Section 4 Operating conditions
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 2 Machinery and Engineering Systems - Part 1 General Requirements - Chapter 3 Requirements for Design, Construction, Installation and Sea Trials of Engineering Systems - Section 4 Operating conditions

Section 4 Operating conditions

4.1 Availability for operation

4.1.1 The design and arrangement is to be such that the machinery can be started and controlled on board ship, without external aid, so that operating conditions can be maintained.

4.1.2 Installed machinery is to be capable of operating at defined power ratings with a range of fuels specified by the manufacturer and agreed by the Owner.

4.1.3 Smoke and emission levels from machinery exhaust systems are to be in accordance with those specified by the manufacturer and agreed by the Owner over the full operating range.

4.1.4 Installed machinery is to be capable of operating and being maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions as required by Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.6 and Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.16.

4.1.5 Installed machinery is to be capable of operating satisfactorily in accordance with the manufacturer’s stated operating conditions within an operational envelope specified for the ship by the Owner and agreed by the manufacturer/system designer, see Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.17. The optimum operational envelope is where machinery and equipment is operated to provide its best performance without causing undue wear or deterioration that could affect its operational reliability.

4.1.6 Installed machinery is to be capable of operating satisfactorily in accordance with the manufacturer’s stated operating conditions within defined training and drill regimes specified by the Owner and agreed by the shipyard and machinery/equipment manufacturer, see Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.18.

4.2 Fuel oil

4.2.1 The flash point (closed-cup test) of fuel oil for use in naval ships classed for unrestricted service is, in general, to be not less than 60ºC.

4.2.2 The use of fuel having a lower flash point than specified in Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.2 Fuel oil 4.2.1, as applicable, may be permitted provided that such fuel is not stored in any machinery space and the arrangements for the complete installation are specially approved See Vol 2, Pt 7, Ch 4 Aircraft/Helicopter/Vehicle Fuel Piping and Arrangements

4.3 Power ratings

4.3.1 In the Chapters where the dimensions of any particular component are determined from shaft power, P, in kW, and revolutions per minute, R, the values to be used are to be derived from the following:

  • For main propelling machinery, the maximum shaft power and corresponding revolutions per minute giving the maximum torque for which the machinery is to be classed.
  • For auxiliary machinery, the maximum continuous shaft power and corresponding revolutions per minute which will be used in service.

4.4 Ambient reference conditions

4.4.1 The rating for classification purposes of main and auxiliary machinery intended for installation in Mobility or Ship Type systems in naval sea-going ships to be classed for unrestricted (geographical) service is to be based on:

  • A total barometric pressure of 1000 mb
  • An engine room ambient temperature or suction air temperature of 45ºC.
  • A relative humidity of 60 per cent.
  • Sea-water temperature or, where applicable, the temperature of the charge air coolant at the inlet of 32ºC.

Note The manufacturer is not expected to provide simulated ambient reference conditions at a test bed.

4.4.2 In the case of a naval ship to be classed for restricted service, the rating is to be suitable for the temperature conditions associated with the geographical limits of the restricted service.

4.5 Ambient operating conditions

4.5.1 Main and auxiliary machinery and equipment in Mobility or Ship Type systems are to be capable of operating satisfactorily under the conditions shown in Table 3.4.1 Ambient operating conditions.

Table 3.4.1 Ambient operating conditions

Installations, components Location, arrangement Temperature range (ºC)
Machinery and electrical installations In enclosed spaces 0 to +45, see Note 1
On machinery components, boilers, In spaces subject to higher and lower temperatures According to specific local conditions, see Note 2
On the open deck –25 to +45, see Note 1
Coolant Temperature (ºC)
Sea-water or charge air coolant inlet to charge air cooler –2 to +32, see Note 1

Note 1. For ships intended to be classed for restricted service, a deviation from the temperatures stated may be considered.

Note 2. Details of local environmental conditions are stated in Annex B of IEC 60092: Electrical installations in ships – Part 101: Definitions and general requirements.

4.5.2 Where it is intended to allow for operation in ambient temperatures outside those shown in Table 3.4.1 Ambient operating conditions, the permissible temperatures and associated periods of time are to be specified by the manufacturer and agreed by the Owner. Engineering systems should retain a continuous level of functional capability under these conditions and any level of degraded performance should be defined. Operation under these circumstances should not be the cause of damage to equipment in the system.

4.6 Inclination of ship

4.6.1 Main and auxiliary machinery in Mobility, Ship Type systems, electrical and emergency equipment are to operate satisfactorily under the conditions as shown in Table 3.4.2 Inclinations.

Table 3.4.2 Inclinations

Engineering installations and equipment Angle of inclination, degrees (see Note 1)
Athwartship Fore-and-aft
Static(Heel) Dynamic(Roll) Static(Trim) Dynamic(Pitch)
Main and auxiliary machinery in Mobility and Ship Type Systems including electrical equipment 15 ±22,5 5 (see Note 2) ±7,5
Emergency machinery and equipment including electrical equipment. Switchgear, electrical and electronic appliances (see Note 3) and remote control systems 22,5 (see Note 4) ±22,5 10 ±10

Note 1. Athwartships and fore-and-aft inclination may occur simultaneously.

Note 2. Where the length of the ship exceeds 100 m, the fore-and-aft static angle of inclination may be taken as 500/L degrees where L = length of ship, in metres.

Note 3. Up to an angle of inclination of 45 degrees no undesired switching operations or operational changes may occur.

Note 4. A static damaged condition up to a maximum of 30 degrees may be required by the specified standards.

4.6.2 The arrangements for lubricating bearings and for draining crankcase and oil sumps of main and auxiliary engines, gearcases, electric generators, motors and other running machinery are to be designed so that they will remain efficient with the ship inclined under the conditions shown in Table 3.4.2 Inclinations

4.6.3 Any proposal to deviate from the angles given in Table 3.4.2 Inclinations will be specially considered taking into account the type, size and service conditions of the ship.

4.6.4 The dynamic angles of inclination in Table 3.4.2 Inclinations may be exceeded in certain circumstances dependent upon ship type and operation. The Shipbuilder is, therefore, to ensure that the machinery is capable of operating under these angles of inclination.

4.7 Power conditions for generator sets

4.7.1 Auxiliary engines coupled to electrical generators are to be capable under service conditions of developing continuously the power to drive the generators at full rated output (kW) and in the case of engines and gas turbines, of developing for a short period (15 minutes) an overload power of not less than 10 per cent.

4.7.2 Engine builders are to satisfy the Surveyors by tests on individual engines that the requirements in Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.7 Power conditions for generator sets 4.7.1, as applicable, can be complied with, due account being taken of the difference between the temperatures under test conditions and those referred to in Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.4 Ambient reference conditions 4.4.1. Alternatively, where it is not practicable to test the engine/generator set as a unit, type tests (e.g. against a brake) representing a particular size and range of engines may be accepted. With engines and gas turbines any fuel stop fitted is to be set to permit the short period overload power of not less than 10 per cent above full rated output (kW) to be developed.

4.8 Astern power

4.8.1 In order to maintain sufficient manoeuvrability and secure control of the ship in all normal circumstances, the propulsion machinery is to be capable of reversing the direction of thrust so as to bring the ship to rest.

4.8.2 The propulsion machinery is to be capable of maintaining continuous astern power for the maximum astern speed and time specified by the Owner.

4.8.3 Where appropriate the propulsion machinery is to be capable of achieving the astern power necessary to meet the requirements of the LMA or LMNA notation as applicable (see Vol 3, Pt 1, Ch 4 Manoeuvring Assessment).

4.9 Military requirements

4.9.1 The Owner is responsible for defining the military requirements relating to the design, construction, testing and installation of machinery and engineering systems.

4.9.2 The following aspects are to be considered for machinery and engineering systems where military requirements are defined:

  • Acoustic tiling and other noise reduction techniques.
  • Action damage repairs.
  • Alternative/back-up supplies.
  • Chocking and securing of machinery.
  • Design and installation of machinery to withstand shock.
  • Electromagnetic compatibility.
  • Electromagnetic hazards to personnel.
  • Electromagnetic hazards to fuel storage.
  • Electromagnetic hazards to ammunition storage.
  • Equipment in magazine spaces.
  • IR emission.
  • Laser hazards.
  • Magnetic restrictions.
  • Manoeuvring capabilities.
  • CBRN capability.
  • Noise and vibration for machinery derived noise and vibration signatures.
  • Operation of equipment at high ambient temperatures associated with closedown situations.
  • Operation of machinery under excessive list and trim conditions.
  • Operation of machinery under partial flooding or damage conditions.
  • Radar cross-section.
  • Reversionary modes of operation.
  • Ruggedness of installation and equipment.
  • Shutdown and isolation of HVAC systems.
  • Smoke clearance requirements.

The foregoing list is not exhaustive and additional aspects may be specified and included by the Owner.

4.9.3 Guidance on design and installation of machinery and engineering systems covering military requirements where they interface with the provisions of classification may be sought from LR for particular installations.

4.9.4 Where a military requirement for disabling automatic control, protection or safety functions for machinery and engineering systems has been defined, the consequences of using the disabling arrangements are to be established and included in the operations procedures and orders provided on board the ship. Details of any disabling arrangements are to be recorded and submitted to LR for consideration in each instance.

4.9.5 Where military mission requirements specify immediate availability of mobility and ship type category engineering systems from cold start conditions, the equipment and arrangements of sub-systems such as lubrication and cooling are to be suitable for operation at a defined level of capability and functionality at stated temperatures.

4.9.6 Systems provided to fulfil military requirements, e.g. weapons or combat systems, are to be arranged such that their operation or failure will not adversely affect the operation of Mobility, Ship Type or Ancillary category systems covered by these Rules.

4.10 Guidance for underwater signature

4.10.1 Where military requirements for underwater signature have been specified, the guidance in Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.10 Guidance for underwater signature 4.10.2 may be used to assist in achieving the requirements. The Owner is responsible for defining the underwater signature and any requirements in addition to the guidance in this Section. The System Design Description is to include underwater signature levels for the ship and propulsion system, which should be agreed between the designer and Owner, see Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.11

4.10.2 Acceptance levels for propulsion and underwater signature are normally specified by the Owner such that propulsive performance and the underwater signature may be determined.

4.10.3 The techniques that may be employed for control of underwater signature are outlined in Table 3.4.3 Control of underwater signature for guidance purposes.

Table 3.4.3 Control of underwater signature

Propeller noise Low resistance hull at required quiet speed. Attention to good inflow into propeller by integrated propeller/hull design. Noise reduced low rpm propeller design
Propeller cavitation Low resistance hull at required quiet speed. Attention to good inflow into propeller by integrated propeller/hull design. Attention to propeller design and detail Use of high tolerances in manufacture
Propeller induced vibration Attention to propeller position relative to hull and the interaction between the hull and propeller. Low resistance hull at required quiet speed. Attention to good inflow into propeller by integrated hull/propeller design
Cavitation noise Attention to good flow to appendages and appendage siting and alignment. Good appendage shapes

4.10.4 The techniques that may be employed for control of underwater signature are:

  1. All machinery should be assessed for its vibration characteristics.

  2. All constructional details connecting machinery to the hull should be assessed for their ability to transmit vibration into the water. If required, suitable vibration isolating machinery, pipe and cable mountings are to be used.

  3. The hull form should be optimised to give efficient performance at the noise quiet speed required in order to obtain the minimum propeller noise signature.

  4. The hull form should be fair and smooth to minimise resistance and flow noise.

  5. Underwater openings should be minimised and attention should be given to the noise characteristics of grilles and shutters.

  6. Attention should be given to the shape, position and alignment of underwater appendages in order to minimise local turbulence, but especially in the flow into the propellers.

  7. Propeller design should be carried out using appropriate noise reduction features.

4.11 Machinery shock arrangements

4.11.1 Where shock requirements for machinery, engineering systems and equipment have been specified, the requirements of this Section are to be met. The Naval Administration is responsible for determining and specifying if these Rules are adequate to meet their requirements and defining any alternative or additional requirements. These Rules may be applied in isolation from or in addition to the requirements of the Shock Enhancement notation, SH, see Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 5 Underwater explosion (shock).

4.11.2 A shock System Design Description, may be specified by the Owner. The System Design Description is to identify the level of shock resistance for installed machinery, engineering systems and equipment and is to address:

  1. Protection of the crew and embarked personnel.

  2. The capability of machinery, equipment and systems to operate after shock loading.

  3. The capability of securing arrangements to retain machinery and equipment captive after shock loading.

  4. The location of machinery/equipment and routing of Mobility and/or Ship Type electrical and piping systems to maintain services in the event of damage due to shock loading.

The application of design and installation of machinery systems for shock resistance is dependent on the Owner requirements detailed in the shock policy. Shock capability may range from full operational capability after repeated shock to that for retaining items captive to avoid injury to personnel.

4.11.3 The actual threat level used in the calculation of performance of the equipment is to be specified by the Owner and will remain confidential to LR.

4.11.4 Where the shock policy requires that shock capability be achieved by separating duplicated items of equipment within a system, with the aim of ensuring that the system remains operational after a shock event, the equipment is to be rugged, and designed to operate in a marine environment. The minimum distance between duplicated items of equipment is to be in accordance with the policy.

4.11.5 The shock performance of individual items of ship’s equipment required to operate after shock loading is to be assessed by conducting representative shock tests. For larger items of equipment, a combination of shock tests and numerical modelling may be used, as defined in the System Design Description.

4.11.6 Where equipment shock testing is required, it is to be carried out at a recognised facility in accordance with an acceptable procedure. It is to be ensured that the test arrangements represent the magnitude and direction of loads, and that the loading is applied to the equipment in the configuration in which it will be fitted on board, including shock mounts if applicable.

4.11.7 Equipment previously tested to a particular shock acceleration for another application may be fitted on a vessel with a different shock requirement on condition that the environment in which it is fitted is no more severe than that for which it was tested. In this instance, past test results complemented by a mounting calculation for the proposed arrangements are required.

4.11.8 Where equipment containing electronic components is required to be shock capable, the electronic components are to be tested in accordance with the requirements of Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.11 Machinery shock arrangements 4.11.6.

4.11.9 Where equipment is to be installed on shock mounts, the mounts are to be of an approved type and are to meet the requirements of Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 2, 5.7 Shock mounts.

4.11.10 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock captive or shock capable, non-ductile, brittle, low impact resistance, or high notch sensitivity materials, particularly grey cast iron and cast aluminium are not to be used unless their use can be justified and agreed with the Naval Administration. Materials used, where possible, are to be capable of yielding by approximately 10 per cent before fracture. Whenever possible, the use of glass is to be avoided in machinery, engineering systems and equipment. Where this is not possible, toughened glass is to be used. Where glass is used in tank level gauges, for tanks containing flammable fluids, automatic self-closing valves are to be fitted at the top and bottom of the gauge to prevent the loss of fluid.

4.11.11 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock captive or shock capable, the use of materials that will be exposed to temperatures below their ductile to brittle transition temperature is to be avoided.

4.11.12 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock captive or shock capable, stress concentrations in structural arrangements for machinery and equipment are to be avoided and, where possible, welds are to be located away from high stress areas.

4.11.13 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock capable, overhung and cantilevered components on machinery and equipment are to be avoided where possible.

4.11.14 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock capable, direct support of connected items of equipment from two or more separate parts of the ship’s structure, such as decks and bulkheads, is to be avoided, since differences in response motions at these positions may cause damage.

4.11.15 To minimise relative movement between items of machinery and equipment that require a fixed relationship to each other, wherever possible, they are to be co-located on a common base or frame.

4.11.16 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock capable, where pipework passes through bulkheads, penetrations of an approved type which have been shock tested are to be used to avoid point loading of the pipes during a shock event. Alternatively, flanged penetrations which are permanently attached to the bulkhead are to be used.

4.11.17 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock capable, flexible pipework couplings are to be of an approved type which have been shock tested.

4.11.18 Piping runs are to be supported in the region of valves and fittings and supports are to be arranged as close to the elastic centre of the mounting system as possible.

4.11.19 Where required by the shock System Design Description, piping containing flammable fluids passing through compartments of high fire risk are to meet the requirements of Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.11 Machinery shock arrangements 4.11.16.

4.11.20 Where equipment is required to remain captive, securing arrangements are to be designed to resist the acceleration/deceleration levels which are associated with the location of the equipment within the ship. The shock captivity levels are to be identified in the System Design Description.

4.11.21 The arrangement of equipment attachment locations is to be such that the height of the centre of gravity above the securing plane is small relative to the span of securing bolts; typically the height of the equipment centre of gravity should be less than one half of the distance between the outermost securing bolts.

4.11.22 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock captive or shock capable, equipment housing is to be designed to ensure that it is sufficiently strong to withstand the bolt loadings and not allow them to pull through.

4.11.23 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock capable, the design of machinery trips and breakers is to be such that shock movement cannot trigger them. Also, pivoted parts and link mechanisms, etc. are to be balanced if possible.

4.11.24 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock capable, adequate clearances are to be allowed between fixed and moving items, equipment and structure and pipes and structure. General clearances are to be approximately 100 mm all round.

4.11.25 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock captive or shock capable, all fixing lugs are to be closed eyes and not slots. Minimum clearance holes are to be provided for bolts. In general, bolts up to 20 mm diameter are to have a clearance of 1 mm on diameter and for bolts larger than 20 mm, a clearance of 2 mm on diameter.

4.11.26 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock captive or shock capable, bolted connections are to be tightened to their specified torque limits consistent with the allowable stress in the bolt, typically 2/3 of the yield strength. Lock nuts that lock along the thread length are to be used in preference to lock or star washers.

4.11.27 All connections to equipment that is resiliently mounted are to be capable of accommodating the maximum displacements induced by shock. Resilient mounting of equipment onto equipment that is already resiliently mounted is to be avoided.

4.11.28 For systems, machinery and equipment which are required to be shock capable, flexible hoses and bellows are to have adequate deflection capability in all directions to accommodate relative displacements induced as a result of shock.

4.11.29 Removable items and racks, etc. are to be positively secured when in situ with no reliance being made on friction grip or push fits.

4.11.30 Safety equipment (removable escape ladders, fire extinguishers, etc.) is to be secured with quick release arrangements.

4.11.31 Portable items are to have secure stowage or attachments such that they do not become free following shock.

4.11.32 Electrical cables are to be installed to accommodate relative movement under shock.

4.11.33 Where electrical system circuit breakers and fuses are rigidly fastened to the structure, they are to be of an approved shockproof design.

4.11.34 Electrical plug-in components such as printed circuits or relays are to be positively secured in position. Retention by friction is not permitted.

4.11.35 Flexible mounts are not to be degraded by the use of other rigid connections to equipment such as pipework.

4.12 Guidance for CBRN protection, detection and monitoring

4.12.1 Where military requirements to operate under the threat of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defence (CBRN) warfare have been specified, the guidance in Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.12 Guidance for CBRN protection, detection and monitoring 4.12.2 to Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.12 Guidance for CBRN protection, detection and monitoring 4.12.14 may be used to assist in achieving the requirements. The Owner is responsible for defining the levels of threat, operating periods and for specifying any CBRN Protection requirements in addition to the guidance in this Section. The System Design Description for CBRN Protection of the ship should be agreed between the designer and Owner, see Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.9. For hull structure guidance, see Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 1, 7 Design guidance for nuclear, biological and chemical defence.

4.12.2 The prime objectives in the design of CBRN Protection arrangements should address:

  1. Protection of the crew and embarked personnel.

  2. Capability of the ship to operate in close-down conditions when engaged in military missions.

4.12.3 The ship will have a citadel in which the crew can shelter and in particular, ship operations can be managed for long-term close-down conditions. This citadel may be part or all of the ship. Larger citadels may be sub-divided into a number of smaller sub-citadels. The duration of operation with a citadel in use is to be defined in the System Design Description.

4.12.4 The citadel should be designed to provide an over-pressure relative to external ambient conditions such that any leakage of air flows outward from spaces inside the ship. The system design for maintaining over-pressure should recognise degradation of gas-tightness in the ship's structures during operational service and take into account known leakages for the purposes of establishing the required number of air filtration units.

4.12.5 Fresh air required for ventilation purposes should pass through an appropriate level of filtration before entering the citadel. Jalousies fitted at the intakes should be capable of controlling the ingestion of water, particulate and corrosive marine salts to limit degradation of filter units due to moisture carry over. The air filtration units should be capable of providing protection against nuclear, biological and chemical threats defined in the specified standards and should be capable of being cleaned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The air filtration systems should be capable of being operated from within the citadel. The maintenance arrangements for air filtration systems should ensure that there is minimum risk of introduction of contaminants into the citadel.

4.12.6 The number, capacity and arrangements of air filtration units should recognise the requirements for operational capability within the ship’s zoning policy and air supply requirements to any sub-citadels.

4.12.7 Access to and from the citadel should be via air locks and cleansing stations to decontaminate personnel entering the citadel.

4.12.8 A means of monitoring the level of over-pressure within a citadel should be provided.

4.12.9 Doors, hatches and other closures that are part of the citadel boundary should be clearly marked as such.

4.12.10 All openings into the citadel should be capable of being closed to form a gastight seal. In the case of fluid systems with overboard discharges that are required to be open for operational reasons, these should be fitted with water seals to prevent the ingress of external air. Arrangements should be made to re-circulate air for ventilation/ air conditioning purposes, such as galley air, and where necessary, provide bleed valves such that air may be purged via the air locks/cleansing stations without allowing external air to re-enter the citadel. The arrangements for re-circulation and fresh air intakes should take into account the maximum permitted levels of CO2 and any other gases/ odours that may prejudice the safety of crew and embarked personnel.

4.12.11 In the case of machinery spaces that are to be kept ‘clean’ during CBRN states by closures, combustion air should be trunked directly to the prime movers and adequate cooling is to be provided within these spaces to maintain safe equipment operation. Arrangements should be provided to permit engines to breathe as required for full power operational requirements. See Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 5.14 Machinery enclosures for requirements for machinery enclosures.

4.12.12 A means of preventing adherence of contamination and for decontamination of the outside of the ship should be provided by pre-wetting/wetting systems. Adequate means of drainage should be provided for pre-wetting/wetting water. The siting of nozzles and drainage arrangements should be arranged to avoid build-up of water and potential ingress of water into air intakes for ventilation and machinery air intakes.

4.12.13 A means of monitoring, indicating and warning of CBRN contamination should be provided.

4.12.14 Nuclear shelter positions for ship’s crew and embarked personnel should be identified. These positions should be provided with adequate means of ventilation capable of maintaining the atmosphere with a maximum CO2 level of 1,5% for a defined period of time.

4.13 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

4.13.1 For documentation required for design review See also Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.12.

4.13.2 Mobility and/or Ship Type systems, including weapons systems, are to be designed and installed such that their performance does not degrade from the manufacturer’s specifications as a result of susceptibility to electromagnetic interference (EMI). This is to apply to EMI generated during both normal ship operations and during military activities.

4.13.3 An EMC Test Plan is to be established, an EMC analysis carried out and a test report produced, which are to be submitted for review. These are to be in accordance with one of the following:
  1. the requirements and guidelines of IEC 60533, Electrical Installations in Ships, Electromagnetic Compatibility; or
  2. the requirements of the Naval Authority, equivalent to (a), as defined in an appropriate naval standard; or
  3. the requirements of the EMC Management Plan for the ship application, according to its defined EM environment.

4.13.4 The EMC Test Plan is to demonstrate that an assessment of the verification and validation requirements has been made, which demonstrates that the appropriate EMC requirements have been specified.

4.13.5 The assessment required by paragraph Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.13 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 4.13.4 is to consider:
  1. the relative proximity and quantity of electrical and electronic equipment to each other, such as transmitters and receivers; and
  2. whether the EMC requirements proposed are adequate, or whether more onerous requirements are needed.
4.13.6 Mobility, Ship Type and Ancillary systems are to comply with the appropriate emission and minimum immunity levels defined in one of the following, and as appropriate to the assigned ship and vessel ConOps, see Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 2 Requirements for Machinery and Engineering Systems of Unconventional Design;
  1. IEC 60533, Electrical Installations in Ships, Electromagnetic Compatibility. Additional testing is to be conducted when the EMC analysis does not clearly identify that the requirements of the Naval Authority are satisfied; or
  2. an appropriate naval standard, acceptable to the Naval Authority; or
  3. an EMC Control Plan (see Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.3 Calculations and specifications 3.3.12).

4.14 Machinery interlocks

4.14.1 Interlocks are to be provided to prevent any operation of engines, turbines or applicable auxiliary machinery under conditions that could hazard the machinery or personnel. These are to include 'turning gear engaged', 'low lubricating oil pressure', where oil pressure is essential for the prevention of damage during start up, 'shaft brake engaged' and where machinery is not available due to maintenance or repairs. The interlock system is to be arranged to 'fail safe'.

4.14.2 In the case of machinery with manual turning gear which is not permanently attached, warning devices or notices may be provided as an alternative to interlocks as required by Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.14 Machinery interlocks 4.14.1.

4.15 Stopping of machinery

4.15.1 Diesel engines, gas and steam turbines, other prime movers, Mobility systems and Ship Type systems are to be provided with a means of emergency stop, capable of being activated at a position outside the compartment in which the machinery is located. The arrangements are to be fully independent of control and alarm systems, and are to ensure a safe and controlled shutdown of machinery. Where such arrangements depend upon programmable electronic equipment, they are to comply with the relevant requirements in Vol 2, Pt 9, Ch 8, 5.4 Additional requirements for Mobility category and safety critical systems

4.15.2 Emergency stops are to be designed to minimise the risk of accidental or unauthorised operation.

4.16 Control of rotating systems

4.16.1 An effective means of setting and adjusting the rotation speed of each complete rotating system (e.g. prime mover, gearing, shafting, alternator and propeller) to defined operating performance requirements is to be provided. The means and arrangements for adjusting the speed of rotation are to recognise any requirements for the avoidance of running in barred speed range(s).

4.16.2 All prime movers are to be provided with an efficient governor arrangement that is capable of controlling the prime mover's set speed within defined limits when subject to load changes. The performance of governors is to recognise the rotating system's specification of capability during normal, emergency and reversionary modes of operation. For power train systems, the inertia of components and associated requirements for speed control of the prime mover are to be addressed. See Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 1 Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines, Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 2 Gas Turbines and Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 3 Steam Turbines for the respective performance requirements of governors fitted to diesel engines, gas turbines and steam turbines.

4.16.3 The arrangements for control of rotating systems are to comply with Vol 2, Pt 9, Ch 7 Control, Alerts and Safety Systems as applicable and are to be such that failure in any item of equipment in the control system does not cause a hazard to the operation of the prime mover. The arrangements are to comply with the requirements of Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.16 Control of rotating systems as applicable.

4.17 Survey and refit

4.17.1 Arrangements are to be provided for the discharge of fuels and lubricating oils from the ship to a safe off ship facility where operational requirements necessitate system cleaning and refit.

4.18 Electromagnetic hazards

4.18.1 All equipment, operating and observation positions are, as far as is practicable, to be sited clear of sources of electromagnetic energy such as radars, communication transmitters or lightning conductors.

4.18.2 Where sources of electromagnetic energy or the swept beam of radar aerials are in close proximity to equipment operating and observation positions, suitable warning notices and markings are to be provided to draw attention to the potential hazards.

4.19 Flexible hose and bellows expansion piece registers

4.19.1 Flexible hoses and bellows expansion piece units are life limited and a Register of such units is to be established and maintained for all units installed on board where failure may result in any of the following:

  1. Fire spread.

  2. Flooding that could lead to the loss of any compartment.

  3. Loss of availability of a mobility or ship type system.

  4. Danger to personnel from release of stored energy.

4.19.2 The following information is to be included in the Register:

  1. Equipment designation and location on ship.

  2. Purpose.

  3. Hose specification including end fittings.

  4. Date of manufacture and cure date in the case of rubber units.

  5. Date of installation.

  6. Date of pressure/installation testing.

  7. Routine inspection interval.

  8. Pressure testing.

  9. Due for renewal.

A typical Flexible Hose Register format is shown in Table 3.4.4 Typical Flexible Hose Register.

Table 3.4.4 Typical Flexible Hose Register

Flexible hose register
System Length
Equipment Nominal bore
Position Offset angle between elbow and fittings
End fitting 1 End fitting 2
Purpose Max.. working pressure
Specification Hose test pressure
Manufacturer's part No. Cure date Date fitted Date for renewal Inspection, test, change date and remarks

4.19.3 Flexible hoses and bellows expansion pieces are to comply with the requirements of Vol 2, Pt 7, Ch 1, 13 Flexible hoses and Vol 2, Pt 7, Ch 1, 14 Expansion pieces as applicable and should be labelled in order to provide a clear trace between the Register and equipment.

4.19.4 A Naval Authority may require the scope of a flexible hose or expansion bellows piece Register for purposes other than those detailed in Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.19 Flexible hose and bellows expansion piece registers 4.19.1.

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