RECALLING article 38(c) of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment
Protection Committee,
NOTING with satisfaction the entry into force on 6 July
1993 of new regulations 13F and 13G of annex I of MARPOL 73/78
which make the double hull or equivalent construction mandatory for
new oil tankers and provide for upgrading of existing oil tankers,
RECOGNIZING the significant contribution which the implementation
of these regulations would make to the protection of the marine environment,
RECALLING concern expressed during its thirty-fourth session
regarding possible stability problems in the operation of tankers
having cargo tanks without subdivision by longitudinal bulkheads,
BEING OF THE OPINION that the designs of oil tankers should
not place an additional burden on the master and crew of such ships
through difficulty of operation, e.g., during loading, discharging,
ballasting, deballasting and sailing with partial loads,
.1 RECOMMENDS that designers, builders and owners
are encouraged to take this opinion into account in the process of
the design, construction and commissioning of new tonnage;
.2 INVITES Member Governments, when assessing
the stability and other safety properties of oil tankers, to take
due account of all relevant operational properties of such ships,
in particular, those of importance during loading, discharging, ballasting,
deballasting and sailing with partially filled tanks.