56.1 Under regulation
30.2 lines for discharge to the sea above the waterline must
be led either:
.1 to a ship’s discharge outlet located
above the waterline in the deepest ballast condition; or
.2 to a midship discharge manifold or, where fitted,
a stern or bow loading/discharge facility above the upper deck.
56.2 The ship’s side discharge outlet referred
to in 56.1.1 should be so located that its lower edge will not be
submerged when the ship carries the maximum quantity of ballast during
its ballast voyages, having regard to the type and trade of the ship.
The discharge outlet located above the waterline in the following
ballast condition will be accepted as complying with this requirement:
.1 on oil tankers not provided with SBT or CBT,
the ballast condition when the ship carries both normal departure
ballast and normal clean ballast simultaneously; and
.2 on oil tankers provided with SBT or CBT, the
ballast condition when the ship carries ballast water in segregated
or dedicated clean ballast tanks, together with additional ballast
in cargo oil tanks in compliance with regulation 18.3.
56.3 The Administration may accept piping arrangements
which are led to the ship’s side discharge outlet located above
the departure ballast waterline but not above the waterline in the
deepest ballast condition, if such arrangements have been fitted before
1 January 1981.
56.4 Although regulation
30.2 does not preclude the use of the facility referred to
in 56.1.2 for the discharge of ballast water, it is recognized that
the use of this facility is not desirable, and it is strongly recommended
that ships be provided with either the side discharge outlets referred
to in 56.1.1 or the part flow arrangements referred to in regulation 30.6.5.