Section 4 Anchors
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 3 Design Principles and Constructional Arrangements - Chapter 5 Anchoring, Mooring, Towing, Berthing, Launching, Recovery and Docking - Section 4 Anchors

Section 4 Anchors

4.1 General

4.1.1 The Rules are based on the use of high holding power (HHP) type anchors.

4.1.2 When ordinary holding power anchors are used as bower anchors, the mass given in Table 5.4.1 Equipment - HHP Bower anchors and chain cables is to be increased by 33 per cent.

4.1.3 Where it is proposed to fit other types of anchor, the mass will be specially considered.

4.1.4 Ships are to be provided with the number of anchors as specified in Table 5.4.1 Equipment - HHP Bower anchors and chain cables on board which must be ready for immediate use. Where this is impractical, see Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 5, 9.2 Hawse pipes and anchor recesses 9.2.4, special consideration may be given to only having one anchor ready for immediate use.

4.1.5 Where there is a high degree of redundancy in propulsion and steering and where the engine can be brought to readiness quickly, consideration may be given to the fitting of a single anchor where Table 5.4.1 Equipment - HHP Bower anchors and chain cables requires the fitting of two anchors.

4.1.6 Anchors are to be of an approved design. The design of all anchor heads is to be such as to minimise stress concentrations, and in particular, the radii on all parts of cast anchor heads are to be as large as possible, especially where there is considerable change of section.

4.1.7 Anchors which must be specially laid the right way up, or which require the fluke angle or profile to be adjusted for varying types of sea bed, will not generally be approved for normal ship use, but may be accepted for offshore units, floating cranes, etc. In such cases suitable tests may be required.

4.1.8 Where kedge anchors are specified, they are to be in accordance with Table 5.6.1 Equipment - Kedge anchors and wires, towlines and mooring lines.

4.2 Manufacture and testing of anchors

4.2.1 The requirements for the manufacture, testing and certification of anchors are contained in Ch 10 Equipment for Mooring and Anchoring of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Materials).

4.3 Anchor stowage

4.3.1 Anchors are generally to be housed in suitable hawse pipes, or stowed in dedicated chocks on deck.

4.3.2 Hawse pipes and anchor pockets are to be in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 5, 8.11 On-board testing. Alternatively, roller fairleads of suitable design may be fitted. Where hawse pipes are not fitted, alternative arrangements will be specially considered.

4.3.3 It is recommended that anchor lashings, e.g. a ‘devil’s claw’, be fitted to hold the anchor tight against the hull or the anchor pocket. Anchor lashings are to be designed to resist at least a load corresponding to twice the anchor mass plus 10 m of cable without exceeding 40 per cent of the yield strength of the material.

4.4 High Holding Power (HHP) type anchors

4.4.1 Anchors of designs for which approval is sought as high holding power anchors are to be tested in accordance with Ch 10, 1.3 Anchor holding power tests for HHP and SHHP anchors of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022. It needs to be suitable for ship’s use and shall not require prior adjustment or special placement on the sea bottom.

Table 5.4.1 Equipment - HHP Bower anchors and chain cables

Equipment number Equipment Letter Stockless bower anchors Stud link chain cables for bower anchors
Exceeding Not exceeding Number Mass of anchor, in kg Total length, in metres Diameter, in mm
Grade U1 Grade U2 Grade U3
50 70 A 2 135 220 14 12,5 12,5
70 90 B 2 180 220 16 14 14
90 110 C 2 225 247,5 17,5 16 16
110 130 D 2 270 247,5 19 17,5 17,5
130 150 E 2 315 275 20,5 17,5 17,5
150 175 F 2 360 275 22 19 19
175 205 G 2 428 302,5 24 20,5 20,5
205 240 H 2 495 302,5 26 22 20,5
240 280 I 2 585 330 28 24 22
280 320 J 2 675 357,5 30 26 24
320 360 K 2 765 357,5 32 28 24
360 400 L 2 855 385 34 30 26
400 450 M 2 968 385 36 32 28
450 500 N 2 1080 412,5 38 34 30
500 550 O 2 1193 412,5 40 34 30
550 600 P 2 1305 440 42 36 32
600 660 Q 2 1440 440 44 38 34
660 720 R 2 1575 440 46 40 36
720 780 S 2 1710 467,5 48 42 36
780 840 T 2 1845 467,5 50 44 38
840 910 U 2 1980 467,5 52 46 40
910 980 V 2 2138 495 54 48 42
980 1060 W 2 2295 495 56 50 44
1060 1140 X 2 2475 495 58 50 46
1140 1220 Y 2 2655 522,5 60 52 46
1220 1300 Z 2 2835 522,5 62 54 48
1300 1390 A † 2 3038 522,5 64 56 50
1390 1480 B † 2 3240 550 66 58 50
1480 1570 C † 2 3443 550 68 60 52
1570 1670 D † 2 3668 550 70 62 54
1670 1790 E † 2 3938 577,5 73 64 56
1790 1930 F † 2 4208 577,5 76 66 58
1930 2080 G † 2 4500 577,5 78 68 60
2080 2230 H † 2 4838 605 81 70 62
2230 2380 I † 2 5175 605 84 73 64
2380 2530 J † 2 5518 605 87 76 66
2530 2700 K † 2 5850 632,5 90 78 68
2700 2870 L † 2 6225 632,5 92 81 70
2870 3040 M † 2 6525 632,5 95 84 73
3040 3210 N † 2 6975 660 97 84 76
3210 3400 O † 2 7425 660 100 87 78
3400 3600 P † 2 7875 660 102 90 78
3600 3800 Q † 2 8325 687,5 105 92 81
3800 4000 R † 2 8775 687,5 107 95 84
4000 4200 S † 2 9225 687,5 111 97 87
4200 4400 T † 2 9675 715 114 100 87
4400 4600 U † 2 10125 715 117 102 90
4600 4800 V † 2 10575 715 120 105 92
4800 5000 W † 2 11025 742.5 122 107 95
5000 5200 X † 2 11550 742.5 124 111 97
5200 5500 Y † 2 12075 742.5 127 111 97
5500 5800 Z † 2 12675 742.5 130 114 100
5800 6100 A* 2 13350 742.5 132 117 102
6100 6500 B* 2 14100 742.5 — 120 107
6500 6900 C* 2 15000 770 — 124 111
6900 7400 D* 2 16125 770 — 127 114
7400 7900 E* 2 17250 770 — 132 117
7900 8400 F* 2 18375 770 — 137 122
8400 8900 G* 2 19500 770 — 142 127
8900 9400 H* 2 20625 770 — 147 132
9400 10000 I* 2 21750 770 — 152 132
10000 10700 J* 2 23250 770 — — 137
10700 11500 K* 2 24750 770 — — 142
11500 12400 L* 2 26625 770 — — 147
12400 13400 M* 2 28875 770 — — 152
13400 14600 N* 2 31500 770 — — 157
14600 16000 O* 2 34500 770 — — 162

4.5 Super High Holding Power (SHHP) type anchors

4.5.1 Proposals to use anchors of the SHHP type will be subject to special consideration.

4.5.2 Final acceptance will be dependent upon satisfactory strength and performance tests.

4.5.3 Anchors of designs for which approval is sought as SHHP anchors are to be tested in accordance with Ch 10, 1.3 Anchor holding power tests for HHP and SHHP anchors of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022. They are to have holding powers of at least four times those of approved standard stockless anchors of the same mass.

4.6 Tolerances

4.6.1 The mass of each bower anchor given in Table 5.4.1 Equipment - HHP Bower anchors and chain cables is for anchors of equal mass. The masses of individual anchors may vary by ±7 per cent of the masses given in the Table, provided that the total mass of the anchors is not less than would have been required for anchors of equal mass.

4.6.2 The mass of the head, including pins and fittings, of an ordinary stockless anchor is to be not less than 60 per cent of the total mass of the anchor.

4.6.3 When stocked bower or kedge anchors are to be used, the mass excluding the stock is to be not less than 80 per cent of the mass given in Table 5.4.1 Equipment - HHP Bower anchors and chain cables for ordinary stockless bower anchors and Table 5.6.1 Equipment - Kedge anchors and wires, towlines and mooring lines for kedge anchors. The mass of the stock is to be 25 per cent of the total mass of the anchor, including the shackle, etc. but excluding the stock.

4.7 Identification

4.7.1 Identification of anchors which have been tested is to be in accordance with Ch 10 Equipment for Mooring and Anchoring of the Rules for Materials.

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