Section 3 NS1 scantling determination
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 6 Hull Construction in Steel - Chapter 3 Scantling Determination - Section 3 NS1 scantling determination

Section 3 NS1 scantling determination

3.1 General

3.1.1 The scantlings for NS1 ships may be determined from the global and local requirements defined in this Section. In addition the general requirements of Sections Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 5 Shell envelope plating to Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 15 Strengthening for wave impact loads above waterline are to be complied with.

3.1.2 The scantlings given in this Section are based on the assumption that the correct coatings are used and a proper maintenance regime is employed such that there is negligible loss in strength due to corrosion. For corrosion margins, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 3.8 Corrosion margin.

3.2 Symbols

3.2.1 The symbols used in this Section are defined as follows:

F B = local scantling reduction factor for hull members below the neutral axis, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.6 Local reduction factors
F D = local scantling reduction factor for hull members above the neutral axis, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.6 Local reduction factors
min = minimum moment of inertia, of the hull midship section about the transverse neutral axis, in m4
Z D, Z B = actual hull section moduli, in m3, at strength deck and keel respectively, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 4, 2 Hull girder strength
Z min = minimum hull midship section modulus about the transverse neutral axis, in m3
σp = permissible combined stress (still water plus wave), in N/mm2, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 4, 2 Hull girder strength
σο = yield strength of material in N/mm2
σD, σB = maximum hull vertical bending stress at strength deck and keel respectively, in N/mm2 determined from Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 4, 2 Hull girder strength
k L = longitudinal high strength steel factor, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 5, 2.1 Design criteria 2.1.2
k s = the local high strength steel factor, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 5, 2.1 Design criteria 2.1.1
L 1 = L R but need not be taken greater than 190 m
L 2 = L R but need not be greater than 215 m
s = spacing of secondary stiffeners, in mm
S = spacing of primary members, in metres
ρ = relative density (specific gravity) of a liquid carried in a tank not to be taken less than 1,025
f = transverse framing aspect ratio correctionL R is as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars

3.3 Hull girder strength

3.3.1 For all ships, the hull girder strength requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 4, 2 Hull girder strength are to be complied with.

3.3.2 As required by Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 4, 2 Hull girder strength, the hull girder bending and shear stresses for all longitudinally effective material is to be verified against the permissible stresses and the buckling requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 3 Buckling. In addition, the lateral and torsional stability of all effective longitudinals together with the web and flange buckling criteria are to be verified in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 3 Buckling

3.3.3 In addition, the minimum requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.4 Minimum hull section modulus and Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.5 Minimum hull moment of inertia are to be satisfied.

3.4 Minimum hull section modulus

3.4.1 The hull midship section modulus about the transverse neutral axis, at the deck or the keel, is to be not less than:

Z min = 0,95k L M o x10–5 m3


M o is given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.3.1

K L is as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1

3.5 Minimum hull moment of inertia

3.5.1 The hull midship section moment of inertia about the transverse neutral axis is to be not less than the following using the maximum total bending moment, sagging or hogging:

Ι min = 3,0L R M R /175 x 10–5 m4


M R = design bending moment, sagging (negative) and hogging (positive), in kN m, to be taken negative or positive according to the convention given in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 4, 3.10 Hull girder design loads

3.6 Local reduction factors

3.6.1 Where the maximum hull vertical bending stress at deck or keel is less than the permissible combined stress, σp, reductions in local scantlings within 0,3L R to 0,7L R may be permitted. The reduction factors are defined as follows:

For hull members above the neutral axis

F D = σDp

For hull members below the neutral axis

F B = σBp

In general the values of σD and σB to be used are the greater of the sagging or hogging stresses, and F D and F B are not to be taken less than 0,67 for plating and 0,75 for longitudinal stiffeners. σ B, σ D and σp are defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1

3.6.2 Where higher tensile steel is used in the hull structure, the values of F D and F B for the mild steel part are to be taken as not less than z/z M


z = vertical distance from the hull transverse neutral axis to the position considered, in metres
z M = vertical distance, in metres, from the hull transverse neutral axis to the minimum limit of higher tensile steel, above or below the neutral axis as appropriate.

3.7 Taper requirements for hull envelope

3.7.1 The scantlings determined at amidships are to be maintained between 0,3L R and 0,7L R. Outside of this region and forward of 0,075L R and aft of 0,925L R the scantling requirements for the following structural items are to be determined by linear interpolation between the midship section and the forward or after ends as appropriate, see Figure 3.3.1 Taper requirements:

  • Strength deck plating.
  • Deck longitudinals.
  • Shell envelope.

3.7.2 The taper requirement does not apply to ships where there are large openings in the decks such that the torsional rigidity of the hull is significantly reduced.

3.7.3 The thickness may need to be increased above the taper thickness by military features, special features or other requirements such as bottom slamming or bow flare impact.

Figure 3.3.1 Taper requirements

3.7.4 The formulae for the taper values are based on the assumption that the yield values of steel is the same at amidships and ends. Where higher tensile steel is used in the midship region and mild steel at the ends, the taper values should be calculated for both yield values of steel. In way of the transition from higher tensile to mild steel, the thickness may be determined in accordance with Figure 3.3.1 Taper requirements The aft end thickness is to be tapered in a similar manner.

3.7.5 Where the higher tensile steel longitudinals extend beyond the point of transition from higher tensile to mild steel plating, the modulus of the composite section is to be greater than the required mild steel value at the deck plate flange, and k L times the mild steel value at the higher tensile flange.

3.8 Grouped stiffeners

3.8.1 Where stiffeners are arranged in groups of the same scantling, the section modulus requirement of each group is to be based on the greater of the following:

  1. the mean value of the section modulus required for individual stiffeners within the group;

  2. 90 per cent of the maximum section modulus required for individual stiffeners within the group.

3.9 Shell envelope plating

3.9.1 Shell envelope plating for both longitudinally and transversely framed ships is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.1 Shell envelope plating

Table 3.3.1 Shell envelope plating

Location Minimum thickness, in mm, see also Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 5.3 Sheerstrake 5.3.1
Longitudinal framing Transverse framing
(1) Bottom plating and bilge where framed 0,3L R to 0,7L R(see Notes 3, 4 and 5) The greater of the following: The greater of the following:
(a) (a) (see Note 4)
(b) (b)
(2) Bottom plating and bilge fwd of 0,925L R (see Note 2) aft of 0,075L R
(3) Side shell clear of sheerstrake 0,3L R to 0,7L R (see Notes 1 and 5) (a) Above from base:

The greater of the following:



(a) Above from the gunwale:

The greater of the following:



    (b) At upper turn of bilge:

The greater of the following:



(b) Within from the mid-depth:

The greater of the following:



  (c) Between upper turn of bilge and from base:

The greater of the following:

(i) t from (b)(i)

(ii) t from interpolation from (a)(ii) and (b)(ii)

(c) Within from base (excluding bilge plating) see Note 1

The greater of the following




(4) Side shellfwd of 0,925L R aft of 0,075L R
(5) Sheerstrake

but not less than the thickness of the adjacent side plating.

= F B, F D are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.6 Local reduction factors
= L R, D, T are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
= L 1, L 2, ρ, s, S, f, k L, k s are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
C WL = a wave head in metres = 0,0771L R
= Where L R > 227 m, C WL is not to be taken less that 6,446 m
h T1 = T + C WL, in metres but need not be taken greater than 1,36T m
h T2 = (T + 0,5C WL), in metres but need not be taken greater than 1,2T m
s 1 = s, but is not to be taken less than s b
s b =
F M = the greater of F B amd F D
e = base of natural logirithms, 2,7183

Note 1. Outside the vertical extent of higher tensile steel as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 1.6 Higher tensile steel 1.6.3 the value of k L may be taken as 1,0.

Note 3. For keel plate thickness and breadth, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements.

Note 4. Unframed bilge plating will be specially considered.

Note 5. Shell envelope plating from 0,075L R to 0,3L R and 0,7L R to 0,925L is to be determined by assuming a linear taper from the midship value given by (1) or (3) as appropriate to t = (6,0 + 0,03L R) at 0,075L R and 0,925L R. The plating thickness determined is not to be less than the value given by (2) or (4) as appropriate. See also Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.7 Taper requirements for hull envelope.

3.9.2 The thickness of the shell envelope plating is in no case to be less than the appropriate minimum requirement given in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum structural requirements

3.9.3 Additional requirements for shell envelope plating are indicated in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 5 Shell envelope plating.

3.10 Shell envelope framing

3.10.1 Shell envelope framing for both longitudinally and transversely framed ships is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.2 Shell envelope framing (0,2L R to 0,8L R) and Table 3.3.3 Shell envelope framing forward and aft

Table 3.3.2 Shell envelope framing (0,2L R to 0,8L R)

Longitudinal framing Modulus, in cm3
(1) Side longitudinals in way of dry spaces, including double skin construction
(see Note 1)
The lesser of the following:
  1. Z = 0,05 sk s h T1 e 2 F s F 1
  2. Z from (3)(a) evaluated using s and e for the longitudinal under consideration and the remaining parameters evaluated at the base line
(2) Side longitudinals in way of wet spaces or deep tanks The greater of the following:
  1. Z as from (1)
  2. As required by Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings for deep tanks, using h T3 instead of h 4, but need not exceed Z from (3)(b) evaluated using e1, s and e for the longitudinal under consideration and the remaining parameters evaluated at the base line
(3) Bottom and bilge longitudinals The greater of the following:
  1. Z = (0,002 e1 + 0,042) s k s h T2 e 2 F s F 1
  2. Z = (0,002 e1 + 0,042) s k s h T3 e 2 F s F 1
Transverse framing Modulus, in cm3 Inertia, in cm4
(4) Side frames in dry spaces The greater of the following:
  1. Z = C s k s h T1 H 2 x 10–3
  2. Z = 8,2s k s D 1 x 10–3
(5) Side frames in way of wet spaces or deep tanks The greater of the following:
  1. 1,15 x Z from (4)
  2. Z = 6s k s h H 2 x 10–3
(6) Frames supporting hatch end beams or deck transverses
(see Note 3)
The greater of the following:
  1. Z from (4)
  2. Z = 2,2(0,2 s 2 + H 2)k s S H g
(7) Bottom transverse frames
(see Note 4)
Z = 2s k s T e x 10–2
ρ, L 1, L 2, s, k s, S are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
L R, D, T are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
C WL is as defined in Table 3.3.1 Shell envelope plating
F B, F D are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.6 Local reduction factors
e = are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length, but is not to be taken less than 1,5 m except in way of the centre girder brackets required by Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 8.5 Bracket floors3 where a minimum span of 1,25 m may be used
l e1 = l e in metres, but is not to be taken less than 2,5 m and need not be taken greater than 5,0 m
F s is a fatigue factor for side longitudinals defined in Table 3.3.3 Shell envelope framing forward and aft

and bottom longitudinals
z = height above base, in metres
f cw = 0,5 at base line
f cw = 1,0 at T
f cw = 0 at 1,6T and above
(f cw Intermediate values by interpolation)
H 9 = weather head, h 1, or stores head, h 2, in metres, as defined in Table 3.3.7 Deck longitudinals (longitudinal framing) whichever is applicable
D 1 = 1,6T but not less than 10 or greater then 16 (see Note 1)
H = vertical framing depth in m I, but not less than 2,5 m, see Note 2
h T1 = (Tz + f cw C WL) F λ below T
= f cw C WL F λ above T but not less than the greater of F λ L 1/70 or 1,2 m
h T2 = (T + 0,5C WL ) Fλ
= h T1 and h T2 need not exceed (1,6Tz + D 1/8) below 1,6T and (z – 1,6T+D 1/8) above 1,6T
h T3 = 0,9h 4 – 0,25T, in metres, at the base line
= 0,9h 4, in metres, at and above T/4 from the base line, intermediate values by linear interpolation
h 4 = load head required by Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings for deep tanks
h 5 = measured from the mid length of the stiffener to the strength deck at side
h = h 4 or h 5 whichever is greater
F λ = 1,0 for L R ≤ 200 m
= [1,0 + 0,0023(L R – 200)] for L R > 200 m
C = end connection factor
= 3,1 where two Rule standard brackets are fitted
= 3,1 (1,8 – 0,8 a/ b) where one Rule standard bracket and one reduced bracket fitted
= 3,1 (2,15 – 1,15 am/ b) where two reduced brackets are fitted
= 5,5 where one Rule standard bracket is fitted
= 5,5 (1,2 – 0,2 a/ b) where one reduced bracket is fitted
= 6,4 where no bracket is fittedThe requirements for frames where brackets larger than Rule standard are fitted will be specially considered
a = equivalent arm length, in mm, as derived from Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 6, 6.4 Scantlings of end brackets 6.4.5
am = mean equivalent arm length, in mm, for both brackets 
s = span of supported beam or transverse in metres

Note 1. The scantlings of members above D/2 may require special consideration on the basis of structural configuration and the distribution of bending stress at the section concerned.

Note 2. Where frames are inclined at more than 15° to the vertical, H, is to be measured along a chord between span points of the frame.

Note 3. If the modulus obtained from (6) for frames under deck transverses exceeds that obtained from (4) and (5), the intermediate frames may be reduced provided that the combined modulus is maintained and the reduction in any intermediate frame is not greater than 35 per cent. The reduced modulus is to be not less than that given by (4)(b).

Note 4. For single bottom structure a plate floor is to be fitted at every frame.

Table 3.3.3 Shell envelope framing forward and aft

Location Modulus, in cm3
Longitudinal framing

(1) Side longitudinals in way of dry spaces including double skin construction (see Note 3)


(a) Forward of the collision bulkhead

Z = 0,0065s k s h T1 e 2 F s but not less than Z = 0,007s k s l e 2 (0,6 + 0,167D 2)

(b) Aft of the aft peak bulk head

Z = 0,008s k s h T1 e 2 F s but not less than Z = 0,007s k s e 2 (0,6 + 0,167D 2)
(c) Between the collision bulkhead and 0,8L and between aft peak bulkhead and 0,2L
Z = 0,0065s k s h T1 e 2 F s or as required in the midship region whichever is the greater, but not less than Z = 0,007s k s e 2 (0,6 + 0,167D 2)

(2) Side longitudinals in way of double skin or deep tanks

As required in the midship region

(3) Bottom and bilge longitudinals (see Note 4)

As required in the midship region
Transverse framing Inertia cm4

(4) Side frames fwd of collision bulkhead and aft of aft peak bulkhead

The greater of

(a) Z = 1,85s k s T D 2 S 1 x 10-3

(b) Z = 0,007s k s e 2 (0,6 + 0,167D 2)

= f 1 S 1 Z / k s

(5) All other frames in dry spaces forward of 0,8L and aft 0,2L (see Note 2)

The greater of the following

(a) Z = C s k s h T1 H 2 x 10-3

(b) Z = 8,2s k s D 2 x 10-3

(c) Z = 0,007s k s e 2 (0,6 + 0,167D 2)

= f 1 S 1 Z / k s

(6) Panting stringer

Web depth, d w, same depth as framesWeb thickness, t = 5 + 0,025L 2 mmFace area, A = k s S 2(H + 1) cm2

(7) Main and ’tween deck frames elsewhere

As required in the midship region
L 1, L 2, s, k s are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
L R, D, T are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
C WL as defined in Table 3.3.1 Shell envelope plating
F λ as defined in Table 3.3.2 Shell envelope framing (0,2L R to 0,8L R)
e = as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length but is to be taken not less than 1,5 m
D 2 = T + H b metres, where H b is the minimum bow height, in metres, obtained from Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 5.3 Minimum bow height and extent of forecastle
H = vertical framing depth, in metres, of sideframes, but is to be taken not less than 2,5 m (see Note 1)
S 1 = vertical spacing of peak stringers or height of lower deck above the peak, in metres
S 2 = vertical spacing of panting stringers, in metres
C = end connection factor, see Table 3.3.2
f L = 1,32 aft of 0,15L R
= 1,0 from 0,2L R to 0,8L R
= 1,71 fwd of 0,85L RIntermediate positions by interpolation
z = height above baseline in metres
h T1 = (Tz + f L f cw C WL) F λ below T
= f L f cw C WL F λ above T but not less than f L F λ L 1/70
f cw = 0,5 at baseline
= 1,0 at 0,65D 2 and above
Intermediate positions by interpolation (see Note 5)
f 1 = 3,5 forward and 3,2 aft
F s = fatigue factor for side longitudinals

For built symmetric sections, flat bars, bulbs and T bars

= 1,05 at keel, 1,1 at T, 1,0 at 1,6T and above

For angle bars:

= at keel
= 1,0 at 1,6 T and above

Intermediate values by linear interpolation

Built asymetric sections will be specially considered.

Note 1. Where frames are inclined at more than 15º to the vertical, H is to be measured along a chord between the span points of the frame.

Note 2. The modulus for these members need not exceed that derived from (4) using H in place of S 1.

Note 3. Where struts are fitted midway between transverses in double skin construction, the modulus of the side longitudinals may be reduced by 50k per cent from that obtained for locations (2) and (3) as applicable.

Note 4. Shell framing is also to comply with the requirements for bottom slamming and bow flare impact in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 14 Strengthening for bottom slamming and Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 15 Strengthening for wave impact loads above waterline respectively.

Note 5. For ships where T > 0,65D 1, the distribution of f cw will be specially considered.

3.10.2 Shell envelope primary structure for both longitudinally and transversely framed ships is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.4 Shell envelope primary structure.

Table 3.3.4 Shell envelope primary structure

Item and location Modulus, in cm3 Inertia, in cm4
Longitudinal framing system:

(1) Side transverse web frames in dry spaces

Z = 9,0k s S h T1 e 2

(2) Side transverse web frames in deep tanks


(a) midships

Z = 9,4k s S h 4 e 2

(b) aft of 0,2 L R

Z = 11,0k s S h 4 e 2

(c) fwd of 0,8 L R

Z = 11,0k s S h 4 e 2 f γ
or as (1) above, whichever is the greater

(3) Side transverses in dry spaces above 1,6T (see Note 2),

Z = C 2 k s STH
Transverse framing system:

(4) Side stringers in dry spaces

Z = 7,0k s S h T1 e 2

(5) Side stringers in deep tanks

Z = 9,4k s S h 4 e 2 or as (4) above, whichever is the greater

(6) Web frames in dry spaces above 1,6T (see Note 2)

Z = C 3 k s STH

(7) Web frames supporting side stringers

Z determined from calculation based on following assumptions:
(a) =

fixed ends

(b) =

point loadings

(c) =

head f γ h 4 or f γ h T1 as applicable

(d) =

bending stress N/mm2

(e) =

shear stress N/mm2

= ρ, s, S, k s are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
= D, T, L R are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
h 4 = tank head, in metres, as defined in Table 3.3.6 Deck plating
L = load head, in metres, measured from mid-point of span to upper deck at side amidships
e = effective length of stiffening member, in metres, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length
h T1 = as defined in Table 3.3.3 Shell envelope framing forward and aft
f γ = measured at midspan of member fwd of 0,8L R
= 1,0 at base line
= B f at 0,6D above base
= 0,5 (B f – 1) + 1 at D above base
= 1,0 at any depth aft of 0,8L R
B f = see Figure 3.3.2 Bow fullness factor for frame members fwd of 0,8L R
= 1 for framing members aft of 0,8L R
H = vertical height between decks in metres

Note 1. For primary structure in way of machinery spaces and also forward of 0,8L R the minimum web depth is not to be less than 2,5 times the depth of adjacent frames or longitudinals as appropriate. Stringers forward of 0,8L R may be 2,2 times the depth of the adjacent stiffener.

Note 2. For stringers and webs in fore peak tanks or deep tanks, see Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 3.8 Deep tank structure.

Note 3. The breadths and effective length should be measured along the line of the shell.

Figure 3.3.2 Bow fullness factor

3.10.3 Additional requirements for shell envelope framing are indicated in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 6 Shell envelope framing

3.11 Watertight bulkheads and deep tanks

3.11.1 Watertight bulkhead and deep tank scantlings are to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings Factors for the stiffener end connection type are given in Figure 3.3.3 Bulkhead end constraint factors

Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings

Item and requirement Watertight bulkheads and decks Deep tank bulkheads, decks and collision bulkheads
(1) Plating thickness for plane, symmetrically corrugated and double plate bulkheads
t = 0,004s β mm but not less than 5,0 mm
t = 0,0057s β mm but not less than 6,0 mm
Secondary stiffening    
(2) Modulus of rolled and built stiffeners, swedges, double plate bulkheads and symmetrical corrugations Z = Z =
(3) Inertia of rolled and built stiffeners and swedges
  Primary stiffening      
(4) Stringers or webs supporting vertical or horizontal stiffening:
(a) =


Z = 5,0k s h 4 S e 2 cm3
Z = 10,5k s h 4 S e 2 cm3
(b) =


= s, S, k s as defined in Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
e = effective length of stiffening member in metres and for bulkhead stiffeners, see Figure 3.3.3 Bulkhead end constraint factors
f s = 1,4 for rolled or built sections and double plate bulkheads
= 1,6 for flat bars
= 1,1 for symmetrical corrugations of deep tank bulkheads
= 1,0 for symmetrical corrugations of watertight bulkheads
h 4 = 0,1P bhp for deep tank and watertight bulkhead plating
= 0,1P bhs for deep tank and watertight stiffening
= P bhp and P bhs are the bulkhead design pressures as defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 5.8 Design pressures for watertight and deep tank bulkheads and boundaries
= ω1 and ω2 are bulkhead end constraint factors, see Figure 3.3.3 Bulkhead end constraint factors
β = aspect ratio correction factor, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.5 Aspect ratio correction 2.5.1

Note 1. In no case are the scantlings of deep tank bulkheads to be less than the requirements for watertight bulkheads where watertight bulkheads are required by Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 4 Bulkhead arrangements.

Note 2. Corrugated bulkheads are to comply with the requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.3 Section properties. Both the plate panels and section inertia and modulus requirements are to be assessed.

Figure 3.3.3 Bulkhead end constraint factors

Figure 3.3.4 Framing Factors C 2 (C 3)

3.11.2 The thickness of the watertight bulkhead and deep tank plating is in no case to be less than the appropriate minimum requirements given in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum structural requirements.

3.11.3 Additional requirements for watertight bulkhead and deep tank scantlings are indicated in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 4 Bulkhead arrangements and Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 3 Main hull structure respectively.

3.12 Deck structures

3.12.1 Deck plating for both longitudinally and transversely framed ships is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.6 Deck plating

Table 3.3.6 Deck plating

Location Minimum thickness, in mm, see also Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2.2 Corrosion margin
Longitudinal framing Transverse framing
(1) Strength deck 0,3LR to 0,7LR (see Notes 1, 2 and 6) The greater of the following:



The greater of the following:



(2) Weather deck and exposed decks (see Note 2)

Lower decks

(a) effective (continuous)

(b) non effective

(4) Strength deck

(a) forward of 0,925L R and aft of 0,075L R

(b) Lower decks

(5) Plating forming the upper flange of underdeck girders Clear of deck openings,
  In way of deck openings,
  Minimum breadth, b = 760 mm
s, S, L 1, ρ, k L, k s, f are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1 s b = As defined in Table 3.3.1 Shell envelope plating, except of aft of 0,05L R equal to 850 mm
L R as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars F D = as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.6 Local reduction factors
s 1 as defined in Table 3.3.1 Shell envelope plating breadth of increased plating, in mm A f = girder face area in cm2

Note 1. The thickness derived in accordance with (1) is also to satisfy the buckling requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 3 Buckling and minimum thickness requirements.

Note 2. The deck thickness is to be not less than the basic end deck thickness as given in (4).

Note 3. Where a deck loading exceeds 43,2 kN/m2, the thickness of plating will be specially considered.

Note 4. The exposed deck taper thickness is to extend into a forecastle or poop for at least one third of the beam, B, from the superstructure end bulkhead.

Note 5. For decks forming the boundary of a tank the plating thickness is to be 1,0 mm in excess of the requirements in Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings for deep tanks.

Note 6. Strength deck plating from 0,075L R to 0,3L R and 0,7L R to 0,925L R is to be determined by assuming a linear taper from the midship value (1) to t = (5,0 + 0,018L R) at 0,075L R and 0,925L R. The plating thickness determined is not to be less than (4). The total area of strength deck plating at 0,075L Rand 0,925L R is not to be less than 30 per cent of the midship value, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.7 Taper requirements for hull envelope.

3.12.2 Deck framing for both longitudinally and transversely framed ships is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.7 Deck longitudinals (longitudinal framing) and for transversely framed ships Table 3.3.8 Deck beams (transverse framing)

Table 3.3.7 Deck longitudinals (longitudinal framing)

Location Modulus, in cm3

(1) Strength deck 0,3L R to 0,7L R

Z = 0,039 s k s h T1 e 2 F 1

(2) Weather deck and exposed deck

(a) 0,075L R to 0,8L R

(b) Weather deck fwd of 0,8L R (see Note 3)

(c) Weather deck aft of 0,075L R

Z = s k s (360h 1 + 0,0045 ( e L 2)2) x 10–4
Z = f L s k s (360h 1 + 0,0045 ( e L 1)2) x 10–4
Z = 0,0067s k s h 1 e 2or (a) above whichever is greater

(3) Lower decks

(a) Stores, machinery and hangar decks

(i) effective

(ii) non effective

Z = s k s (5,4L 1 + 23h 2 e 2) x 10-4
Z =  0,0045s k s h 2 l e 2
Z =  s k s (4,7L 1 + 23h 2 e 2) x 10-4
Z = 0,0039s k s h 2 e 2

(b) Accommodation decks (see Note 1)

(i) effective

(ii) non effective

(4) Strength deck in way of superstructure

 To be specially considered
ρ, L 1, L 2, s, k s as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
D, T, L R as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
F D as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.6 Local reduction factors
C 1 =
d w = web depth of longitudinal, in mm, see Note 2
F 1 = 0,25C 1
e = as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length, but not to be taken less than 1,5 m
h T1 = the greater of or 1,20 m
f FB =
h 2 = deck pressure head (see Note 4)
= 2,6 for machinery spaces, workshops or hangers
= 2,0 for stores
= 1,2 for accommodation decks and void spaces
= h m for general cargo spaces
h m = general cargo deck pressure head, to be taken as equivalent to the pressure head produced by filling the hold to its full depth at a stowage rate of 1,39 m3/tonne, unless specified otherwise (see Note 6).
fwd of 0,925L R
f L = 1,57
h 1 = 1,8
from 0,88L R to 0,925L R
f L = 1,43
h 1 = 1,5
aft of 0,88L R
f L = 1,23 (see Note 3)
h 1 = 1,2 + 2,04 f FB

Note 1. Where weather decks are intended to carry deck equipment and the load is in excess of 8,5 kN/m2, the scantlings of longitudinals will be specially considered.

Note 2. The web depth of longitudinals, d w is to be not less than 60 mm.

Note 3. For taper end modulus calculation f L = 1,23 at 0,925L R

Note 4. Where the deck forms the boundary of a tank, the additional requirements of Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings for deep tanks are to be applied.

Note 5. The modulus of strength deck longitudinals from 0,075L R to 0,3L R and 0,7L R to 0,925L R is to be determined by assuming a linear taper from the midship value (1) to the basic weather deck value (2) at 0,075L R and 0,925L R. The modulus determined is not to be less than 2(b) or 2(c), as appropriate, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.7 Taper requirements for hull envelope. The total area of longitudinals at 0,075L R is not to be less than 50 per cent of the midship's value.

Note 6. If the hold does not have a uniform cross-section the breadth and/or length averaged over the averaged depth, to an equivalent rectangular section, may be used when determining the volume of the hold.

Table 3.3.8 Deck beams (transverse framing)

Location Modulus, in cm3
(1) Strength, weather and exposed decks The lesser of the following:(a) Z=(b) Z=
(2) Lower decks  
(a) Stores, machinery and hangar decks
Z = (360K1 T D + 35s h2 e2) ks x 10–4
(b) Accommodation decks
Z = (480K1 T D + 35s h2 e2) ks x 10–4
s, ks as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
B, D, T as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
dw = depth of beam, in mm
h1 = strength/weather deck head in metres, see Table 3.3.7 Deck longitudinals (longitudinal framing)
h2 = deck pressure head in metres, see Table 3.3.7 Deck longitudinals (longitudinal framing)
e as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length but to be taken as not less than 1,83 m
B1 = B, but need not be taken greater than 21,5 m
K1 = a factor dependent on the number of decks (including poop and bridge superstructures) at the position of the beam under consideration:
1 deck 18,0 3 decks 9,5
2 decks 12,0 4 or more 8,4
K2 = a factor dependent on the location of the beam:
at short bridge and poops 133
fwd of 0,88L R 800
elsewhere 530
K3 = a factor dependent on the location of the beam:
span adjacent to the ship side 3,3
fwd of 0,925L R 5,0
elsewhere 3,0

Note 1. Where weather decks are intended to carry deck cargo and the load is in excess of 8,5 kN/m2, the scantlings of beams may be required to be increased to comply with the requirements for location (2).

Note 2. The web depth of beams, dw, is to be not less than 60 mm.

Note 3. Where decks form the boundary of a tank, the additional requirements of Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings for deep tanks is to be applied.

3.12.3 Deck primary structure for both longitudinally and transversely framed ships is to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Girders and transverses or deep beams in way of dry spaces:

    1. supporting up to three point loads Z to be determined using calculations based on a stress of 123,5/ks N/mm2, assuming fixed ends and the inertia given as follows:

    2. supporting four or more point loads or a uniformly distributed load

  2. Girders and transverses in way of the crown or bottom of a tank

whereH g = weather head h 1, or deck pressure head h 2, in metres as given in Table 3.3.7 Deck longitudinals (longitudinal framing) h 4 = tank head, in metresl e = effective span length in metres as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length

S, k s are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1.

3.12.4 The thickness of the deck plating is in no case to be less than the appropriate minimum requirements given in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum structural requirements

3.12.5 Additional requirements for deck structures are indicated in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 10 Deck structures

3.13 Superstructures, deckhouses and bulwarks

3.13.1 The thickness of deck plating is to be as required by Table 3.3.9 Superstructure plating.

Table 3.3.9 Superstructure plating

Location Thickness, in mm

(1) Superstructure and deckhouse fronts, sides and backs

(2) Exposed decks in superstructures and deckhouses

(3)Internal decks in superstructures and deckhouses

s, f, k s are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
β = aspect ratio correction factor, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.5 Aspect ratio correction 2.5.1

Note Deckhouses and superstructures subjected to hull girder stress are to comply with the buckling requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 3 Buckling.

3.13.2 The scantlings of deckhouse and superstructure side, ends and deck stiffening are to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.10 Superstructure framing

Table 3.3.10 Superstructure framing

Location Modulus, in cm3
Superstructure and deckhouse fronts, sides and backs:side longitudinals and side frames (see Note 1)
Exposed decks:deck beams and deck longitudinals, (see Note 2) The greater of the following:
(a) =

(b) =

Internal decks:deck beams and deck longitudinals The greater of the following:
(a) =

(b) =

s, k s as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
e = effective length of stiffening member as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length

Note 1. The section modulus of side frames forming part of the side shell is to comply with the requirements for shell envelope framing.

Note 2. The section modulus of superstructure stiffening is not to be less than that required by Table 3.3.7 Deck longitudinals (longitudinal framing) and Table 3.3.8 Deck beams (transverse framing) for full width superstructures.

3.13.3 The section modulus of deck girders and transverses is to be in accordance with the requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.12 Deck structures 3.12.3 using H g equal to 0,1P wd, 0,1P dh or 0,1P in as appropriate, where P wd, P dh and P in are defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 3.5 Pressure on exposed and weather decks, Pwd

3.13.4 The thickness of the superstructures and deckhouses is in no case to be less than the appropriate minimum requirements given in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum structural requirements

3.13.5 Additional requirements for superstructures, deckhouses and bulwarks are indicated in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 11 Superstructures, deckhouses and bulwarks

3.13.6 Superstructure deckhouse and bulwark stiffeners are to be continuous or efficiently bracketed top and bottom. Where this is impractical the modulus is to be increased by 20 per cent and the ends welded to the deck all round.

3.14 Single and double bottom structures

3.14.1 Single bottom scantlings are to comply with the appropriate minimum requirements given in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum structural requirements For the forward region, the requirements of Table 3.3.12 Single bottom construction forward, minimum requirements are to be complied with.

3.14.2 Double bottom scantlings are to comply with Table 3.3.11 Double bottom requirements (0,2L R to 0,8L R) and the appropriate minimum requirements given in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum structural requirements

Table 3.3.11 Double bottom requirements (0,2L R to 0,8L R)

Location Thickness, in mm
Inner bottom plating,(see Note ) t = 0,00122(s+660)(ks2LRT)0,25
Longitudinal framing modulus, in cm3
Inner bottom longitudinals The greater of the following:

(a) Z =

(b) Z =

Transverse framing
Inner bottom transverse frames Z = 1,7sksTlex10-2
s, k s are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
L R, T are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
e1, e, h T2, h T3, F 1 are as defined in Table 3.3.2 Shell envelope framing (0,2L R to 0,8L R)
F s is as defined in Table 3.3.3 Shell envelope framing forward and aft

Note The thickness of the margin plate, where fitted, is to be increased by 20 per cent.

Table 3.3.12 Single bottom construction forward, minimum requirements

Area Item Requirement
Longitudinal framing minimum requirements
Centreline girder: Thickness, in mm
Floors and Girders Thickness, in mm Depth (d f), in mm As midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
Bottom Transverses Spacing, in m See Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 3.4 Shell framing 3.4.4
Transverse framing minimum requirements
Centreline girder Thickness, in mm t = 0,95 but not less than 6 mm forward of 0,925L R. Between 0,925L R and 0,7L R the thickness may taper to the midship thickness
Modulus, in cm3 the greater of:

Z = 8ksSh5le2

Z = 8ksSh4le2

Inertia, in cm4
Floors in tanks Spacing every frame
Depth, in mm d f = 83D + 150 or 1400 whichever is less
Thickness, in mm
Face plate area, in cm2 A f = 0,85 LsB
Girders in tanks Spacing, in metres 0,003s f
  Depth, in mm as for floors
Scantlings as midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
Floors in dry spaces Spacing every frame
  Scantlings as midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
Girders in dry spaces Spacing, in mm 0,003s f
  Scantlings as midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
L 2, S, s, k s, ρ are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
L R, B, D are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
e = effective length of stiffening member
h5 = distance, in metres, from mid-point of span to the following positions:
(a) forward of 0,85LR: 3 m above the deck height obtained from Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 2, 5.3 Minimum bow height and extent of forecastle
(b) at 0,8LR: the upper deck at side
(c) between 0,85LR and 0,8LR, by interpolation between (a) and (b)
sF = transverse frame spacing, in mm
s2 = spacing of stiffener, in mm, but to be taken not less than 800 mm

Note 1. For ships having one or more longitudinal bulkheads the maximum spacing may be increased but is not to exceed that for the midship region.

Note 2. Frame structure is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.5 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead and deck scantlings

Note 3. See also the requirements for bottom slamming and bow flare impact.

3.14.3 In the forward region, the requirements of Table 3.3.13 Double bottom construction forward are to be complied with.

Table 3.3.13 Double bottom construction forward

Item and parameter Requirements
Transverse framing Longitudinal framing

Centreline girder:

(a) Thickness forward of 0,075LR from the F.P.

t = (0,007 dDB + 2) mm (see Note 2)

Plate floors:

(a) Maximum spacing forward of 0,8LR

0,002s F m 2,5 m

(b) Maximum spacing aft of 0,8LR

As for midship region As for midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements

(c) Scantlings

As for midship region As for midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
(3) Watertight floors and bracket floors As for midship region As for midship region

Side girders (see Note 1):

(a) Maximum spacing forward of 0,8LR

0,003s F m 0,004sL or 3,7 m whichever is the lesser

(b) Maximum spacing aft of 0,8LR

As for midship region As for midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements

(c) Scantlings

As for midship region As for midship region, see Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements

Inner bottom plating (see Note 2):

(a) Thickness at or forward of 0,925LR

mm or 5,5 mm, whichever is the greater, see Note 2

(b) In way of deep tanks or holds used for the carriage of water ballast or where the double bottom tank is common with a wing ballast tank

t = 0,0057Sβ mm or 5,5 mm, whichever is the greater
(6) Inner bottom longitudinals As for midship region
LR,T are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars
S, s, ks are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1
dDB = minimum depth of centre girder as required by Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
sF = transverse frame spacing, in mm
sL = spacing of bottom longitudinals, in mm
β = aspect ratio correction factor, Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.5 Aspect ratio correction 2.5.1.

Note 1. The girders forward of 0,8LR are to be suitably scarfed into the midship girder arrangement.

Note 2. From 0,7L R to 0,925LR the taper thickness is to be used.

3.14.4 Additional requirements for single and double bottom structures are indicated in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 7 Single bottom structures and Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 8 Double bottom structures.

3.14.5 Where there are large unsupported areas of double bottom and single bottom structure, the designer's calculations are to be submitted.

3.15 Fore peak structure

3.15.1 Internal structure in the fore peak is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.14 Fore peak structure

Table 3.3.14 Fore peak structure

Item Parameter Requirements

(1) Perforated flats and wash bulkheads excluding lowest strake of plating (see Note)

Plating thickness t = 5,5 + 0,013L R mm
Stiffener modulus Z =

(2) Diaphragms in bulbous bows and the lowest strake of plating

Plating thickness t = (5,5 + 0,23L R) mm
L R is as defined in Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 1, 5.2 Principal particulars

s, k s are as defined in Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 3, 3.2 Symbols 3.2.1

f s = 1,4 for rolled or built sections 1,6 for flat bars
h 6 = vertical distance, in metres, from the mid depth of the tank to the top of the tank.
e = effective length of the stiffening member, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.6 Determination of span length
s 1 = spacing of stiffeners, in mm, but to be taken not less than 800 mm

Note For horizontal flats supporting vertical webs in the fore peak tank the thickness of the flat in the web is to comply with the requirements of t = a/ (80 + 20a/b) for horizontal stiffening or t = a/ (73 + 27(a/b)2) for vertical stiffening

Note where

a is the lesser dimension of the unstiffened plate panel

b is the greater dimension of the unstiffened plate panel.

Table 3.3.15 Magazine bulkhead and deck scantlings

Item and requirement Magazine bulkheads and decks
(1) Plating thickness for plane, symmetrically corrugated and double plate bulkheads
Secondary stiffening  
(2) Modulus of rolled and built stiffeners
Primary stiffening  
(3) Modulus of stringers or webs supporting vertical or horizontal stiffening
s, S, ks as defined in Table 3.2.1 Minimum structural requirements
le = effective length of stiffening member in metres and for bulkhead stiffeners, see Figure 3.3.3 Bulkhead end constraint factors
fs = 1,4 for rolled or built sections and double plate bulkheads
= 1,6 for flat bars
= 1,0 for symmetrical corrugations of magazine bulkheads
h5 = 0,1P mag

Pmag is the quasi-static design pressure defined in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3, 5.11 Design pressure for magazine decks and bulkheads

ω1 and ω2 are bulkhead end constraint factors, see Figure 3.3.3 Bulkhead end constraint factors

β = aspect ratio correction factor, see Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.5 Aspect ratio correction 2.5.1

Note Corrugated bulkheads are to comply with the requirements of Vol 1, Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.3 Section properties. Both the plate panels and section inertia and modulus requirements are to be assessed.

3.16 Magazine structure

3.16.1 Magazine structure which is assessed in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 4, Ch 1, 6.4 Structure is to comply with the requirements of Table 3.3.15 Magazine bulkhead and deck scantlings.

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