Section 12 Pillars and pillar bulkheads
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 6 Hull Construction in Steel - Chapter 3 Scantling Determination - Section 12 Pillars and pillar bulkheads

Section 12 Pillars and pillar bulkheads

12.1 Application

12.1.1 The requirements of this Section, unless specified otherwise, are applicable to all ship types, NS1, NS2 and NS3. Arrangements of pillars are to be in accordance withVol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 8 Pillars and pillar bulkheads

12.2 Determination of span length

12.2.1 The effective span length of the pillar, ep, is in general the distance between the head and heel of the pillar. Where substantial brackets are fitted, ep may be reduced by two thirds the depth of the bracket at each end.

12.3 Design loads

12.3.1 The design loading, L pi, to be used in the determination of pillar scantlings is as follows:

L pi = S gt b gt P c + L a kN
L pi = design load supported by the pillar, to be taken as not less than 5 kN
P c = basic deck girder design pressure, as appropriate, plus any other loadings directly above the pillar, in kN/m2
L a = load from pillar or pillars above, assumed zero if there are no pillars over, in kN
S gt = spacing, or mean spacing, of girders or transverses, in metres
b gt = distance between centres of two adjacent spans of girders or transverses supported by the pillar, in metres.

12.4 Scantling determination

12.4.1 The minimum wall thickness of tubular pillars is to be in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum structural requirements

12.4.2 The cross-sectional area of the pillar, A p, is not to be less than:


L pi = design load, in kN, supported by the pillar as determined from Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 12.3 Design loads
σ p = permissible compressive stress, in N/mm2


f pi = pillar location factor defined in Table 3.12.1 Pillar location factors
σ o = specified minimum yield strength of the material, in N/mm2
C f = pillar end fixity factor
= 0,25 for full fixed/bracketed
= 0,50 for partially fixed
= 1,0 for free ended
r = least radius of gyration of pillar cross-section, in cm
p = least moment of inertia of cross-section of pillar or stiffener/plate combination, in cm4
ep = effective span of pillar, in metres, or bulkhead as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 12.2 Determination of span length

Table 3.12.1 Pillar location factors

Location f pi
Supporting weather deck 0,50
Supporting vehicle deck 0,50
Supporting stores equipment and routes 0,50
Supporting accommodation/inner deck 0,75
Supporting deckhouse top 1,00

12.5 Slenderness ratio

12.5.1 The slenderness ratio ( e/r) of pillars should not in general exceed 1,1. Pillars with slenderness ratio in excess of 1,1 may be accepted subject to special consideration on a case by case basis and provided that the remaining requirements of the Rules are complied with.

12.6 Pillars in tanks

12.6.1 The tensile stress in the pillar and its end connections is not to exceed 108 N/mm2 at the tank test pressure.

12.7 Pillar bulkheads

12.7.1 The stiffener/plate combination used in the determination of pillar bulkhead scantlings is to be that of a stiffener with an effective width of attached plating as determined from Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.2 Effective width of attached plating, be

12.7.2 The cross-sectional area of the pillar bulkhead, A pb, is to be determined in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 12.4 Scantling determination using the design loading, L pb, as follows:

L pb = S pb B pb P c + L c + L p + L a kN


L pb = design load supported by the stiffener plate combination of the pillar bulkhead, to be taken as not less than 5 kN
P c = basic deck girder design pressure, as appropriate, directly above the pillar bulkhead, in kN/m2
L c = point loads applied to load area supported by the pillar bulkhead, and not included in P c, in kN Point loads supported by the pillar bulkhead which should include point loads within the load patch plus point loads from outside the load patch, which distribute to the pillar bulkhead. Point loads which fall between pillar bulkheads should be shared proportionately between support points
L p = load resulting from uniformly distributed loads on decks above, excluding the deck directly above, which have been carried through by pillars or pillar bulkheads above, in kN
L a = point load, in kN, from above
= zero if there are no pillars or pillar bulkheads over
= 65 per cent of the point load from pillar bulkhead over, provided the pillar bulkhead spans between primary support points
= full load from pillar or pillars over
= full load from pillar bulkhead or pillar bulkheads over that do not span between primary support points
S pb = spacing, or mean spacing, of bulkheads or effective transverses/longitudinal stiffeners, in metres
B pb = distance between centres of two adjacent spans of girders or transverses supported by the pillar bulkhead, in metres, and can be taken as the distance between pillar bulkhead stiffeners where the stiffeners at the top of the bulkhead effectively distribute the load evenly into the stiffeners.

12.7.3 The thickness of the bulkhead plating is in no case to be taken as less than 4 mm

12.7.4 The scantlings of the pillar bulkhead are not to be less than those of any bulkhead or pillar bulkhead in the direct support line above that being considered.

12.8 Direct calculations

12.8.1 As an alternative to Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 12.4 Scantling determination and Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 12.7 Pillar bulkheads, pillars and pillar bulkheads may be designed on the basis of direct calculation. The method adopted and the stress levels proposed for the material of construction are to be submitted together with the calculations for consideration.

12.9 Novel features

12.9.1 Where unusual or novel pillars designs are proposed that are unable to comply with the requirements of this Section, their design together with the direct calculations are to be submitted for special consideration.

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