Section 2 Minimum structural requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 6 Hull Construction in Steel - Chapter 3 Scantling Determination - Section 2 Minimum structural requirements

Section 2 Minimum structural requirements

2.1 General

2.1.1 The requirements of this Section, unless specified otherwise, are applicable to all ship types, NS1, NS2 and NS3.

2.1.2 The scantlings of plating and stiffeners determined from the Rule scantling requirements are not to be less than that given in Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements for the ship type. Due consideration is to be given to the vessel type correction factor, ω, as defined in Table 3.2.2 Vessel type correction factor (ω)

2.1.3 In addition, where plating contributes to the global strength of the ship, the thickness is to be not less than that required to satisfy the global strength requirements detailed in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 4 Hull Girder Strength

2.2 Corrosion margin

2.2.1 The minimum thicknesses given in Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements are based on the assumption that the correct coatings are used and a proper maintenance regime is employed such that there is negligible loss in strength due to corrosion. Where this is not the case the minimum thickness will be specially considered. For corrosion margins, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 3.8 Corrosion margin

Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements

Item Minimum Scantling
Shell envelope
  Bottom shell and bilge plating ≥ 5,0ω mm  
  Side shell plating ≥ 4,0ω mm  
  Breadth of keel plate, if fitted ≥ 750 mm See Note 1
  Keel plate thickness, if fitted   See Note 2
  Breadth of stem plate ≥ 600 mm  
  Stem plate thickness   See Note 2
  Bar keel area, if fitted cm2    
  Bar keel thickness, if fitted   See Note 2
Single bottom structure
  Centre girder web thickness ≥ 4,0ω mm  
  Side girder web thickness ≥ 3,5ω mm  
  Floor web thickness ≥ 3,5ω mm  
  Centreline girder face flat area    
  Floor face flat area   See Note 3
  Depth of floors, df    
Double bottom structure
  Inner bottom plating thickness ≥ 4,0ω mm  
  Centreline girder web thickness ≥ 4,0ω mm  
  Side girder web thickness ≥ 3,5ω mm  
  Floor web thickness ≥ 3,5ω mm  
  Depth of double bottom, dDB ≥ 630 mm  
Watertight bulkheads
  Plating thickness ≥ 3,5ω mm  
Deep tank bulkheads
  Plating thickness ≥ 4,0ω mm  
Deck structure
  Strength deck ≥ 4,0ω mm  
  Internal and lower decks ≥ 3,0ω mm  
  Exposed deck plating thickness, fwd of 0,75L R ≥ 5,0ω mm  
  Exposed deck plating thickness, aft of 0,75LR ≥ 4,0ω mm  
Superstructure and deckhouses
  Deck plating thickness ≥ 3,0ω mm  
  Side plating thickness ≥ 3,0ω mm  
  Front plating thickness, fwd of 0,75LR ≥ 5,0ω mm  
  Front plating thickness, aft of 0,75LR ≥ 4,0ω mm  
  Back plating thickness ≥ 3,0ω mm  
  Machinery casing plating thickness ≥ 3,0ω mm  
  Wall thickness of tubular pillars ≥ 2,5ω mm  
  Wall thickness of rectangular pillars ≥ 2,5ω mm  
Plated mast structures which are not structurally effective
  Deck, side and back plating 3mm  
  Front plating thickness, fwd of 0,75LR 5mm  
  Front plating thickness, aft of 0,75LR 4mm  
L1 = LR but need not be taken greater than 190m
L 2 = LR but need not be taken greater than 215m
ω = vessel type correction factor as determined from Table 3.2.2 Vessel type correction factor (ω)
kms = 635/(σo + σu)
σo = specified minimum yield strength of the material, in N/mm2
σu = specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the material, in N/mm2
bp = minimum breadth of cross section of hollow rectangular pillar, in mm
dp = outside diameter of tubular pillar, in mm
= LR, B and T are defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars

Note 1. Maximum keel breadth 1800 mm.

Note 2. Not to be less than adjacent shell plate. Above the design waterline the bar keel may be the same as the adjacent shell.

Note 3. Face plate thickness not to be less than floor thickness.

Table 3.2.2 Vessel type correction factor (ω)

Vessel type ω
Bottom structure of ships operating aground 1,2
NS1 1,1
NS2 and NS3 1,0

2.3 Impact consideration

2.3.1 Due consideration is to be given to the scantlings of all structures which may be subject to local impact loadings. For example decks in workshops. Impact testing may be required to be carried out at the discretion of LR to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed scantlings for a particular application.

2.4 Sheathing

2.4.1 Areas of shell and deck which are subject to additional wear by abrasion from, i.e. removal or stores routes, working areas, forefoot region, etc. are to be suitably protected by local reinforcement or sheathing. This sheathing may be of timber, rubber, steel, additional layers of reinforcement, etc. as appropriate. Details of such sheathing and the method of attachment are to be submitted for consideration.

2.4.2 The attachment of sheathing by mechanical means such as bolting or other methods is not to impair the watertight integrity of the ship. Through bolting of the hull is to be kept to a minimum and avoided where practicable. The design arrangements in way of any through bolting are to be such that damage to the sheathing will not impair the watertight integrity of the hull.

2.4.3 When decks that are not structurally effective or subject to significant inplane stresses are fitted with approved sheathing, the thickness derived may be reduced by 10 per cent for a 50 mm sheathing thickness, or five per cent for 25 mm, with intermediate values in proportion. The steel deck is to be coated with a suitable material in order to prevent corrosive action, and the sheathing or composition is to be effectively secured to the deck. Inside deckhouses the thickness may be reduced by a further 10 per cent.

2.5 Special considerations

2.5.1 Flight decks and structures in way of launcher ramps, gun platforms, etc. will be subject to special consideration.

2.5.2 The minimum plating thickness of ships intended for operation in ice conditions will be specially considered.

2.5.3 Ships with shock enhanced notation are not to be fitted with bar keels. Docking arrangements are to be specially considered.

2.5.4 For large or novel ships, the scantlings of the stern will be specially considered.

2.5.5 Where water jet or sterndrive units are fitted, the scantlings of the plating in way of the nozzles and connections will be specially considered.

2.6 Direct calculations

2.6.1 The thickness requirements derived from Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements may be specially considered, where direct calculation procedures are adopted to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed alternative, e.g. shear buckling analysis may be performed on girder or floor webs.

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