17.2.1 The level of competence and the training
considered necessary in respect of the master and each crew member
should be laid down and demonstrated in the light of the following
guidelines to the satisfaction of the Administration in respect of
the particular type of craft concerned.
17.2.2 The Administration should specify an appropriate
period of operational training for the master and each member of the
crew and if necessary the periods at which appropriate re-training
should be carried out.
17.2.3 The Administration should, as necessary,
issue a certificate after the appropriate period of training, an examination
if considered necessary, and on conclusion of a practical test commensurate
with the operating task on board the particular type of craft concerned
and the route followed.
17.2.4 The Administration should consider the
need to specify standards of physical fitness and frequency of medical
examinations having regard to the route and craft concerned.
17.2.5 The Administration of the country in which
the craft is to operate - if other than the Flag State - should be
satisfied with the training, experience and qualifications of the
master and each crew member. A current, valid licence or certificate
issued to a master or crew member by a Flag State which is signatory
to the Safety Convention should be [acceptable as evidence of satisfactory
training, experience and qualification to the Administration of the
country in which the craft is to operate.