Section 5 Local design loads for decks and bulkheads
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 5 Environmental Loads - Chapter 3 Local Design Loads - Section 5 Local design loads for decks and bulkheads

Section 5 Local design loads for decks and bulkheads

5.1 General

5.1.1 This section gives formulations for design pressure loads for decks, watertight and deep tank boundaries including decks and bulkheads.

5.1.2 The loads acting on the deck structures are to reflect the intended purpose for each deck. If it is envisaged that the role of the ship will be such that it may be used for emergency evacuation incidents or similar situations, then the appropriate design loads are to be considered in the assessment. The maximum permissible deck loading are to be recorded in the Operations Manual or Stability Information Book.

5.1.3 Bulkheads and decks forming the boundary of tanks are to be assessed in accordance with the requirements for deep tanks using the loads defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 5.8 Design pressures for watertight and deep tank bulkheads and boundaries and Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 5.9 Design pressures for collision bulkheads or the maximum load experienced in service, e.g. from RAS operations, whichever is the greater. For an open system the pressure height may be taken from the keel to the filling point open to the atmosphere.

5.2 Pressure on external decks

5.2.1 The standard pressure requirements for external decks are given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 3.5 Pressure on exposed and weather decks, Pwd. If the deck is also to be used for cargo, heavy equipment or similar, then the loads specified in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 5.4 Loads for decks designed for cargo or heavy equipment loads, Pcd and Wcd are also to be applied. Consideration will be given to a reduction in the weather deck pressure loading if it can be shown that the cargo or equipment stowage makes the weather deck pressure requirements conservative.

5.3 Pressure on internal decks, P in

5.3.1 The pressure acting on internal decks, P in, not subject to cargo or heavy equipment loads is to be taken as:

P in = 5 kN/m2 for accommodation spaces
P in = 7,5 kN/m2 for main evacuation routes
P in = 10 kN/m2 for workshop spaces
P in = 20 kN/m2 for store spaces.

5.3.2 Alternatively the design pressure is to be based on the static loading on the deck with due allowance for inertial effects as follows:

P in = W in ( 1 + a z ) kN/m2

where the following values of static pressure are to be assumed

W in = 3 kN/m2 for accommodation spaces
W in = 6 kN/m2 for workshop spaces
W in = 12 kN/m2 for store spaces

a z is defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2.3 Design accelerations 2.3.2.

5.3.3 The hydrostatic design pressure for decks specified as watertight shall be taken as that determined by the damage stability analysis and limit of watertight integrity.

5.3.4 The static design pressure for internal decks not specified as watertight may be provided by the designer.

5.4 Loads for decks designed for cargo or heavy equipment loads, P cd and W cd

5.4.1 Where the load applied to the deck can be considered as uniformly distributed, the cargo deck design pressure, P cd, is to be taken as:

P cd = W cd (1 + az) kN/m2
a z = is the non dimensional vertical acceleration given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2.3 Design accelerations 2.3.2
W cd = is the static pressure exerted by the cargo on the deck as specified by the designer in kN/m2.

5.4.2 Where the load applied to the deck is not uniformly distributed, the likely actual forces and force distribution over the deck must be considered. The forces are to include the following if appropriate:

  • gravity
  • inertial forces due to ship motion.
  • wind loads
  • forces imposed by the securing arrangements
  • wave impact loads
  • icing loads
F cd = W ma (1 + az) kN


W ma is the weight of each mass item on the deck as specified by the designer in kN

5.5 Loads for deckhouses, bulwarks and superstructures, P dh

5.5.1 The design normal pressure, P dh, for the side, front and back panels of plating and stiffeners for deckhouses, bulwarks and superstructures is given by:

P dh = C 1 P s kN/m2
C 1 = 1,25C 2 for exposed deckhouse fronts and superstructure fronts forward of 0,67L R
= 1,15C 2 for exposed deckhouse fronts and superstructure fronts aft of 0,67L R
= 1,15 for exposed machinery casings
= 0,8 for the side and back panels of deckhouses that are stepped in from the deck edge by 1,0 m or more which are also above the nominal wave limit height, H w, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 3.4 Hydrodynamic wave pressure, Pw 3.4.4
= 0,5 for non-exposed deckhouse and super structure fronts, sides and backs which are also above the nominal wave limit height
= 1,0 elsewhere
P s = is to be taken at the height of the deck supporting the deckhouse front, side or back panel under consideration, P s is defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 3.2 Combined hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure on the shell plating, Ps
C 2 = 1,2 for panels below the nominal wave limit height
= 1,0 elsewhere
= Typical values of C 1 are shown in Figure 3.5.1 Illustration of the C1 coefficients for deckhouse and superstructure pressures
= Where there is more than one deckhouse, the front of the most forward deckhouse will normally be considered exposed, whereas the back of this deckhouse will be non-exposed. Normally, the front of the deckhouse aft of this one will also be considered non-exposed.

Figure 3.5.1 Illustration of the C1 coefficients for deckhouse and superstructure pressures

5.6 Pressure height for deep tank bulkheads and boundaries, H tk

5.6.1 The design lateral pressure height for tank and deep tank bulkheads and boundaries, H tk, is to be taken as

H tk = the distance, in m, from the baseline to half the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow. For determination of the maximum head, the top of the overflow is to be taken as not less than 1,8 m above the crown of the tank, see Figure 3.5.2 Pressure height for deep tank bulkheads

Figure 3.5.2 Pressure height for deep tank bulkheads

5.6.2 For tanks which are connected to a filling tank system, H tk may be taken as the distance, in m, from the baseline to the highest point of the overflow pipe from the filling tank into the overflow tank. Consideration may need to be given to the pressure height for situations where any of the valves in the filling system may be closed. The transfer pump must feed only into the filling tank and must not be linked directly to the tanks.

5.6.3 In a filling tank system, suitable measures are to be provided such that the maximum design level in the system cannot be exceeded. Automatic shutdown measures are to ensure a fail safe arrangement to avoid overfilling the filling tank or the overflow tank. The overflow pipe is to be of sufficient size to ensure that the filling trunk is not overfilled.

5.7 Pressure height for watertight bulkheads and boundaries, Hda

5.7.1 The design lateral pressure height for watertight bulkheads and boundaries, Hda, is to be taken as

  1. for a watertight bulkhead design philosophy based on a SOLAS type approach, i.e. to the top of a watertight bulkhead deck or freeboard deck, see Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 1.3 Watertight and weathertight integrity 1.3.8 and illustrated in Figure 2.1.1 .
    Hda = the vertical distance, in m, from baseline to a line 0,91 m above the top of the watertight bulkhead at side, see Figure 3.5.3 Pressure height for watertight bulkheads.

  2. for a watertight bulkhead design philosophy based on a standard which requires a damaged stability draught and heel envelope approach, e.g. the red risk line approach, see Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 1.3 Watertight and weathertight integrity 1.3.9 and illustrated in Figure 2.1.2 .
    Hda = the distance, in m, from baseline to the damaged stability draught envelope at the centreline, see Figure 3.5.3 Pressure height for watertight bulkheads.

Note: The effect of lesser angles of heel in the damage situation may lead to an increase in the effective pressure height, especially in way of the forward end of the ship where it may be necessary to consider Hda based on a zero heel angle.

Figure 3.5.3 Pressure height for watertight bulkheads

5.8 Design pressures for watertight and deep tank bulkheads and boundaries

5.8.1 The design normal pressure for bulkhead plating with stiffeners is to be considered separately for the plating and the stiffeners. The design normal pressure for the plating, P bhp, is to be taken as follows:

Deep Tank

ρg (H tkz p) kN/m2

WT sub-division based on the head normal to the line of watertight integrity

maximum of

10((H daz p) cosθ +y p sin θ) kN/m2

10(H daz p) kN/m2

ρ = density of fluid, in tonnes/m3, and is not to be taken as less than 1,025
z p = distance above the baseline of a point one-third of the height, above the lower edge, of the plate strake under consideration, z p is illustrated in Figure 3.5.4 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating with horizontal stiffeners for horizontally stiffened plating and Figure 3.5.5 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating head for plating with vertical stiffeners for vertically stiffened plating
y p = distance from the centreline of the mid-breadth of the plate strake under consideration, y p, is always to be taken as positive
θ = the stipulated damaged stability heel angle, see also Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 1.3 Watertight and weathertight integrity For a SOLAS type approach, θ is normally to be taken as 0,0.

Figure 3.5.4 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating with horizontal stiffeners

Figure 3.5.5 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating head for plating with vertical stiffeners

5.8.2 The design normal pressure for the stiffener, P bhs, is to be taken as follows:

Deep Tank

ρg (H tk - z s) kN/m2 (Deep Tank)

WT sub-division

maximum of:

10((H da - z s) cos θ + y s sin θ) kN/m2

10(H da - z s) kN/m2


z s = distance above base of the mid span of the vertical stiffener under consideration, see Figure 3.5.5 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating head for plating with vertical stiffeners


z s = distance above base of the mid span of the horizontal stiffener under consideration, see Figure 3.5.4 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating with horizontal stiffeners
y s = distance from the centreline of the mid span of the stiffener under consideration, y s is always to be taken as positive
ρ = density of fluid, in tonnes/m3, and is not to be taken as less than 1,025.

5.8.3 The appropriate design criteria are to be applied to the bulkhead plating and stiffeners, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 5 Structural Design Factors It is not permissible to use watertight criteria for a deep tank design head.

5.8.4 The design impulse pressure, bh, for the bulkhead plating and stiffeners may be ignored, unless these members are likely to be subjected to significant sloshing loads or similar. In this case it will be necessary to determine the sloshing loads using a suitable direct calculation procedure.

5.9 Design pressures for collision bulkheads

5.9.1 The design lateral pressure height for collision bulkheads, H cb, is to be taken as:

H cb = the vertical distance, in m, from the baseline to 0,91 m above the uppermost point of the collision bulkhead.

5.9.2 The design normal pressure for the collision bulkhead plating, P bhp, is to be taken as:

P bhp = 10 (H cbz p) kN/m2
z p = distance above baseline of a point one third of the height, above the lower edge, of the plate strake under consideration.

5.9.3 The design normal pressure for bulkhead stiffeners, P bhs, is to be taken as:

P bhs = 10 (H cbz s) kN/m2
z s = distance above base of the mid-span of the vertical stiffener under consideration, see Figure 3.5.5 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating head for plating with vertical stiffeners
= or
z s = distance above base of the mid-span of the horizontal stiffener under consideration, see Figure 3.5.4 Z, distance above baseline for pressure head for plating with horizontal stiffeners

5.9.4 The collision bulkheads are to be designed to the deep tank design criteria specified in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 5 Structural Design Factors

5.9.5 If there is a design requirement for the ship to be able to remain operational after an incident which results in the collision bulkhead becoming the primary watertight boundary to the sea, then it will be necessary to design the collision bulkhead using the pressures for the shell envelope, P s, given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 3 Loads on shell envelope and the shell envelope design criteria. It will also be necessary to consider the effects of wave impact pressures, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 4.3 Bow flare and wave impact pressures, IPbf, using the design speed requirement after damage.

5.10 Design loads for RSA notation assessment

5.10.1 The capability of transverse bulkheads, longitudinal bulkheads, watertight decks and other structure to withstand any additional loads as a consequence of damage, e.g. sloshing loads on watertight bulkheads, may need to be specially considered. Pressure heads consistent with draughts and heel angles determined from the damage stability analyses are to be used for local scantling assessment.

5.10.2 Where watertight boundaries for damage control purposes are specified in the subdivision and stability standard, the nominated bounding decks are to be assigned as watertight see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 10 Deck structures. The pressure heads used in the assessment of damage control decks are to be the greater of that determined from the Rules or that specified by the Owner.

5.10.3 The local design loads for structures subjected to additional loading as a consequence of structural damage are to be taken as specified in this Chapter except that the wave height factor, fHs, may be reduced, to account for the lesser environmental requirements, as follows:

fHs = may be reduced by a factor of 1,85

5.10.4 Where local strength issues need to be considered, the following local loads are to be applied in the evaluation contained in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 4, 4.1 Application:

5.11 Design pressure for magazine decks and bulkheads

5.11.1 For magazine structure which is assessed in accordance with Pt 4, Ch 1,6.4 the quasi-static design pressure is to be taken as follows:

P mag =
W e = weapon equivalent weight of TNT, in kg
V = free compartment volume, in m3.

5.11.2 For magazines below the limit of watertight integrity the design pressure, P mag, is not to be taken as less than the design pressure for watertight bulkheads and boundaries, plating and stiffening, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 5.8 Design pressures for watertight and deep tank bulkheads and boundaries.

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