Section 10 Aircraft operations
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 4 Military Design and Special Features - Chapter 2 Military Load Specification - Section 10 Aircraft operations

Section 10 Aircraft operations

10.1 General

10.1.1 The landing area may be located on an appropriate area of the weather deck or on a platform specifically designed for this purpose and permanently connected to the ship structure. All ships operating aircraft are to comply with the requirements of this Section and will be assigned an AIR notation.

10.1.2 Attention is drawn to the requirements of National and other Authorities concerning the construction of helicopter landing platforms and the operation of helicopters as they affect the ship. Consideration should also be given to air flow over the landing area and the impingement of hot exhaust gases on equipment in the flight path.

10.1.3 Where the landing area forms part of a weather or erection deck, the scantlings are to be not less than those required for decks in the same position.

10.1.4 Equipment and vehicles using the landing area will also need to be assessed to identify the most onerous load in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3 Local Design Loads.

10.1.5 Special consideration is to be given to the insulation standard if the space below the aircraft deck is a high fire-risk space.

10.1.6 These Rules assume that the aircraft are fitted with oil/gas dampers and pneumatic tyres, different under-carriage arrangements will be specially considered.

10.1.7 Suitable arrangements are to be made to minimise the risk of personnel sliding off the landing area. A non-slip surface is to be provided and is to cover the entire deck including any markings. Safety nets are to be provided in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 4, 9.6 Safety nets.

10.1.8 Structural fire protection, firefighting equipment and services are to be arranged on and around flight operations areas of the ship in accordance with the specified fire safety standard, see Vol 1, Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.1 Framework of Classification 1.1.10.

10.2 Definitions

10.2.1 OLEO load is defined as the load which will cause the damper and tyre combination to reach the end of their travel. OLEO loads should not generally be used to determine loads from the undercarriage on the flight deck. OLEO loads do not always reflect the loads that can be imposed by an aircraft landing on a ship. Loads should be derived using the vertical velocities specified in Table 2.10.3 Vertical velocity. The ratios of OLEO loads may be used to determine the dynamic distribution of load from the undercarriage.

10.2.2 The all up weight (AUW) is the maximum that will be encountered for the specific application under consideration it includes the maximum weight of aircraft, personnel, fuel and payload:

  • For helicopters the AUW is to be taken as the maximum weight of aircraft, personnel, fuel and payload at all times.
  • For manoeuvring of fixed wing aircraft the AUW is to be taken as the maximum weight of aircraft, personnel, fuel and payload.
  • For take off of fixed wing aircraft the fuel weight is to be the maximum less the fuel required to transit to the take off position.
  • For landing of fixed wing aircraft the AUW is to be as above except that the fuel weight is to be the maximum less that consumed by the shortest possible flight.

10.3 Documentation

10.3.1 Plans are to be submitted showing the proposed scantlings and arrangements of the structure. The type, size and weight of aircraft to be used are also to be indicated.

10.3.2 Details of arrangements for securing the aircraft to the deck are to be submitted for approval.

10.3.3 A landing guide should be provided as part of the ship's documentation. This is to contain all the relevant design information on the aircraft for the ship, identification of landing parking and manoeuvring areas, tie down arrangements, weights and a summary of the design calculations. It is also to provide guidance on the suitability of the landing areas for other aircraft. The information is to be presented in a graphical form similar to that shown in Figure 2.10.1 Landing diagrams. Unrestricted landings are aircraft weights which can occur up to the design sea state. Restricted landing with weights higher than the design can occur but in a reduced sea state and are to be indicated on the diagram. Prohibited landings are aircraft weights that may not take place in any sea state. Different diagrams will be required for twin and single rotor helicopters and for aircraft as appropriate.

10.4 Flight deck arrangements

10.4.1 The landing area is to be sufficiently large to allow for the landing and manoeuvring of the aircraft, and is to be approached by a clear landing and take off sector complying in extent with any applicable regulations.

Figure 2.10.1 Landing diagrams

10.4.2 Normally, for maximum flexibility in helicopter operations, the landing area is to be taken as a square not less than 1,25 times the rotor diameter. Where the operation of helicopters is restricted to known helicopter types, the areas of deck structure to be assessed for the landing condition are to be taken as squares not less than two times the maximum wheel strut spacing. The squares are to be centred on all the normal landing points, at all specified landing orientations, for all helicopters. For fixed wing aircraft the area to be considered will be determined by the operational requirements of the vessel. The landing area is to be clearly identified.

10.4.3 The takeoff and landing area are generally to be free of projections above the level of the deck. Projections above 25 mm may only be permitted where allowed by the aircraft undercarriage design standard. Projections outside the landing and take off areas are to be kept to a minimum such that they do not hinder aircraft manoeuvring operations.

10.4.4 The structure is to be designed to accommodate the largest aircraft type which it is intended to use. It is advised that an allowance be made for future growth of the helicopter weight such that future operations are not restricted to lower sea states.

10.4.5 Engine uptake arrangements are to be sited such that exhaust gases cannot as far as practicable be drawn directly into aircraft engine intakes during aircraft take off or landing operations under anticipated operating conditions that include ship speed, ship motion and wind direction.

10.4.6 Arrangements are to be made for the drainage of the flight deck and other aircraft handling areas, including drainage of spilt fuel. The drainage arrangements are to be made of steel and are to lead away from enclosed spaces and directly overboard so as to avoid entrapment of burning fuel should an accident occur.

10.4.7 Flight decks are to be bounded by a coaming of approximately 50mm which is to be an integral part of the drainage system.

10.4.8 Flight decks are to have at least two means of escape located as far away as practicable from each other.

10.5 Loading

10.5.1 The load cases to be applied to all parts of the structure are defined in Table 2.10.6 Design load cases for primary and secondary deck stiffening and supporting structure in which:

f = 1,15 for landing decks over magazines or permanently manned spaces, e.g deckhouses, bridges, control rooms, etc.
= 1,0 elsewhere
λ = reaction factor for the aircraft considered .
Wauw = the maximum all up weight of the aircraft, in kN
Wty = landing or static load, on the tyre print, in kN; with the centre of gravity in a position that causes the highest load. In the absence of specific aircraft manufacturers’ information on the dynamic distribution of load, Wty is to be taken as Wauw distributed between all main undercarriages in accordance with the static load distribution. The contribution of small nose or tail wheels is to be ignored. The structure only needs to be assessed for the worst-case wheel loads and orientation.

10.5.2 The reaction factor, λ, may be determined from Table 2.10.1 Landing reaction factor where manufacturers’ information is not available. Otherwise the information in Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.6 Determination of λ for fixed wing aircraft or Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.7 Determination of λ for helicopters as appropriate may be used to estimate λ.

Table 2.10.1 Landing reaction factor

Aircraft type λ
Helicopters 2,5
VSTOL aircraft 3,5
Fixed wing aircraft 5

Note Reaction factors are derived from the average values for marinised versions of aircraft.

10.5.3 The reaction factor for helicopters using recovery systems will be specially considered.

10.6 Determination of λ for fixed wing aircraft

10.6.1 The reaction factor can be calculated by simulation, testing or estimated from the following formulae:

λ =
λ = reaction factor
δS, δT = deflection of the shock absorber or tyre, in metres
V L = vertical landing velocity including ship motions, in m/s
ηT = efficiency of the tyre typically assumed to be 0,47
ηS = efficiency of the shock absorber, see Table 2.10.2 Shock absorber efficiency.

Table 2.10.2 Shock absorber efficiency

  Steel spring Rubber Air Liquid spring OLEO
η 0,5 0,6 0,48 0,76 0,8

10.6.2 The vertical velocity is the maximum landing velocity derived from trials or simulation and is to include the effects of ship motion. In no case is it to be taken less than 6 m/s. If landing operations are to be carried out in sea states greater than six then the minimum vertical velocity will be further considered.

10.7 Determination of λ for helicopters

10.7.1 The reaction factor can be calculated by simulation, testing or estimated from the following formulae:

λ =


λ, δS, δT , V LTS are defined in Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.6 Determination of λ for fixed wing aircraft

fL = the percentage of lift carried by the rotors at the time of landing typically 66 per cent.

10.7.2 The vertical velocity is the maximum landing velocity derived from ship trials or simulation and is to include the effects of ship motion. In no case is it to be taken less than 3,72 m/s. If landing operations are to be carried out in sea states greater than six then the minimum vertical velocity will be further considered.

10.7.3 For ships where helicopter operations are restricted to sea states lower than six the vertical velocities defined in Table 2.10.3 Vertical velocity can be used.

Table 2.10.3 Vertical velocity

Sea state Vertical velocity
6 3,72
5 3,35
4 2,97
3 2,60
2 2,23

10.7.4 Using a vertical velocity lower than the design given in this section, for example a land based helicopter, will result in higher probabilities of exceedence. The derivation of vertical velocity is such that it includes the effects of ship motions and pilot action and is independent of the design vertical velocity of the undercarriage.

10.7.5 Information on the probability of encountering a particular sea state for a sea area can be found in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 2, 2 Wave environment.

10.7.6  For helicopters with skids, determination of the reaction factor will be specially considered.

10.8 Deck plating design

10.8.1 The deck plate thickness, t p, within the landing area is to be not less than:

t p = mm
α = thickness coefficient obtained from Figure 3.2.1 Tyre print chart using a value of β given by
β = tyre print coefficient used in Figure 3.2.1 Tyre print chart
β = log10
k s = higher tensile steel factor defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 5 Structural Design Factors
s = stiffener spacing, in mm
F typ = tyre force, in kN from Table 2.10.6 Design load cases for primary and secondary deck stiffening and supporting structure
λ = reaction factor for the aircraft considered, see Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.5 Loading
γ = a location factor given in Table 2.10.4 Location factor, γ
φ1, φ23 = are patch load correction factors determined from Table 2.10.5 Patch load corrections φ1, φ2, φ3
t c = permanent set correction in mm, see Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.8 Deck plating design 10.8.2
a, s = the panel dimensions in mm, see Figure 2.10.2 Tyre patch dimensions
u, v = the patch dimensions in mm, see Figure 2.10.2 Tyre patch dimensions.

Table 2.10.4 Location factor, γ

Location Υ
On decks forming part of the hull girder  
(a) within 0,4L R amidships 1,18
(b) at the FP or AP 1,0
  Values for intermediate locations are to be determined by interpolation
Elsewhere 1,0

Table 2.10.5 Patch load corrections φ1, φ2, φ3

Factor Condition
φ1 =
v 1 = v, but ≤ s
u 1 = u, but ≤ a
φ2 = 1,0
= 0,77a/u

for u ≤ (as)
for au > (as)
for u > a
φ3 = 1,0
= 0,6 (s/v) + 0,4
= 1,2 (s/v)

for v < s
for 1,5 > (v/s) > 1,0
for (v/s) ≥ 1,5

Figure 2.10.2 Tyre patch dimensions

10.8.2 The permanent deflection correction, t c, is a plating thickness reduction which can be applied if aircraft manoeuvring take off and deck equipment operations allow some permanent set to occur

t c = 0,001 mm
C = 0,00071 and n = 2,2 for moderate deformations
C = 0,0154 and n = 1,85 for large deformations.

10.8.3 Moderate deformations are defined as those that will restrict manual manoeuvring of the aircraft. They will typically be 1,5 times the deflection expected from normal ship construction.

10.8.4 Large deformations are defined as those that will restrict operations to aircraft landing only with no wheeled vehicle operations they will typically be 2,5 times the deflections expected from normal ship construction.

10.8.5 If permanent deformation of the landing area plating is to be allowed then the plating must also be assessed for normal operations with t c = 0,0 mm.

10.8.6 The permanent deflection correction is not to be applied to landing areas within 0,3L R to 0,7L R and other areas where there are significant in-plane stresses in the plate. Also the correction is not to be applied to areas where deflections could cause operational restrictions, for example the use of forklift trucks or rolling take off.

10.8.7 The static tyre print dimensions at W auw specified by the manufacturer are to be used for the calculation. Where these are unknown it may be assumed that the print area is 200 mm x 300 mm and this assumption is to be indicated on the submitted plan.

10.8.8 Twin wheels are to be combined to form a single patch as shown in Figure 2.10.2 Tyre patch dimensions

10.8.9 For helicopters fitted with landing gear consisting of skids, the print dimensions specified by the manufacturer are to be used. Where these are unknown it may be assumed that the print consists of a 300 mm line load at each end of each skid, when applying Figure 3.2.1 Tyre print chart

10.8.10 For decks fitted with sheathing greater than 25 mm a reduced plate thickness from that given in Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.8 Deck plating design 10.8.1 may be specially considered.

10.8.11 For steel decks in frequent use and where no suitable protective sheathing or coating is used, it is recommended that the thickness of the plating is increased, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 3.8 Corrosion margin

10.9 Deck stiffening design

10.9.1 The aircraft deck stiffening is to be designed for the load cases given in Table 2.10.6 Design load cases for primary and secondary deck stiffening and supporting structure with the aircraft being positioned so as to produce the most severe loading condition for each structural member under consideration. All possible positions and orientations are to be considered that can occur during aircraft operations.

10.9.2 The minimum requirements for section modulus, inertia and web area of secondary stiffeners are to be in accordance with the requirements of Table 3.2.3 Secondary stiffener requirements, using the load cases defined in Table 2.10.6 Design load cases for primary and secondary deck stiffening and supporting structure

Table 2.10.6 Design load cases for primary and secondary deck stiffening and supporting structure

Condition Loading
Plate Ftyp
Stiffening Support structure
Point loads Ftys
Self weight Ftym




Emergency landing λ f Wty 0,2 DLF λ f Wty (1 + a z) Ws Self weight Wpl plus landing loads from all wheels 0,5 Wauw
0,5 W auw + 0,5 Wpl
Normal landing 0,6 λ Wty 0,5 0,6 DLF λ Wty (1 + az) Ws
Take off (fixed wing) 2,65 Wty 0,5 2,65 Wty (1 + az) Ws
Manoeuvring internal 1,6 Wty 1,6 Wty (1 + az) Ws
Manoeuvring external 1,75 Wty 0,5 1,75Wty (1 + az) Ws
Parking internal (1 + 0,6az ) Wty (1 + 0,6a z) Wty (1 + a z) Ws
Parking external 1,1(1 + 0,6az) Wty 2 1,1(1 + 0,6az) Wty (1 + az) Ws
Wty, Wauw and f as defined in Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.5 Loading
λ is defined in Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.8 Deck plating design
Wpl = structural weight of helicopter platform, in kN
Ws = structural weight of stiffener and supported structure, in kN
Ptyw = uniformly distributed vertical load over entire landing area, kN/m2
DLF = Dynamic load factor

a z is defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2 Motion response
Fixed wing 1,35 for secondary stiffening, 1,5 for primary stiffening

Helicopters 1,2 for secondary stiffening, 1,5 for primary stiffening.

Note 1. For the design of the supporting structure for helicopter platforms applicable self-weight and horizontal loads are to be added to the landing area loads.

Note 2. The helicopter is to be so positioned as to produce the most severe loading condition for each structural member under consideration.

Note 3. Stiffening members may have more than one point load acting at one time.

Note 4. The dynamic load factor may be determined from Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 5 Dynamic loading based on the structural natural frequency response.

10.9.3 For primary stiffening, and where a grillage arrangement is adopted, it is recommended that direct calculation procedures are used to determine the scantling requirements in association with the limiting permissible stress criteria given in Table 5.3.2 Allowable stress factors f 1 in Pt 6, Ch 5. The calculation is to be submitted for consideration.

10.9.4 Where continuous secondary stiffeners pass through the webs of primary members, they are to be fully collared or lugged in way. The shear stresses at the connections are to be in compliance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 6.5 Arrangement at intersection of continuous secondary and primary members 6.5.12.

10.10 Parking and manoeuvring areas

10.10.1 For areas designed for parking and manoeuvring of aircraft the maximum take off weight of the aircraft is to be used with the maximum fuel and payload.

10.10.2 For areas where only manoeuvring occurs and parking is restricted to designated and clearly marked areas then the scantlings of structure are to be calculated in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.8 Deck plating design and Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.9 Deck stiffening design using the manoeuvring and parking loads given in Table 2.10.6 Design load cases for primary and secondary deck stiffening and supporting structure as appropriate. If parking areas are not clearly marked then the parking loads in Table 2.10.6 Design load cases for primary and secondary deck stiffening and supporting structure are to be applied to all areas of aircraft operation outside the landing area. Wty may be determined as stated in Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.5 Loading 10.5.1.

10.10.3 Parking areas may not be taken less than two frame spaces or the tyre width plus 500 mm whichever is the greater. Consideration should be given to the use of removable lagging around these areas and at the adjacent beam bulkhead connection.

10.10.4 Additional forces from tie down arrangements on the structure need only be considered if the tensioning force applied exceeds that imposed by the forces from ship motions as defined in Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 10.14 Aircraft tie-downs.

10.10.5 Decks subjected to a combination of parking and significant in-plane stresses will be specially considered.

10.11 Assisted take off

10.11.1 Where the aircraft jet is not parallel to the deck at the moment of launch or jet blast deflectors are used the structure is to be capable of withstanding the thermal loads imposed on the deck.

10.11.2 The structure of ramps used to assist take off are to be specially considered.

10.11.3 Structure surrounding catapults is to be effectively supported and designed for the maximum forces imposed by the launch system using the stress criteria given in Table 5.3.2 Allowable stress factors f 1 in Pt 6, Ch 5.

10.12 Arrested landing

10.12.1 Structure surrounding arresting gear is to be effectively supported and designed for the maximum forces imposed by the arrested aircraft using the stress criteria given in Table 5.3.2 Allowable stress factors f 1 in Pt 6, Ch 5.

10.13 Vertical recovery

10.13.1 The structure in way of the landing area and approach path is to be capable of withstanding the thermal loads imposed by hot exhaust gases.

10.14 Aircraft tie-downs

10.14.1 Aircraft tie-downs or general anchoring points are to be provided on the flight deck and in hangar spaces and are to be flush with the deck, when not in use.

10.14.2 The forces to be used in assessing the tie-down points are to preferably be determined with regards to specific aircraft but where the aircraft is unknown the designer may propose reasonable assumptions. Consideration is to be given to the range of angles of application of the force due to the relationship between the aircraft undercarriage arrangement and the spacing and arrangement of the tie-down points.

10.14.3 Tie-down points are to be tested in accordance with a suitable testing regime agreed with LR.

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