1 Any oil tanker involved
in STS operations shall carry on board a Plan prescribing how to conduct
STS operations (STS operations Plan) not later than the date of the
first annual, intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be carried
out on or after 1 January 2011. Each oil tanker’s STS operations
Plan shall be approved by the Administration. The STS operations Plan
shall be written in the working language of the ship.
2 The STS operations
Plan shall be developed taking into account the information contained
in the best practice guidelines for STS operations identified by the
Organizationfootnote The STS operations
Plan may be incorporated into an existing Safety Management System
required by chapter IX of the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, if that
requirement is applicable to the oil tanker in question.
3 Any oil tanker subject
to this chapter and engaged in STS operations shall comply with its
STS operations Plan.
4 The person in overall
advisory control of STS operations shall be qualified to perform all
relevant duties, taking into account the qualifications contained
in the best practice guidelines for STS operations identified by the
5 Recordsfootnote of STS operations shall be retained on board
for three years and be readily available for inspection by a Party
to the present Convention.