Section 3 Global hull girder loads
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 5 Environmental Loads - Chapter 4 Global Design Loads - Section 3 Global hull girder loads

Section 3 Global hull girder loads

3.1 General

3.1.1 The global hull girder loads specified here are applicable to all displacement mono-hull naval ships as defined in Vol 1, Pt 1, Ch 2, 2.2 Definitions 2.2.7. These loads are to be used in the hull girder strength assessment given in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3 Scantling Determination.

3.1.2 Individual consideration based on direct calculation procedures will generally be required for ships having one or more of the following characteristics:

  1. Froude number > 0,8 (based on V sp, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 1.3 Symbols and definitions 1.3.1)

    L R/B WL ≤ 5, or B WL/D ≥ 2,5

    Unusual hull weight distribution

    Unusual type or design.

3.2 Environmental conditions

3.2.1 The environmental conditions given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 2 Environmental Conditions are to be used in the derivation of the global hull girder loads.

3.3 Vertical wave bending moments

3.3.1 The minimum value of vertical wave bending moment, MW at any position along the ship may be taken as follows:

Mw = Ff Df Mo kNm


  1. Ff is the hogging, FfH, or sagging, FfS, correction factor based on the amount of bow flare, stern flare, length and effective buoyancy of the aft end of the ship above the waterline.

  2. F fS is the sagging (negative) moment correction factor and is to be taken as

    FfS = –1,10 R A 0,3 for values of RA ≥ 1,0
    FfS = –1,10 for values of RA < 1,0

An area ratio value of 1,0 results in a sagging correction factor of –1,10.

  1. FfH is the hogging (positive) moment correction factor and is to be taken as

    RA is an area ratio factor, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.2.

Df = the longitudinal distribution factor
= 0 at aft end of LR
= 1,0 between 0,4LR and 0,65LR
= 0 at forward end of LR
= Intermediate values of Df are to be determined by linear interpolation
Mo = 0,1L f f s L R 2 B WL (Cb1 + 0,7) kNm
Lf =
fs = Service area factor applicable to the Service Area Notation. To be specially considered depending upon the required areas of operation and in any event should be not less than 0,5.
For unrestricted sea-going service fs = 1,0, for other Service Areas Notations, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.4 Service area factors
BWL = maximum waterline breadth, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 1.2 Definitions and symbols 1.2.1
Cb1 = Cb but is not to be taken less than 0,60
Cb = the block coefficient as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5 Definitions

3.3.2 The area ratio factor, RA, for the combined stern and bow shape is to be derived as follows:


ABF = is the bow flare area, in m2, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.3
ASF = is the stern flare area, in m2, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.4

3.3.3 The bow flare area, ABF, is illustrated in Figure 4.3.1 Deviation of bow and stern flare areas and may be derived as follows:

AUB = half the water plane area at a waterline of TC,U of the bow region of the hull forward of 0,8 LR from the AP
ALB = half the water plane area at the design draught of the bow region of the hull forward of 0,8 LR from the AP.
Note the AP is to be taken at the aft end of the Rule length, LR
The design draught is to be taken as T, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 1.3 Symbols and definitions 1.3.1

Alternatively the following formula may be used

ABF = 0,05 L R (b 0 + 2 b 1 + b 2) + b 0 a/2 m2
b0 = projection of TC,U waterline outboard of the design draught waterline at the FP, in metres, see Figure 4.3.1 Deviation of bow and stern flare areas
b1 = projection of TC,U waterline outboard of the design draught waterline at 0,9 LR from the AP, in metres
b2 = projection of TC,U waterline outboard of the design draught waterline at 0,8 LR from the AP, in metres
a = projection of TC,U waterline forward of the FP, in metres
TC,U = a waterline taken Lf/2 m above the design draught
TC,U = T+ Lf/2 m

Lf is given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.1

For ships with large bow flare angles above the TC,U waterline the bow flare area may need to be specially considered.

Figure 4.3.1 Deviation of bow and stern flare areas

3.3.4 The stern flare area, ASF, is illustrated in Figure 4.3.1 Deviation of bow and stern flare areas and is to be derived as follows:

ASF = AUS – ALS m2


AUS = half the water plane area at a waterline of TC,U of the stern region of the hull from aft to 0,2 LR forward of the AP
ALS = half the water plane area at a waterline of TC,L of the stern region of the hull from aft to 0,2 L R forward of the AP
TC,L = is a waterline taken Lf/2 m below the design draught
TC,L =
. For ships with tumblehome in the stern region, the maximum breadth at any waterline less than TC,U is to be used in the calculation of AUS. The effects of appendages including bossings are to be ignored in the calculation of ALS.

3.3.5 Alternatively, for frigate and destroyer type ships the hogging and sagging vertical wave bending moments and shear forces may be derived from long term 'in-service' measurements of a series of ships with similar hull forms, mass distributions and areas of operation. Typically this will be based on a static wave balance approach. The longitudinal distribution of the vertical wave bending moment is to be taken in accordance with the longitudinal distribution factor, Df.

3.3.6 The vertical wave bending moments and associated shear forces are not to be taken as less than that given by Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.1 and Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.4 Vertical wave shear forces 3.4.1.

3.3.7 Direct calculation methods may be used to derive the vertical wave bending moments, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 1.3 Direct calculation procedures

3.3.8 The sagging correction factor, ffS, in the vertical wave bending moment formulation in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.1 may be derived by direct calculation methods. Appropriate direct calculation methods may include a combination of long term ship motion analysis, non linear ship motion analysis and static balance on a wave crest or trough.

3.4 Vertical wave shear forces

3.4.1 The wave shear force, Q W, at any position along the ship is given by:

Q W = kN
= K f is to be taken as follows; see also Fig.Figure 4.3.2 Shear force factor K f
  1. Positive shear force:

K f = 0 at aft end of L R
= +0,836F fH between 0,2L R and 0,3L R
= +0,65F fH between 0,4L R and 0,5L R
= –0,65F fS between 0,5L R and 0,6L R
= –0,91F fS between 0,7L R and 0,85L R
= 0 at forward end of L R
  1. Negative shear force:

K f = 0 at aft end of L R
= +0,836F fS between 0,15L R and 0,3L R
= +0,65F fS between 0,4L R and 0,5L R
= –0,65F fH between 0,5L R and 0,6L R
= –0,91 F fH between 0,7L R and 0,85L R
= 0 at forward end of L R

Intermediate values are to be determined by linear interpolation.

M o, F fH and F fS are defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.1.

Figure 4.3.2 Shear force factor K f

3.4.2 The direct calculation method used to derive the vertical bending moments may also be used to derive the vertical shear forces, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 1.3 Direct calculation procedures.

3.5 Lateral wave bending moments

3.5.1 If considered necessary by LR, the effects of lateral bending moments may need to be considered. Normally this will only be required for ships with extreme hull forms, multihulls, unusual structural configurations or arrangements or particular loading conditions or operational modes which are likely to result in significant lateral stresses.

3.6 Lateral wave shear forces

3.6.1 If considered necessary by LR, the effects of lateral shear forces may need to be considered. Normally this will only be required for ships with extreme hull forms, multihulls, unusual structural configurations or arrangements or particular loading conditions or operational modes which are likely to result in significant lateral stresses.

3.7 Torsional moments

3.7.1 If considered necessary by LR, the effects of torsional moments may need to be considered. Normally this will only be required for ships with extreme hull forms, multihulls, unusual structural configurations or arrangements or particular loading conditions or operational modes which are likely to result in significant torsional stresses.

3.8 Bow flare impact global loads

3.8.1 The requirements of this section are applicable to fast ships operating in the displacement mode that satisfy the following requirements:

  1. speed V sp > 17,5 knots

  2. bow shape factor ψ > 0,15

ψ =
A b = bow flare area, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.8 Bow flare impact global loads 3.8.3
k fr = bow freeboard correction factor
k fr = but is to be not less than 0,5 nor greater than 1,5
h fr = freeboard height to the upper deck measured at the FP, in metres

3.8.2 For ships with knuckles in the bow flare region above which the hull is nearly vertical or exhibits tumblehome, the values of h fr and A b are normally to be based on the bow flare region below the knuckle
L R and B WL are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 1.2 Definitions and symbols 1.2.1
V sp is defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 1.3 Symbols and definitions

3.8.3 The bow flare area is normally to be derived as follows:

A b = 0,05L R (a 0+ 2a 1 + a 2) + a 0b/2 m2
a 0 = projection of deck at waterline at the FP, in metres
a 1 = projection of deck at waterline at 0,9L R, in metres
a 2 = projection of deck at waterline at 0,8L R, in metres
b = projection of upper deck at waterline from the FP to stem, in metres

see Figure 4.3.3 Derivation of bow shape.
L R is given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 1.2 Definitions and symbols 1.2.1

3.8.4 The dynamic sagging bending moment due to bow flare impact loads, M BF, is given by the following:

M BF = –33D bf A b k fr L R kNm
D bf = the longitudinal distribution factor, see Table 4.3.1 Longitudinal distribution factor D bf

A b is given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.8 Bow flare impact global loads 3.8.3
k fr is given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.8 Bow flare impact global loads 3.8.1
L R is given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 1.2 Definitions and symbols 1.2.1
It is not required to consider a hogging bow flare impact bending moment.

3.8.5 If the bow flare impact bending moment, M BF, is greater than the wave bending moment, M W, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.1, at any position along the length then M W is to be replaced by M BF at these positions.

Table 4.3.1 Longitudinal distribution factor D bf

Position Longitudinal distribution factor D bf
0,0L R 0,00
0,4L R 1,00
0,5L R 1,00
0,6L R 0,98
0,7L R 0,95
0,8L R 0,81
0,9L R 0,44
1,0L R 0,00

Note 1. Intermediate values to be obtained by interpolation.

3.8.6 The bow flare impact shear force, Q BF, associated with the bow flare bending moment is to be taken as follows over the forward half length of the ship:

Q BF = 132K bf A b k fr kN

where K bf is to be taken as follows:
Positive shear force

K bf = 0,0 aft of 0,5L R
= 0,7 between 0,5L R and 0,6L R
= 1,0 between 0,7L R and 0,85L R
= 0,0 at forward end of L R

Intermediate values are to be determined by linear interpolation.

Negative shear force

K bf = 0,0 for the length of the ship, L R


3.8.7 If the bow flare impact shear force, Q BF, is greater than the wave shear force, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.4 Vertical wave shear forces, at any position along the length then the wave shear force, Q W, is to be taken as Q BF at these positions.

Figure 4.3.3 Derivation of bow shape

3.9 Dynamic bending moments and associated shear forces

3.9.1 The requirements of this section are applicable to mono-hull ships when operating in the planing regime.

3.9.2 This section gives formulae for the derivation of the high frequency dynamic bending moment, shear forces and associated pressures. The bending moment and shear force values are to be used for the global design loads if they are greater than the values derived in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments and Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.4 Vertical wave shear forces

3.9.3 The dynamic bending moment, due to a high speed planning craft landing on a wave crest amidships, at any position along the ship, is to be calculated using the following expression:

MDW = Fdf Ddf Ddf|Md| kNm
|MD| = 51∆ LR (16aop – 4abp – 17asp – 5) x 10-3 kNm
Fdf = –1,0 for sagging (negative) moment
= 1,0 for hogging (positive) moment
Ddf = 0 at aft end of LR
= 1,0 between 0,4LR and 0,65LR
= 0 at forward end of LR
Intermediate values of Df are to be determined by linear interpolation
aop = vertical acceleration at the LCG, in terms of g, as defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2.4 Design vertical acceleration for ships in the planing regime
abp = vertical acceleration at forward end of LR, in terms of g, Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2.4 Design vertical acceleration for ships in the planing regime
asp = vertical acceleration at aft end of LR, in terms of g, Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2.4 Design vertical acceleration for ships in the planing regime

3.9.4 The non-dimensional vertical acceleration at the LCG, aop, as defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2.4 Design vertical acceleration for ships in the planing regime, is not to be taken less than 1,0 for the purpose of determining the dynamic bending moment M DW. If the values of abp and asp are unknown, the distributions given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 2.4 Design vertical acceleration for ships in the planing regime are to be applied.

3.9.5 Bottom longitudinals within 0,4LR of amidships are subjected to the following effective pressure, Pds:

P ds = 0,14P dI + 8T kN/m2

3.9.6 Bottom plating within 0,4L R of amidships is subjected to the following effective pressure, P dp:

P dp = 0,175P dl +10T kN/m2

3.9.7 The dynamic shear force, Q DW, at any position along the ship is given by:

Q DW = 4K f M D/L R kN

3.10 Hull girder design loads

3.10.1 The Rule bending moment envelope, M R, and associated shear force envelope, Q R, for use with the scantling determination procedures in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3 Scantling Determination are to be determined as follows:

  1. The Rule vertical bending moment envelope, M R, is to be taken as (MW + MS), as defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments and Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 2.2 Still water bending moments, taking into account the hogging and sagging conditions.

  2. The Rule vertical shear force envelope, Q R, is to be taken as (Q W + Q S), as defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.4 Vertical wave shear forces and Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 2.3 Still water shear forces, taking into account the hogging and sagging conditions.

3.10.2 The values M W and Q W are to be replaced by M BF and Q BF if these are larger, see Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.4 Vertical wave shear forces and Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.8 Bow flare impact global loads 3.8.7 Similarly, the Values M W and Q W are to be replaced by M DW and Q DW if these are larger.

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