RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee conferred upon
it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution from
BEING AWARE of the ecological criteria, in particular the criteria relating to uniqueness
or rarity, critical habitat, and diversity, and the social, economic, cultural and
scientific attributes of the region surrounding the Jomard Entrancefootnote as well as its vulnerability to damage by international
shipping activities and the steps taken by Papua New Guinea to address that
NOTING the Revised Guidelines for the Identification and Designation of Particularly
Sensitive Sea Areas, adopted by resolution A.982(24), as amended by resolution MEPC.267(68), (Revised PSSA Guidelines), and the Revised Guidance
Document for Submission of PSSA Proposals to IMO set forth in
HAVING AGREED that the criteria for the identification and designation of a PSSA provided
in the revised PSSA Guidelines are fulfilled for the Jomard Entrance,
HAVING NOTED that the Jomard Entrance includes newly established routeing systems (four
two-way routes and a precautionary area), adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee at
its ninety-fourth session, as the Associated Protective Measures to improve the safety
of navigation and the protection of the marine environment, and that these routeing
systems entered into force on 1 June 2015,
1 DESIGNATES the region surrounding Jomard Entrance as defined in annex 1 to the present
resolution as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area;
2 INVITES Member Governments to recognize the ecological, social, cultural, economic and
scientific attributes of the Jomard Entrance area, set forth in annex 2 to the present
resolution, as well as its vulnerability to damage by international shipping activities,
as described in annex 3 to the present resolution;
3 FURTHER INVITES Member Governments to note the associated protective measures
established to address the area's vulnerability, the details of which are set out in
annex 4 to the present resolution.