Section 8 Plates with specified through thickness properties
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022 - Chapter 3 Rolled Steel Plates, Strip, Sections and Bars - Section 8 Plates with specified through thickness properties

Section 8 Plates with specified through thickness properties

8.1 Scope

8.1.1 Provision is made in this Section for 'Z' grade plate and wide flat material with improved ductility in the through thickness or 'Z' direction, see Figure 3.8.1 Schematic of testing directions.The use of this material is recommended for certain types of welded structures (see Ch 3, 1.2 Steel with guaranteed through thickness properties – 'Z' grade steel) in order to minimise the possibility of lamellar tearing either during fabrication or erection.

8.1.2 Through thickness properties are characterised by specified values for reduction of area in a through thickness tensile test.

8.1.3 Provision is made for two grades Z25 and Z35. For normal ship applications the Z25 grade is applicable, whilst the Z35 grade is for more severe applications.

8.1.5 The test procedure detailed in this Section may also be used to demonstrate that no unacceptable amount of banding of any detrimental phase, such as sigma is present, see Ch 3, 7.5 Metallographic examination for sigma phase.

Figure 3.8.1 Schematic of testing directions

8.2 Manufacture

8.2.1 All plates and wide flats are to be manufactured at works which have been approved by LR for this quality of material.

8.2.2 It is recommended that the steel should be efficiently vacuum de-gassed. The sulphur content is not to exceed 0,008 per cent.

8.2.3 Consideration will be given to proposals for alternative methods of improving through thickness properties.

8.3 Test material

8.3.1 Unless otherwise agreed, through thickness tensile tests are only required for plate materials where the thickness exceeds 15 mm for carbon and alloy steels.

8.3.2 For plates and wide flats, one test sample is to be taken close to the longitudinal centreline from one end of each rolled piece representing the batch, see Table 3.8.1 Batch size dependent on product and sulphur content and Figure 3.8.2 Plate and wide flat sampling position. The test sample must be large enough to accommodate the preparation of 6 specimens. 3 test specimens are to be prepared while the rest of the sample is to be retained for possible retests. The test specimens shall be prepared in accordance with a recognised standard, e.g. EN 10164 or ASTM A770/A770M.

Table 3.8.1 Batch size dependent on product and sulphur content

Product S > 0,005% S ≤ 0,005%
Plates Each piece (parent plate) Maximum 50 t of products of the same cast, thickness and heat treatment
Wide flats of nominal thickness ≤ 25 mm Maximum 10 t of products of the same cast, thickness and heat treatment Maximum 50 t of products of the same cast, thickness and heat treatment
Wide flats of nominal thickness > 25 mm Maximum 20 t of products of the same cast, thickness and heat treatment Maximum 50 t of products of the same cast, thickness and heat treatment

Figure 3.8.2 Plate and wide flat sampling position

8.3.3 The dimensions of the test specimens are to be in accordance with Chapter 2, Ch 2, 2.1 Dimensions of test specimens 2.1.14

8.3.4 Alternatively, test sampling may be carried out in accordance with an accepted National or International Standard.

8.4 Mechanical tests

8.4.1 The three through thickness tensile test specimens are to be tested at ambient temperature and for acceptance are to give a minimum average reduction of area value of not less than that shown in Table 3.8.2 Reduction of area acceptance values. Only one individual value may be below the minimum average, but should not be less than the minimum individual value shown for the appropriate grade.

Table 3.8.2 Reduction of area acceptance values

Grade Z25 Z35
Minimum average 25% 35%
Minimum individual 15% 25%

8.4.2 If the average value fails to comply with Ch 3, 8.4 Mechanical tests 8.4.1, three additional tests may be made on specimens from the same test sample. The results of these tests are to be added to those previously obtained to form a new average, which for acceptance is to be not less than 25 per cent for grade Z25 or 35 per cent for grade Z35. No individual results in the re-test shall be below 25 per cent for grade Z25 or 35 per cent for grade Z35, see Figure 3.8.3 Diagram showing acceptance/rejection and retest criteria.

8.4.3 Where batch testing is permitted, and failure after retest occurs, the tested piece is to be rejected. Each remaining piece in the batch may be individually tested and accepted based on satisfactory results.

8.4.4 If the fracture of a test specimen occurs in the weld or in the heat affected zone the test is to be regarded as invalid and is to be repeated on a new test specimen.

Figure 3.8.3 Diagram showing acceptance/rejection and retest criteria

8.5 Non-destructive examination

8.5.1 All ‘Z’ grade plates are to be ultrasonically tested in the final supply condition with a probe frequency of 2-5 MHz. The testing is to be performed in accordance with and in compliance with either EN 10160 Level S1/E1 or ASTM A 578 Level C.

8.6 Identification of materials

8.6.1 Products which comply with the requirements of this Section are to have the notation Z25 or Z35 added to the steel grade designation.

8.7 Certification of materials

8.7.1 The following information is required to be included on the certificate in addition to the appropriate steel grade requirements:

  1. Through thickness reduction in area (%), individual results and average.

  2. Steel grade with Z25 or Z35 notation.

8.7.2 Steel grade requirements are to comply with Ch 3, 1 General requirements to Ch 3, 7 Austenitic and duplex stainless steels.

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