Section 3 Forgings for shafting and machinery
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022 - Chapter 5 Steel Forgings - Section 3 Forgings for shafting and machinery

Section 3 Forgings for shafting and machinery

3.1 Scope

3.1.1 Detailed in this Section are the requirements for carbon-manganese steel forgings for shafting and other items of machinery which are not within the scope of Ch 5, 4 Forgings for crankshafts to Ch 5, 8 Ferritic steel forgings for low temperature service.

3.1.2 Where it is proposed to use alloy steel forgings, particulars of the chemical composition, mechanical properties and heat treatment are to be submitted for approval.

3.2 Chemical composition

3.2.1 The chemical composition of ladle samples for carbon, carbon-manganese and alloy steels is to comply with the following overall limits provided in Table 5.3.1 Chemical composition limits for machinery steel forgings:

Table 5.3.1 Chemical composition limits for machinery steel forgings

Steel type Composition in percentage mass by mass maximum, minimum, or a range as shown
C Si Mn P S Cr

See Note 3


See Note 3


See Note 3


See Note 3

Total residuals
C, C-Mn 0,23 Max.

See Notes 1 & 2

0,45 Max. 0,30-1,50

See Note 6

0,035 Max. 0,035 Max. 0,3 Max. 0,15 Max. 0,40 Max. 0,30 Max. 0,85 Max.

See Note 4

0,45 Max. 0,45 Max. 0,30-1,00 0,035 Max. 0,035 Max. 0,40 Min.

See Note 5

0,15 Min.

See Note 5

0,40 Min.

See Note 5

0,30 Max. -
Note 1. For welded components, the carbon content of C and C-Mn steel forgings may be increased above 0,23% maximum, provided that the carbon equivalent (Ceq) is not more than 0,41%, calculated using the following formula:
Note 2. The carbon content of C and C-Mn steel forgings not intended for welded construction may be 0,65 maximum.
Note 3. Elements are considered as residual elements unless shown as a minimum.
Note 4. Where alloy steel forgings are intended for welded constructions, the proposed chemical composition is subject to approval by LR.
Note 5. For alloy steel forgings, one or more of the elements is to comply with the minimum content.
Note 6. For C and C-Mn steel forgings, the Manganese content is not less than 3 times the actual carbon content for components which are not given a post-weld heat treatment.

3.2.2 For forgings to which structural items are to be attached by welding, or which are intended for parts of a fabricated component, are to be of weldable quality, see Ch 5, 2.2 Chemical composition Table 5.2.1 Chemical composition limits for hull steel forgings.

3.3 Heat treatment

3.3.1 Forgings are to be:

  1. fully annealed; or

  2. normalised; or

  3. normalised and tempered; or

  4. quenched and tempered.

The tempering temperature is to be not less than 550°C.

3.3.2 The delivery condition shall meet the design and application requirements. It is the manufacturers responsibility to select the appropriate heat treatment method to obtain the required mechanical properties.

3.4 Mechanical tests

3.4.1 At least one tensile test is to be made on each forging, or each batch of forgings. The Charpy V-notch impact tests are to be in accordance with the requirements of Table 5.3.2 Mechanical properties for acceptance purposes: carbon, carbon-manganese and alloy steel forgings for machinery and shafting.

3.4.2 Where a forging exceeds both 4 tonnes in mass and 3 m in length, a tensile test is to be taken from each end. These limits refer to the `as forged' mass and length but exclude the test material.

3.4.3 A batch testing procedure may be used for hot rolled bars not exceeding 250 mm diameter, which are intended for the manufacture (by machining operations only) of straight shafting, bolts, studs and other machinery components of similar shape. A batch is to consist of either:

  1. material from the same piece provided that, where this is cut into individual lengths, these are all heat treated together in the same furnace, or

  2. bars of the same diameter and cast, heat treated together in the same furnace and with a total mass not exceeding 2,5 tonnes.

3.4.4 The test specimens are to be taken in the longitudinal direction but, at the discretion of the manufacturer and if agreed by the Surveyor, alternative directions or positions as shown in Figure 5.3.1 Directions and positions of test specimens, Figure 5.3.2 Directions and positions of test specimens, and Figure 5.3.3 Directions and positions of test specimens may be used. For forged rings (e.g. slewing rings), one set of tests is to be taken from each forging in a tangential direction (test positions are shown in Figure 5.3.4 Directions and positions of test specimens for forged rings). Where the finished diameter exceeds 2500 mm or the mass (as heat treated, including test material) exceeds 3 tonnes then two sets of tests are to be taken at diametrically opposite positions.

Figure 5.3.1 Directions and positions of test specimens

Figure 5.3.2 Directions and positions of test specimens

Figure 5.3.3 Directions and positions of test specimens

Figure 5.3.4 Directions and positions of test specimens for forged rings

3.4.5 For carbo, carbon-manganese and alloy steels, Table 5.3.2 Mechanical properties for acceptance purposes: carbon, carbon-manganese and alloy steel forgings for machinery and shafting gives the minimum requirements for yield stress, elongation, reduction of area, and typical Brinell hardness values, corresponding to different strength levels, but it is not intended that these should necessarily be regarded as specific grades. Intermediate values for other specified minimum tensile strengths should be calculated by interpolation.

3.4.6 Forgings may be supplied to any specified minimum tensile strength selected within the general limits detailed in Table 5.3.2 Mechanical properties for acceptance purposes: carbon, carbon-manganese and alloy steel forgings for machinery and shafting, except that for main propulsion shafting forgings the specified minimum tensile strength is to be as defined in the relevant Rules dealing with design.

Table 5.3.2 Mechanical properties for acceptance purposes: carbon, carbon-manganese and alloy steel forgings for machinery and shafting

Steel style Tensile strength Rm min. N/mm2 Yield stress Re min. N/mm2 Elongation A5 min. % Reduction of area Z min. % Hardness

See Note 1 (Brinell)

Charpy V-notch impact test

See Notes 2 & 3

Test temperature (0C) Minimum average energy (J)
Long. Tang. Long. Tang. Long. Tang.
C and C-Mn 360-480 180 28 20 50 35 - AT See Note 4 27 18
400-550 200 26 19 50 35 110-150
440-590 220 24 18 50 35 125-160
480-630 240 22 16 45 30 135-175
520-670 260 21 15 45 30 150-185
560-710 280 20 14 40 27 160-200
600-750 300 18 13 40 27 175-215
640-790 320 17 12 40 27 185-230
680-830 340 16 12 35 24 200-240
720-870 360 15 11 35 24 210-250
760-910 380 14 10 35 24 225-265
Alloy 600-750 360 18 14 50 35 175-215
700-850 420 16 12 45 30 205-245
800-950 480 14 10 40 27 235-275
900-1100 630 13 9 40 27 260-320
1000-1200 700 12 8 35 24 290-365
1100-1300 770 11 7 35 24 320-385
Note 1. The hardness values are typical and are given for information purposes only.
Note 2. Special consideration may be given to alternative requirements for Charpy V-notch test, depending on design and application, and subject to agreement by LR.
Note 3. For ships with ice class notation: Materials used for machinery exposed to sea water temperature, such as screwshafts, propeller shafts and shaft bolts, intended for ships with ice class notation 1AS FS(+), IAS FS, 1A FS(+), 1A FS, 1B FS(+), 1B FS, 1C FS(+) and 1C FS. Charpy V-notch impact testing is to be carried out for all steel types at –10°C and the average energy value is to be minimum 20J (longitudinal test). One individual value may be less than the required average value provided that it is not less than 70% of this average value.
Note 4. AT refers to Ambient Temperature (i.e. 23°Cą5°C), which is specified in ISO 148-1.

3.4.7 The results of all mechanical tests are to comply with the requirements given in Table 5.3.2 Mechanical properties for acceptance purposes: carbon, carbon-manganese and alloy steel forgings for machinery and shafting appropriate to the specified minimum tensile strength.

3.4.8 Where more than one tensile test is taken from a forging, the variation in tensile strength is not to exceed the following:

Specified minimum tensile strength N/mm2 Difference in tensile strength N/mm2
<600 70
≥600 <900 100
≥900 120

3.5 Non-Destructive Examination

3.5.1 Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant testing (where appropriate) is to be carried out on forgings for main propulsion shafting (including propeller shafts, intermediate shafts, and thrust shafts with minimum diameter not less than 200 mm), on all connecting rod and tie rod forgings and on the following components:

Cylinder heads (when intended for engines having a bore diameter larger than 300 mm)
Piston crowns (when intended for engines having a bore diameter larger than 400 mm)
Piston rods (when intended for engines having a bore diameter larger than 400 mm)
Turbocharger shaft and rotor (when required by the relevant Rules dealing with engine design and construction)
When intended for engines having a bore diameter larger than 300 mm, bolts and studs for:
  • Cylinder heads
  • Crossheads
  • Connecting rod bearings
  • Main bearings
  • Crankshafts
  • Tie rods
  • Holding down bolts
  • Propeller blades
  • Propeller bosses

Regardless of the above, bolts and studs which are subjected to dynamic loading (for example, but not limited to, cylinder head bolts, tie rods, crankpin bolts, main bearing bolts, engine holding down bolts, propeller blade fastening bolts, coupling bolts for crankshafts) and have a diameter of 50 mm or greater are to be subjected to surface examinations.

3.5.2 The bores of hollow propeller shafts are to be visually for imperfections uncovered by the machining operation; relevant indications shall be assessed using the accept/reject criteria stated in Table 5.2.3 Steel forgings surface inspection.

3.5.3 The areas to be tested by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant testing are shown in Figure 5.3.5 Zones for magnetic particle/liquid penetrant testing on shaft machinery components and Figure 5.3.6 Zones for magnetic particle/liquid penetrant testing on shaft machinery components. Areas of other components not shown in these figures are to be agreed with the Surveyor. For tie rods, only threaded portions and the adjacent material over a length equal to that of the thread need be tested.

Figure 5.3.5 Zones for magnetic particle/liquid penetrant testing on shaft machinery components

Figure 5.3.6 Zones for magnetic particle/liquid penetrant testing on shaft machinery components

3.5.4 Surface inspection acceptance criteria are to be in accordance with Ch 5, 2.5 Non-Destructive Examination. Other acceptance criteria may be applied, providing they meet these minimum criteria, and are to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

3.5.5 Ultrasonic testing is to be carried out in accordance with Ch 5, 2.5 Non-Destructive Examination on the following items unless otherwise agreed with LR:

  1. Shafts having a finished diameter of 200 mm or larger when intended for main propulsion or other essential services.

  2. All piston crowns

  3. All cylinder heads.

  4. Piston rods for engines having a bore diameter greater than 400 mm.

  5. Connecting rods

  6. Turbocharger shaft and rotor (when required by the relevant Rules dealing with design and construction).

  7. Bolts and studs (as listed in Ch 5, 3.5 Non-Destructive Examination 3.5.1) for engines having a bore diameter greater than 300 mm.

The areas to be tested are shown in Figure 5.3.7 Zones for ultrasonic testing on shafts and Figure 5.3.8 Zones for ultrasonic testing on machinery components. Areas of other components not shown in these drawings are to be agreed with the Surveyor.

Figure 5.3.7 Zones for ultrasonic testing on shafts

Figure 5.3.8 Zones for ultrasonic testing on machinery components

3.5.6 Ultrasonic acceptance criteria are shown in Table 5.3.3 Acceptance criteria for ultrasonic testing of shafts and machinery components – DGS Method – Normal probes and Ch 5, 3.5 Non-Destructive Examination 3.5.6. Other acceptance criteria may be applied, providing they meet these minimum criteria, and are acceptable to the Surveyor.

Table 5.3.3 Acceptance criteria for ultrasonic testing of shafts and machinery components – DGS Method – Normal probes

Type of forging Zone Allowable disc shape according to DGS (see Notes 1 & 2) Allowable length of indication Allowable distance between two indications (see Note 3)
Propeller shaft

Intermediate shaft

Thrust shaft

Rudder stock

II outer: d ≤ 2 mm

inner: d ≤ 4 mm

≤ 10 mm

≤ 15 mm

≥ 20 mm

≥ 20 mm

III outer: d ≤ 3 mm

inner: d ≤ 6 mm

≤ 10 mm

≤ 15 mm

≥ 20 mm

≥ 20 mm

Connecting rod

Piston rod


II d ≤ 2 mm ≤ 10 mm ≥ 20 mm
III d ≤ 4 mm ≤ 10 mm ≥ 20 mm
Note 1. DGS: Distance Gain Size.
Note 2. Outer part means the part beyond one-third of the shaft radius from the centre; inner part means the remaining core area.
Note 3. In case of accumulations of two or more isolated indications which are subjected to registration, the minimum distance between two neighbouring indications should be at least the length of the larger indication. This applies to the distance in axial directions as well as to the distance in depth. Isolated indications with shorter distances between them are to be determined as one single indication.

Table 5.3.4 Acceptance criteria for ultrasonic testing of shafts and machinery components – DAC Method – Normal probes

Type of forging Zone DAC reference level, based on 3 mm FBH (see Notes 1 & 2) Allowable length of indication Allowable distance between two indications (see Note 3)

Propeller shaft

Intermediate shaft

II Outer: DAC minus 7 dB

Inner: DAC + 5 dB

≤ 10 mm

≤ 15 mm

≥ 20 mm

Outer: + 0 DAC

Inner: DAC + 12 dB

≤ 10 mm

≤ 15 mm

≥ 20 mm
Thrust shaft

Rudder stock

II Outer: DAC minus 7 dB

Inner: DAC + 5 dB

≤ 10 mm

≤ 15 mm

≥ 20 mm
III Outer: + 0 DAC

Inner: DAC + 12 dB

≤ 10 mm

≤ 15 mm

≥ 20 mm
Connecting rod

Piston rod


II DAC minus 7 dB ≤ 10 mm ≥ 20 mm
III DAC + 5 dB ≤ 10 mm ≥ 20 mm
Note 1. The requirement of a 3 mm FBH is to standardise the DAC reference blocks for clarity and consistency. The dB value for the FBH/DAC setting is equivalent to the disc-shaped reflector stated above, corresponding to the applicable zone.
Note 2. Other size FBHs may be used for the DAC Method (and the dB value adjusted accordingly to provide equivalence with the stated FBH/disc-shaped reflector). Where other size FBHs are used, the ultrasonic procedure is to state the equivalence using an appropriate calculation formula.
Note 3. In case of accumulations of two or more isolated indications which are subject to registration, the minimum distance between two neighbouring indications must be at least the length of the larger indication. This applies to the distance in axial directions as well as to the distance in depth. Isolated indications with shorter distances between them are to be determined as one single indication.

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