
2 11°26.00'S 151°59.90'E
3 11°26.00'S 152°08.24'E
4 11°23.00'S 152°13.00'E
5 11°10.00'S 152°13.00'E

Figure 1 – Map showing the PSSA and newly established IMO routeing systems

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