HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974,
concerning the safety of ro-ro passenger ships,
CONSIDERING that new SOLAS regulation
V/23 requires that a list of all limitations on the operation
of passenger ships to which SOLAS chapter I applies
should be kept on board so as to be readily available to the master,
BEING OF THE OPINION that it would be desirable that, where
operational limitations on a passenger ship exist, a list of all limitations
on the operation of the ship should be kept on board and updated,
when necessary, regardless of whether the passenger ship is engaged
on international voyages or not,
URGES Contracting Governments to ensure that lists of all
operational limitations are maintained on board and kept up-to-date
on all their passenger ships so as to be readily available for the
information of the master.