11.5 Units stationary at the site or engaged in drilling operations
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - 1979 MODU Code – Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units – Resolution A.414(XI) - Chapter 11 – Radiocommunication Installations - 11.5 Units stationary at the site or engaged in drilling operations

11.5 Units stationary at the site or engaged in drilling operations

  11.5.1 Each unit while stationary at the site, including when engaged in drilling operations, should comply with all requirements prescribed in chapter IV of the 1988 SOLAS amendments that are 'applicable to a ship sailing through the same area.footnote

  11.5.2 Taking into account the different types of accident which may occur on the MODU, additional radio equipment should be installed in a room or position, which could be the bridge or an emergency control room, situated as far as practicable from the radio equipment fitted in compliance with section 11.5.1, so that no single accident in any part of the MODU could deprive the MODU of all facilities for radiocommunications.

The additional radio equipment should comply with the following regulations for the 1988 SOLAS amendment for MODUs drilling in:

  • .1 sea area A1, the equipment prescribed by regulation IV/7.1.1

  • .2 sea area A2, the equipment prescribed by regulation IV/7.1.1 and IV/9.1.1;

  • .3 sea area A3, the equipment prescribed by regulations lV/7.1.1 and lV/10.1.1, plus 10.1.2; or alternatively, as required by regulations IV/7.1.1 and 10.2.1;

  • .4 sea area A4, the equipment prescribed by regulations IV/7.1.1 and IV/10.2.1.

  11.5.3 If the acoustic noise level in a room fitted with operating controls for radio equipment is so high or could be so high, during particular operating conditions, that it may disturb or prevent proper use of the radio equipment, then adequate noise protection should be provided by mechanical or other means, in association with the operating controls for the radio equipment.

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