Section 3 Certification of materials
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022 - Chapter 1 General Requirements - Section 3 Certification of materials

Section 3 Certification of materials

3.1 General

3.1.1 All materials subject to these Rules are to be supplied with appropriate certification, as required by the relevant requirements of these Rules. This will normally be an LR certificate or a manufacturer’s certificate validated by LR, although a manufacturer's certificate may be accepted where allowed by the relevant requirements of these Rules.

3.1.2 Manufacturers approved under the Materials Quality Scheme are licensed to apply the scheme mark to manufacturer's certificates according to the requirements of the scheme, see Ch 1, 2.4 Materials Quality Scheme.

3.1.3 The following certificate types are to be used, (a) and (b) for the Materials Survey Scheme, and (d) for the Materials Quality Scheme:

  1. LR Certificate

    This type of certificate is issued by LR based on the results of testing and inspection being satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

  2. Manufacturer's certificate validated by LR

    A manufacturer's certificate, validated by LR on the basis of inspection and testing carried out by the manufacturer and which is in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, may be accepted. In this case, the certificate will include the following statement:

    'We hereby certify that the material has been made by an approved process and satisfactorily tested in accordance with the Rules of Clasifications Register.'

  3. Manufacturer's certificate

    This type of certificate is issued by the manufacturer based on the results of testing and inspection being satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules or the applicable National or International Standard. The certificate is to be validated by the manufacturer's authorised representative, independent of the manufacturing department. The certificate will contain a declaration that the products are in compliance with the requirements of these Rules or the applicable National or International Standard.

  4. Manufacturer's certificate issued under the Materials Quality Scheme

    Where a manufacturer is approved according to the Materials Quality Scheme, they will issue manufacturer's certificates bearing the scheme mark and the MQS approval number. The certificates must also bear statements as described in LR's ShipRight Procedure Approval of a Manufacturer according to Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES). These statements by the manufacturer will certify that the product has been made by an approved process in accordance with LR's Rules and that the certificate is issued in accordance with the requirements of the MQS.

3.1.4 The certificate format is to be approved by LR. Variations in the wording of the statements are permitted with written approval from LR.

3.1.5 Where these Rules allow for the issue of a manufacturer's certificate for materials, either validated by an LR Surveyor, or bearing the Materials Quality Scheme mark, the manufacturer is to ensure that a copy of the certificate is supplied to LR by an agreed means and frequency.

3.2 Materials Survey Scheme

3.2.1 The requirements for certification of materials according to the Materials Survey Scheme are established by the relevant requirements of these Rules.

3.2.2 The manufacturer is to supply the surveyor with any additional customer order requirements that are in addition to the requirements of these Rules, when the request for the issue or validation of the certificate is made.

3.3 Materials Quality Scheme

3.3.1 Part of the certification schedule will include an agreement for the manufacturer to apply the scheme mark to manufacturer's certificates relating to approved products within the scope of approval of the manufacturer.

3.3.2 The use of the scheme mark is governed by the following:

  1. The use of the scheme mark is not transferable. It is only to be used in conjunction with the manufacturer and works name and location shown on the certificate of approval.

  2. The scheme mark must be applied to all manufacturers' certificates relating to approved materials produced under the Scheme.

  3. In no circumstances is the scheme mark to be applied to test certificates relating to non-approved products.

  4. The scheme mark is not to be used in any way which may imply approval for products which are not covered within the manufacturer's scope of approval.

  5. Where a manufacturer is removed or suspended from the scheme, use of the scheme mark must cease immediately.

3.3.3 The certificate as given in Ch 1, 3.1 General 3.1.3.(d) is to be validated by an authorised representative of the manufacturer. The size and position of the scheme mark and statement on the manufacturer's certificate must be agreed by LR.

3.3.4 Where manufacturers are approved under this scheme, the manufacturer's certificate issued according to these requirements fully meets the materials certification requirements of these Rules.

3.4 Electronic certification

3.4.1 Where these Rules allow the issue of manufacturers' test certificates, under either the Materials Survey Scheme or the Materials Quality Scheme, these may be issued in electronic format provided that:

  1. All tests and inspections have been satisfactorily completed according to the requirements of these Rules.

  2. Procedures are in place to ensure that electronic certificates are only issued according to the requirements of these Rules.

  3. The certification system is subject to regular inspection by the attending Surveyor.

  4. A copy of the electronic certificate is supplied to LR. This copy will be deemed to be the original of the test certificate.

3.4.2 In addition to the requirements of Ch 1, 3.4 Electronic certification 3.4.1, for items certified under the Materials Survey Scheme, the LR office stamp and Surveyor's name may be applied electronically. This is only allowed where the Surveyor has access to the results of the relevant tests and inspections, and is able to authorise by access to the electronic system, the application of the LR office stamp and Surveyor's name on the test certificate. The name of the authorising Surveyor is to be the name included on the certificate. The authorisation may be conducted electronically either at the manufacturers' works, or remotely by the Surveyor.

3.4.3 If the LR office stamp and name are being applied electronically according to Ch 1, 3.4 Electronic certification 3.4.2, then the manufacturer is to ensure that the Surveyor is provided with all relevant information regarding the customer order, when the request for authorisation is made.

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