For the purpose of this Code, Unless expressly provided
otherwise, the terms used therein have the meanings defined in the
following paragraphs. Additional definitions are given in the general
parts of the various chapters.
1.4.1 "Dynamically Supported Craft" is a craft
which is operable on or above water and which has characteristics
so different from those of conventional displacement ships, to which
the existing International Conventions, particularly the Safety and Load Line Conventions, apply, that alternative measures
should be used in order to achieve an equivalent level of safety.
Within the aforementioned generality, a craft which complies with
either of the following characteristics would be considered a dynamically
supported craft:
(a) the weight, or a significant part thereof,
is balanced in one mode of operation by other than hydrostatic forces;
(b) the craft is able to operate at speeds such
that the function is equal to, or greater than 0.9. Where "v" is maximum
speed, "L" is the waterline length and "g" is the acceleration due
to gravity, all in consistent units.
1.4.2 "Air-cushion vehicle" is a craft such that
the whole or a significant part of its weight can be supported, whether
at rest or in motion, by a continuously generated cushion of air dependent
for its effectiveness on the proximity of the surface over which the
craft operates.
1.4.3 "Hydrofoil boat" is a craft which is supported
above the water surface in normal operating conditions by hydrodynamic
forces generated on foils.
1.4.4 "Side wall craft" is an air-cushion vehicle
whose walls extending along the sides are permanently immersed hard
1.4.5 "Administration" means the Government of
the State whose flag the craft is entitled to fly.
1.4.6 "Organization" means the Inter-Governmental
Maritime Consultative Organization.
1.4.7 "Safety Convention" is the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, in force.
1.4.8 "Load Line Convention" is the International
Convention on Load Lines, in force.
1.4.9 "Passenger" is every person other than:
1.4.10 "Place of refuge" is any naturally or artificially
sheltered area which may be used as a shelter by a craft under conditions
likely to endanger its safety. Suitable communication and transport
facilities should be available.
1.4.11 "Base port" is a port with:
(a) appropriate facilities providing continuous
radiocommunication with the craft at all times while in ports and
at sea, if required;
(b) where Very High Frequency (VHF) is required
for the craft:
(i) appropriate facilities providing VHF radiocommunication
at all times with the craft while in the vicinity of the port; and
(ii) access to facilities providing radiocommunication
with the craft at all times when operating beyond the range of the
VHF facilities provided in subparagraph (i);
(c) means for obtaining a reliable weather forecast
for the corresponding region and its due transmission to all craft
in operation;
(d) access to facilities provided with appropriate
rescue and survival equipment; and
(e) access to craft maintenance services with
appropriate equipment.
1.4.12 "Worst intended conditions" means the specified
environmental conditions within which the intentional operation of
the craft is provided for in the certification of the craft. This
should take into account parameters such as the worst conditions of
wind force, allowable wave height (including unfavourable combinations
of length and direction of waves), minimum air temperature, visibility
and depth of water for safe operation and such other parameters as
the Administration may require in considering the type of craft in
the area of operation.
1.4.13 "Critical design conditions" means the
limiting specified conditions chosen for design purposes, which should
be more severe than the "worst intended conditions" by a suitable
margin acceptable to the Administration.
1.4.14 "Lightweight" is the displacement of the
craft without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh water
and feedwater in tanks, consumable stores, passengers and crew and
their effects.
1.4.15 "Maximum operational weight" means the
overall weight up to which operation in the intended mode is permitted
by the Administration.