The heeling moments evaluated
by wind tests, Mwind
, and drifting tests, Mwater
, were substituted into equation (N-3.7) (the same
as equation (1.1) of the Guidelines) and the wind heeling lever, lw1
, was calculated as a function of heel angle as shown
in figure 3.7 and figure 3.8.
In figure 3.7, the heeling levers due to wind (Mwind
/ Δ ) and drift motion ( water Mwater/
Δ ) are also included. In both figures, lw1
angles greater than 30° is assumed to keep the same value as at
30° (see paragraph 1.6 of the Guidelines). Figure 3.7 shows that, in the considered
case, the wind heeling lever estimated by using the complete procedure,
i.e. by using wind and drift tests, is sensibly smaller than that
required by the standard weather criterion.
Wind heeling lever, lw1
, evaluated
by the tests
Wind heeling lever, lw1
, compared
with the GZ curve