Section 1 General
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 6 Hull Construction in Steel - Chapter 6 Material and Welding Requirements - Section 1 General

Section 1 General

1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of this Chapter are applicable to mono-hull ships of steel construction as defined in Pt 1, Ch 2, 2.2 Definitions 2.2.5.

1.2 General

1.2.1 This Chapter contains the general Rule requirements for the construction of steel ships using electric arc welding processes. Where alternative methods of construction are proposed, details are to be submitted for consideration by Clasifications Register (hereinafter referred to as 'LR').

1.2.2  Specific requirements containing detailed information on testing, inspection and construction details can be found in the relevant Chapters of the Naval Survey Guidance for Steel Ships, or an otherwise specified and agreed standard.

1.3 Symbols and definitions

1.3.1 The symbols and definitions used in this Chapter are defined in the appropriate Section.

1.4 Builder’s facilities

1.4.1 The buildings used for production and storage are to be of suitable construction and equipped to provide the required environment, and are also to comply with any specified standard(s)

1.4.2 The Surveyor is to be allowed unrestricted access during working hours to such parts of the Builder’s establishment as may be necessary to ensure that the requirements of the Rules are being complied with.

1.5 Works inspection

1.5.1 Prior to the commencement of construction, the facilities are to be inspected to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. This will include the minimum quality control arrangements outlined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.6 Quality control

1.5.2 The Surveyor is to be satisfied that the Builder has the organisation and capability to construct ships to the standards required by the Rules.

1.5.3 The Builder is to be advised of the result of the inspection and all deficiencies are to be rectified prior to the commencement of production.

1.5.4 Where structural components are to be assembled and welded by subcontractors, the Surveyors are to inspect the sub-contractor’s works to ensure that compliance with the requirements of this Chapter can be achieved.

1.6 Quality control

1.6.1 For compliance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.5 Works inspection 1.5.2, LR’s methods of survey and inspection for hull construction and machinery installation are to include procedures involving the shipyard management, organisation and quality systems.

1.6.2 The extent and complexity of the quality systems will vary considerably depending on the size and type of ships and production output. LR will consider certification of the Builder in accordance with the requirements of one of the following systems:

  1. Quality Assurance System in accordance with an International or National Standard (i.e. ISO 9000 and BS ENISO 9001) with assessment and certification carried out by a nationally accredited body.

  2. LR’s Quality Assurance Scheme for the Hull Construction of Ships.

  3. LR’s Quality Assurance Scheme for the Construction of Special Service Craft.

  4. LR’s locally accepted Quality Control System – The Builder is implementing a documented Quality Control System which controls the following activities:

    1. Receipt storage and issue of materials, equipment, etc.

    2. Fabrication environment.

    3. Weld procedures and welder performance.

    4. Production fabrication.

    5. Inspection of production processes.

    6. Installation of machinery, Mobility and Ship Type systems.

    7. Fitting-out.

    8. Tests and trials.

    9. Drawings and document control.

    10. Records.

1.6.3 The ‘documented’ quality control system will in general require the Builder to have written procedures that describe clearly and unambiguously which of the activities specified in 1.6.2(d) is carried out, when it is carried out and by whom. These procedures will form part of the system manual which is also to contain a statement of management policy, organisation chart and statements of responsibilities. The manual is to be controlled in respect to the formal issue and revision.

1.6.4 Further details of LR’s requirements are available on request from the local LR office.

1.7 Building environment

1.7.1 The ship is to be suitably protected during the building period from adverse weather and climatic conditions.

1.8 Storage areas

1.8.1 All materials are to be stored safely and in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Storage arrangements are to be such as to prevent deterioration through contact with heat, sunlight, damp, cold and poor handling.

1.8.2 All storage spaces provided by the Builder for welding consumables are to be suitable for maintaining them in good condition and are to be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

1.8.3 All materials are to be fully identifiable in the storage areas, and identification is to be maintained during issue to production.

1.8.4 Material suspected of being non-conforming is to be segregated from acceptable materials.

1.9 Materials handling

1.9.1 The Builder is to maintain purchasing documents containing a clear description of the materials ordered for use in hull construction and the standards to which the material must conform, together with the identification and certification requirements.

1.9.2 The Builder is to be responsible for ensuring that all incoming plates, sections, castings, components, fabrications and consumables and other materials used in the hull construction are inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to purchase order requirements.

1.9.3 The Builder is to have procedures for the inspection, storage and maintenance of Owner supplied materials and equipment.

1.9.4 The Builder is to record, on receipt, the manufacturing date, or use-by date of critical materials. Any materials which have a shelf life are to be used in order of manufacturing date to ensure stock rotation.

1.9.5 The Builder is to establish and maintain a procedure to ensure that materials and consumables used in the hull construction process are identified (by colour-coding and/or marking as appropriate) from arrival in the yard through to fabrication in such a way as to enable the type and grade to be readily recognised.

1.9.6 Where materials are found to be defective they are to be rejected in accordance with the Builder’s quality control procedure.

1.10 Faults

1.10.1 All identified faults are to be recorded under the requirements of the quality control systems. Faults are to be classified according to their severity and are to be monitored during Survey.

1.10.2 Production faults are to be discussed with the Owner and attending Surveyor, and a rectification scheme agreed. Deviations from the approved plans are to be locally approved by the attending Surveyor and a copy forwarded to the plan approval office for record purpose.

1.11 New building inspection

1.11.1 On acceptance of a ‘Request for Services’ the attending Surveyor is to inform the Builder of the key stages of the production that are to be inspected and the extent of the inspection to be carried out.

1.11.2 It is the Builder’s responsibility to carry out required inspections in accordance with the accepted quality control system.

1.11.3 It is the Surveyor's responsibility to monitor the Builder’s quality control records and carry out inspections at key stages and during periodic visits.

1.11.4 Adequate facilities are to be provided to enable the Surveyor to carry out a satisfactory inspection. Consideration also needs to be given to provide arrangements that facilitate subsequent in-service maintenance. These are to include the provision of access holes in restricted spaces and removable linings.

1.11.5 During inspections all deviations are to be dealt with in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.6 Quality control 1.6.3

1.11.6 Building and repair tolerances are given in the Naval Ship Survey Guidance Manual.

1.12 Acceptance criteria

1.12.1 Classification is dependent upon the work being carried out in accordance with the approved plans and the requirements of an accepted quality control system.

1.12.2 The work is to be carried out to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. This will include the verification of the quality control documentation and the remedial action associated with all defects and deficiencies recorded.

1.12.3 Proposed deviations from the approved plans are subject to LR approval and in the first instance are to be discussed with the attending Surveyor. Where applicable, an amended plan is to be submitted to the plan appraisal office. Such deviations will be recorded as endorsements to the classification unless specifically agreed otherwise with the plan appraisal office.

1.12.4 Where the above requirements are met the attending Surveyor will arrange for the relevant certification to be issued.

1.13 Repair

1.13.1 Minor repairs are to be agreed with the attending Surveyor and a rectification scheme agreed with the Builder. The Builder is to incorporate details of the agreed repair procedures in the quality control system in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.6 Quality control 1.6.3

1.13.2 Repairs which affect the structural integrity are to be discussed with the Builder and the Builder’s proposed rectification scheme is to be submitted to the plan appraisal office for consideration.

Copyright 2022 Clasifications Register Group Limited, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasifications Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasifications Register'. Clasifications Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasifications Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.