This Code has been developed on the basis of the following
1 The Codefootnote is a recommendatory
document primarily directed to ships covered by the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (1974 SOLAS
Convention), as amended, the International Convention for the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978
relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78), as amended,
and associated codes (IBC, BCH, IGC, Gas Carrier, HSC, 1989 MODU, Nuclear
Merchant Ships, Diving and IMDG Codes), 1993 Torremolinos Protocol
and Guidelines for Inert Gas Systems (IGS) and Standards for Vapour
Emission Control Sytems (VEC). Although alarms and indicators required
by the dynamically supported craft and similar specialized ships are
not specifically included, the Code can be used for guidance where
appropriate, and in the future it could be extended to include these
instruments. The Code can also be used for guidance for alarms and
indicators fitted in excess of or in addition to those required by
IMO instruments. It permits present practices in use in world fleets
and provides flexibility for alternative methods. It is, however,
intended to promote uniformity of the system between ships which will
improve crew safety and training.
2 The Code will benefit designers and operators
by consolidating in one document the references to priorities, grouping,
locations and types, including colours, symbols, etc., of shipboard
alarms and indicators. Where the applicable IMO instruments do not
specify the type and location of particular alarms, this information,
as far as practicable, is presented in this Code to promote uniform
3 Although preference was given to promoting consistency
of terminology with IMO instruments, harmonization with the contents
of IEC publication 92 - 203:1985, Electrical Installations in
Ships. System Design - Acoustic and Optical Signals, was achieved
as far as practicable.
4 It is recognized that changing technology and
future amendments to the IMO instruments referred to in the Code will
necessitate changes to the Code itself. Accordingly, the Organization
will review the Code as necessary taking into account both amendments
to IMO instruments and future developments.
5 Administrations are encouraged to give wide
dissemination of this Code to shipowners, operators, designers and
other interested bodies.