4.8.1 The provisions for evacuation shall be designed
such that the craft can be evacuated under controlled conditions in
a time of one third of the structural fire protection time (SFP) provided
in 7.4.1 for areas of major fire
hazard areas after subtracting a period of 7 min for initial detection
and extinguishing action.
= |
structural fire
protection time (min) |
In determining the evacuation time, all means of escape are
to be considered serviceable and they need not be dimensioned to take
into account any additional number of persons that might be diverted
from other means of escape if one or more of those other means of
escape are lost or rendered unserviceable.
4.8.2 An evacuation procedure, including an evacuation
analysis carried out taking into account the guidelines developed
by the Organization,footnote shall be developed
for the information of the Administration in connection with the approval
of fire insulation plans and for assisting the owners and builders
in planning the evacuation demonstration required in 4.8.3. The evacuation
procedures shall include:
.1 the emergency announcement made by the master;
.2 contact with base port;
.3 the donning of lifejackets;
.4 manning of survival craft and emergency stations;
.5 the shutting down of machinery and oil fuel
supply lines;
.6 the order to evacuate;
.7 the deployment of survival craft and marine
escape systems and rescue boats;
.8 the bowsing in of survival craft;
.9 the supervision of passengers;
.10 the orderly evacuation of passengers under
.11 crew checking that all passengers have left
the craft;
.12 the evacuation of crew;
.13 releasing the survival craft from the craft;
.14 the marshalling of survival craft by the rescue
boat, where provided.
4.8.3 Achievement of the required evacuation time
(as ascertained in accordance with 4.8.1) shall be verified by a practical
demonstration conducted under controlled conditions in the presence
of the Administration, and shall be fully documented and verified
for passenger craft by the Administration.
4.8.4 Evacuation demonstrations shall be carried
out with due concern for the problems of mass movement or panic acceleration
likely to arise in an emergency situation when rapid evacuation is
necessary. The evacuation demonstrations shall be dry shod with the
survival craft initially in their stowed positions and be conducted
as follows:
.1 The evacuation time on a category A craft shall
be the time elapsed from the moment the first abandon craft announcement
is given, with any passengers distributed in a normal voyage configuration,
until the last person has embarked in a survival craft, and shall
include the time for passengers and crew to don lifejackets.
.2 The evacuation time on a category B craft and
cargo craft shall be the time elapsed from the moment the order to
abandon the craft is given until the last person has embarked in a
survival craft. Passengers and crew may be wearing lifejackets and
prepared for evacuation, and they may be distributed among assembly
.3 For all craft the evacuation time shall include
the time necessary to launch, inflate and secure the survival craft
alongside ready for embarkation.
4.8.5 The evacuation time shall be verified by
an evacuation demonstration which shall be performed using the survival
craft and exits on one side, for which the evacuation analysis indicates
the greatest evacuation time, with the passengers and crew allocated
to them.
4.8.6 On craft where a half trial is impracticable,
the Administration may consider a partial evacuation trial using a
route which the evacuation analysis shows to be the most critical.
4.8.7 The demonstration shall be carried out in
controlled conditions in the following manner in compliance with the
evacuation plan:
.1 The demonstration shall commence with the craft
afloat in harbour, in reasonably calm conditions, with all machinery
and equipment operating in the normal seagoing condition.
.2 All exits and doors inside the craft shall
be in the same position as they are under normal seagoing condition.
.3 Safety belts, if required, shall be fastened.
.4 The evacuation routes for all passengers and
crew shall be such that no person need enter the water during the
4.8.8 For passenger craft, a representative composition
of persons with normal health, height and weight shall be used in
the demonstration, and shall consist of different sexes and ages so
far as it is practicable and reasonable.
4.8.9 The persons, other than the crew selected
for the demonstration, shall not have been specially drilled for such
a demonstration.
4.8.10 Where the Administration is satisfied that
the evacuation time determined in accordance with 4.8.1 to 4.8.9 can
thereby be accurately estimated, the Administration may accept an
evacuation demonstration in which persons are not required to descend
through MES or equivalent means of evacuation, provided the time required
to embark into the survival craft can be determined using:
.1 data obtained from the type-approval tests
of the equipment, increased by a factor based on the guidelines developed
by the Organization;footnoteor
.2 time extrapolated from trials using a limited
number of participants.
4.8.11 An emergency evacuation demonstration shall
be carried out for all new designs of high-speed craft and for other
craft where evacuation arrangements differ substantially from those
previously tested.
4.8.12 The specific evacuation procedure followed
during the craft's initial demonstration on which certification is
based shall be included in the craft operating manual together with
the other evacuation procedures contained in 4.8.2. During the demonstration,
video recordings shall be made, both inside and outside the craft,
which shall form an integral part of the training manual required
by 18.2.