Section 3 Stabiliser arrangements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 3 Design Principles and Constructional Arrangements - Chapter 3 Ship Control Systems - Section 3 Stabiliser arrangements

Section 3 Stabiliser arrangements

3.1 General

3.1.1 This section details the requirements for fin stabilisers, stabiliser tanks and bilge keel and fins.

3.1.2 The effectiveness of the fin stabilisers are outwith the scope of classification; however their scantlings, arrangements, foundations, supporting structure and watertight integrity are to be examined.

3.1.3 Engineering systems are to comply with the appropriate requirements indicated in Vol 2 Machinery and Engineering Systems, as applicable.

3.1.4 The general structure of the fin stabiliser is to comply with the Rule requirements for rudders.

3.1.5 Fin stabilisers are to be contained between watertight bulkheads.

3.1.6 For non-retractable type stabilisers, the watertight bulkheads forming the forward and aft extent of the compartment are to be arranged not less than one third of the root chord length, C, from the fore and aft most extents of the stabiliser, see Figure 3.3.1 Stabiliser positioning. This requirement exists in order to ensure limited flooding in the event of hull damage in way of the fin. Alternate arrangements which are considered to be equivalent to the Rule requirements will be accepted.

3.1.7 For retractable type stabilisers, the watertight bulkheads forming the forward and aft extent of the compartment are to be arranged not less than the total length of the stabiliser (measured from the extreme end of the shaft to the blade tip) from the centreline of the stabiliser shaft.

3.1.8 For non-retractable type stabilisers, a separate watertight box surrounding the shell entry point may be required if the stabiliser is located adjacent to a critical compartment. No stabiliser box is needed if the compartment which it is in has adequate pumping arrangements and the ship has at least a one-compartment flooded damage capability.

3.1.9 Where a watertight box surrounding the shell entry point is required, it is to extend longitudinally not less than the minimum bulkhead positions defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.1 General 3.1.6 and vertically to ensure complete enclosure of the machinery and allow adequate inspection, see Figure 3.3.1 Stabiliser positioning.

Figure 3.3.1 Stabiliser positioning

3.1.10 For both retractable and non-retractable type stabilisers the compartment in which the stabilisers are fitted is to contain a water ingress detector and alarm.

3.1.11 Fin stabiliser systems are, in general, not to extend beyond the extreme waterline breadth, B WL, of the hull or below the horizontal line of keel. However, for retractable fins, alternative arrangements may be specially considered. Where the stabiliser fin extends beyond the extreme moulded beam of the hull in the active mode, the side shell is to be permanently marked indicating the fore and aft extent of the stabiliser, when deployed. It is recommended that an appropriate symbol be placed on the hull side between the marks.

3.1.12 The shell plating in way of retractable stabilisers is to comply with the requirements of Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.2 Fin stabilisers. However, the longitudinal extent of the insert is to be such that it extends beyond around the hull opening in the fore/aft direction by not less than 25 per cent of the root chord length of the foil. In all other directions the extent of the insert shall be 1,25 times the root chord length of the foil over all operational lengths.

3.1.13 The scantlings of internal watertight bulkheads and stiffening for fixed installations are to be specified by the designer/Builder and/or fin unit manufacturer, but in no case are to be less than the scantlings for double bottoms as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3 Scantling Determination. Suitable access is to be provided to allow for maintenance and inspection purposes.

3.1.14 The scantlings and sealing arrangements for the pedestal and bearings will be specially considered, subject to the designer/Builder submitting the following:

  1. Detailed structural calculations for the proposed foundation and adjacent supporting structure.

  2. A detailed finite element analysis, if carried out.

  3. Calculations demonstrating that the effect of damage to the stabiliser arrangement arising from the high speed impact, grounding, fouling, etc. will not compromise the structural and watertight integrity of the ship.

  4. Maximum torque, bending moments and bearing loads expected for the proposed design.

  5. The stabiliser fin stock material, together with its ultimate tensile shear strength values (N/mm2).

3.1.15 Fin bearing materials are to be of an approved type.

3.1.16 Where retractable stabilisers are fitted, position indicators are to be provided on the bridge and at auxiliary steering positions.

3.1.17 Where the fin stabiliser is of a novel design, high aspect ratio or the speed of the ship exceeds 45 knots, and the anticipated loads are likely to be significant, the scantlings of the fin and fin stock are to be determined by direct calculation methods incorporating model test results and structural analysis, where considered necessary by LR.

3.2 Fin stabilisers

3.2.1 The stabiliser machinery and surrounding structure is to be adequately supported and stiffened. Where cyclic bending stresses are induced in the structure which are likely to reduce the fatigue life the maximum stress is not to exceed 39,0 N/mm2 in mild steel. Where other materials are used for the supporting structure the limiting stress values will be specially considered.

3.2.2 The fin box into which the stabilisers are fitted is to have a perimeter plating with thickness not less than the surrounding Rule shell plating plus 2 mm, and is to be stiffened to the same standard as the adjacent hull structure. Ships constructed from materials other than steel will be specially considered.

3.2.3 Insert plates are to be fitted in way of stabilisers. The thickness of the insert is to be at least 50 per cent greater than the bottom shell thickness in way and is to extend over an area 1,25 times the stabiliser root chord length, covering all operational angles. In addition, for retractable stabilisers, the insert is to extend beyond the shell opening for a distance of not less than 25 per cent of the length of the root chord.

3.2.4 The thickness of plating in way of retractable foil recesses is to be not less than the bottom shell thickness plus 2 mm. Internal stiffening is to comply with the requirements of Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3 Ship Control Systems,Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 4 Closing Arrangements and Outfit, as applicable.

3.3 Centre of pressure

3.3.1 The position of the centre of pressure for use in the determination of the fin torque is to be as indicated in Table 3.3.1 Position of centre of pressure.

Table 3.3.1 Position of centre of pressure

Design criteria Value of x PF and x PA
Rectangular fins:  
(a) Ahead condition x PF = (0,33x Bx L), but not less than 0,12x B
(b) Astern condition x PA = (x A – 0,25x B), but not less than 0,12x B
Non-rectangular fins:  
(a) Ahead condition x PF as calculated from geometric form
(b) Astern condition x PA (see note) but not less than:

x PF = horizontal distance from the centreline of the fin stock, to the centre of pressure in the ahead condition, in metres
x PA = horizontal distance from the centreline of the fin stock, to the centre of pressure in the astern condition, in metres
x B = breadth of fin, in metres
y F = depth of fin at centreline of stock, in metres
A F = fin area, in m2
x L and x A = horizontal distances from leading and after edges, respectively, of the fin to the centreline of the fin stock, in metres
x S = horizontal length of any rectangular strip of fin geometric form, in metres

Note For rectangular strips the centre of pressure is to be assumed to be located as follows:

Note (a) 0,33xS abaft leading edge of strip for ahead condition.

Note (b) 0,25xS from aft edge of strip for astern condition.

3.4 Fin force, F F

3.4.1  The fin force, F F , in kN, for use in the determination of the fin scantlings is to be submitted. For the astern condition the maximum astern speed, V A, is to be used. In no case is the astern speed to be taken less than that determined from the following: V A ≥ 0,5V knots.

3.5 Fin torque, Q F

3.5.1 The fin torque, Q F, for the ahead condition may be determined from the following formula:

Q F = F F xPF kNm


xPF = horizontal distance from the centreline of the fin stock, to the centre of pressure in the ahead condition, in metres, see Table 3.3.1 Position of centre of pressure
F F = fin force as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.4 Fin force, FF 3.4.1.

3.5.2 The fin torque, Q F, for the astern condition may be determined from the following formula:

Q F = F F x PA kNm


x PA = horizontal distance from the centreline of the fin stock, to the centre of pressure in the astern condition, in metres, see Table 3.3.1 Position of centre of pressure
F F = fin force as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.4 Fin force, FF 3.4.1

3.6 Fin bending moment, M F

3.6.1 For conventional fins the bending moment, M F, may be determined from the following formula:


F F is as given in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 4 Rudder horns and appendages

y 1, y 3, x 1 and x u are fin dimensions, in metres

see Figure 3.3.2 Fin stabiliser

Figure 3.3.2 Fin stabiliser

3.7 Fin stock diameter in way of tiller,d Fu

3.7.1 The fin stock diameter in way of the tiller, d Fu, is to be not less than that determined from the formula:


Q F = fin torque (in the appropriate condition), in kNm, as given in 3,5
k = material factor, as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 2.3 Materials 2.3.4

3.8 Fin stock diameter, d F

3.8.1 For a fin stock subjected to combined torque and bending, the equivalent stress in the fin stock is not to exceed that determined from the following:


k = material factor, as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 2.3 Materials 2.3.4

The equivalent stress is to be determined by the formula:

Bending stress: =
Torsional stress: =

3.8.2 The basic fin stock diameter, d F, at and below the lowest bearing is not to be less than that determined from the following:


d Fu = diameter of the fin stock in way of the tiller, in mm
M F = fin bending moment, kNm, see Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.6 Fin bending moment, MF
Q F = fin torque (in the appropriate condition), in kNm, as given in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.5 Fin torque, QF

3.9 Fin plating

3.9.1 The thickness of the fin side plating is not to be less than that determined from the following:

t =


s = stiffener spacing, in mm
β = panel aspect ratio correction factor
= A R (1 – 0,25A R) for A R ≤ 2
= 1 for A R>2
A R = panel aspect ratio
= panel length/panel breadth
P F = fin pressure, in kN/m2
= 10T + kN/mm2
T = design draught, in metres
F F = fin force, in kN, see Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.4 Fin force, FF
A F = fin area, in m2
k = material factor, as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 3, 2.3 Materials 2.3.4

3.9.2 The thickness of the nose plates is not to be less than 1,25 times the thickness of the fin side plating. The thickness of web plates is not to be less than 70 per cent of the thickness of the fin side plating, or 6 mm, whichever is the greater.

3.9.3 Alternative materials and methods for fin stabilisers will be specially considered.

3.10 Stabiliser tanks

3.10.1 The general structure of the tank is to comply with the Rule requirements for deep tanks. Sloshing forces in the tank structure are to be taken into account. Where such forces are likely to be significant, the scantlings will be required to be verified by additional calculations.

3.11 Bilge keels and fins

3.11.1 It is recommended that bilge keels are not fitted forward of 0,7L R on ships intended to navigate in ice conditions.

3.11.2 Bilge keels are to be gradually tapered at the ends and arranged to finish in way of a suitable internal stiffening member. The taper is to have a length to depth ratio of at least three to one.

3.11.3 A plan of the bilge keels is to be submitted for approval of material grades, welded connections and detail design.

3.11.4 The scantlings and attachment to the hull plating for steel ships is to be in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 6.11 Bilge keels and ground bars.

3.12 Novel features

3.12.1 Where the Rules do not specifically define the requirements for novel features then the scantlings and arrangements are to be determined by direct calculations. Such calculations are to be carried out on the basis of the Rules, recognised standards and good practice, and are to be submitted for consideration.

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