17.5.1 Emergency instructions including a general
diagram of the craft showing the location of all exits, routes of
evacuation, emergency equipment, life-saving equipment and appliances
and illustration of life-jacket donning should be available to each
passenger and placed near each passenger's seat.
17.5.2 Attention of passengers should be drawn
to the provisions of the emergency instructions on boarding.
17.5.3 Emergency fire and evacuation drills for
the crew should be held on board the craft at intervals not exceeding
one week.
17.5.4 Personnel with enclosed space entry or
rescue responsibilities should participate in an enclosed space entry
and rescue drill, to be held on board the craft, at least once every
two months. Enclosed space entry and rescue drills should be planned
and conducted in a safe manner, taking into account, as appropriate,
the guidance provided in the recommendations developed by the Organizationfootnote.