RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the function of the Committee,
NOTING that regulation 26 (now regulation 37) of Annex I and regulation 16 (now regulation 17) of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 require ships to carry a shipboard
oil pollution emergency plan, a shipboard marine pollution emergency
plan for noxious liquid substances and/or a shipboard marine pollution
emergency plan in accordance with the Guidelines developed by the
RECOGNIZING the need for amending the Guidelines for the
development of shipboard oil pollution emergency plans to ensure uniform
application of these regulations,
HAVING CONSIDERED at its thirty-second session proposals
for the Guidelines for the development of shipboard oil pollution
emergency plans and at its forty-fourth session further proposals
for the Guidelines for the development of shipboard marine pollution
emergency plans for oil and/or noxious liquid substances and the amendments
to the Guidelines for the development of shipboard oil pollution emergency
1. ADOPTS the amendments to the Guidelines for
the development of the shipboard oil pollution emergency plans, the
text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;
2. URGES Governments to ensure that the shipboard
oil pollution emergency plans are developed in accordance with these
Guidelines, as amended, when approving them under the provisions of
amended regulation 26 (now regulation
37) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, pending its entry into force.